Of course there is a misuse of that - Thats part & parcel of being Human !
Take the example of Turkish Nationalism; there are those who support it proudly & are respectable & loving to all Non-Ethnic Turks living within Turkiye & would rise up in anger if anyone discriminates between an Ethnic Turk or a Non-Ethnic Turk but there are also a handful of Ultra-Nationalists in who's mind the Kurds, the Bosniaks, the Albanians, the Arabs etc. who live in Turkiye are second class citizens & their languages & customs & traditions need not be respected !
Its not because of Turkish Nationalism - Is it ? No....its because of these Ultra-Nationalists who misuse & misinterpret Turkish Nationalism !
Similar is the case with Islam or Muslim Nationalism in other words !
As for our Islam & the TTP's Islam being the same - Hell No......Hell No !
Thats like saying a Kurd's pride in being a Kurd or adhering to some form of Kurdish Nationalism despite being a proud citizen of Turkiye is the same as the Kurdish Nationalism of the PKK - a terrorist outift !
Its not - Is it ?
And why ? Because people interpret different things differently !
Likewise there are also different kinds of Muslims & different people who interpret Islam differently - the only road or avenue of opportunity therefore open before us is the 'Democratic Rule' - Something which is advocated by the Koran itself !
So I say let the TTP come, let others come as well & let them present their case before the People of Pakistan with each defining Islam as they so please & then letting the People decide with whom they agree with !
However this isn't Pakistani Nationalism or Muslim Nationalism for thats an Idea of where our regional identities should rest with respect to the rest of us & not a Socio-Political-Legal Theory !