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What would escalate war with Iran?

this idiot Indian even didnt know that Iran operate s-200 and buk-m2,leave alone AESA and passive radars.with o doubt Iranian sky will remain safe in any future war.
now honesty,base on the new information you got from me how deadly Iranian defence will?

btw,lol to this clown turk.lol
this idiot Indian even didnt know that Iran operate s-200 and buk-m2,leave alone AESA and passive radars.with o doubt Iranian sky will remain safe in any future war.
now honesty,base on the new information you got from me how deadly Iranian defence will?

btw,lol to this clown turk.lol

Originally Posted by ashok321
this is Iranian made passive radar that is called ALIM

Source: What would escalate war with Iran?

why u r lying?

before u say its qadir, and in the following post, its ALIM?

you people dont know what is what, only here to obfuscate.

it was my mistake. alim is the passive one.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/irania...would-escalate-war-iran-26.html#ixzz2Gkfe1Ol3

Who is in the dark?
Its you.
Its like a kettle calling a pot black....
Who is in the dark?
Its you.
Its like a kettle calling a pot black....
hey it was mistake not the stupidity.there are lots of Iranian made weapon and lots of them has similar names.for example there are over 10 Iranian made weapons that their names are RAAD.but what you do is stupidity.
now tell me base on the new information you got from me how deadly our defence will?

now i expect our radar expert ,mr.Gambit to tell us more about the passive radar and also PLI radars.
It can not be vice versa, Israel is known to possess 100 to 200 nukes, while Iran is vulnerable on this field.

Israel is not known to have exactly 100-200 nukes, it has been an assumption. I am not claiming that it doesn’t, but there is a difference between "knowing" and assuming. Just so that we get the formalities right...
On the other hand as you may know, Israel has been contesting for over a decade that Iran will be able to build a nuclear weapon within x number of months.... let us for once take their words by it, who knows Iran maybe already has enough uranium stored for a x number warheads..IAEA has not closed their investigation right?

We should also not forget the geographical difference between the two states. While considering the size of Iran which is about 1.640.000 km2 and Israel with only roughly 21.000 km2 in area, it is a simple mathematical equation we are dealing with here. One state can take a lot of beating and thee other one cant even afford being punched once.
dont bluff!
Iran firstly detected RQ-170 by her recent made passive radar that is called qadir and then jammed the drone's GPS device.also Iran cut the UAV conection with base.and then drone took off on kashmar air port!for your level!
First...There is no such animal 'passive radar'. I do not care how many popular media sources you or any other Iranian bring on that uses the phrase 'passive radar'. Radar detection is a two-parts process: Transmit and Receive.

Transmit is 'active'. Receive is 'passive'. Without either one, you have no radar detection. I have many times educated people here on the technical aspects of radar detection, complete with non-disputable sources as to this 'passive radar' nonsense. Smarter people than you have stopped using that phrase. What you are talking about is properly call a 'bi-static' radar configuration and there is nothing new about that.


Receivers A and B are 'passive' detectors and this is the source of the misunderstanding about 'passive radar'. I suggest you use the keyword search feature and learn something.

Second...Assuming the generosity that Iran did detect the RQ drone via that 'passive radar' system, that does not mean the system will be effective against combat aircrafts. The UAV does not have countermeasures. Combat aircrafts do. In that bi-static radar system, the Transmitter must be continuously active in order for the entire system to work. Take out the Transmitter and the entire system collapses. That is the main weakness of the bi-static radar system.

Third...Assuming the generosity that Iran does possess the American UAV and not just some model hacked up, everything you said about how Iran came to its possession is: pure assumption.
It is hard to communicate with people who say claim things based on speculation. Some how pistachio selling country with its bad copies of s-200 will be able to repel an attack. I don't see how that is going to happen.

Once they punch a hole in the bunker, it will be all over. They don't need to destroy it with first hit, but couple of those busters will do the job.

Well multiple hit of this bomb to the bunker penetrate it for what , 2 meter . Then what you are going to do about the next 70 meter?
Iran like any other state has to give 90 days notice before relinquishing the NPT.
1 hour?
My foot. Learn the rules of the game first.'

Thank you for the information about the 90 days notice. But I think that any sane person would approve of the logic that when a sovereign country is under attack and its citizens lives are threatened it will not give a rat *** about any law of notice... Lawmakers in the Iranian Majlis have been saying for a while that Iran will leave NPT if attacked. The motives behind such a move are clear for all parties...

I like to discuss things in a polite manner so no comments about your foot..
Go and peddle your lies somewhere else.

'Iran centrifuges outdated, nucl... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

'Iran centrifuges outdated, nuclear steps elusive'

In a healthy and mature discussion, if one is not buying into a proclamation made by the other side, one can always ask for a derivation or sources of reference backing up the argument. Instead of choosing to do so, you are accusing me of lying, making a reply to you as attractive as going to WC.

Production of fuel rods and new generation of centrifuges inaugurated - YouTube

Institute for Science and International Security › ISIS Reports › Iran › Iran

BBC News - Iran unveils 'faster' uranium centrifuges
Iran is a gonna. I pray well for the nation. I wish the leader was sane like Surenas or Abiii, but it seems that not the case.
Well multiple hit of this bomb to the bunker penetrate it for what , 2 meter . Then what you are going to do about the next 70 meter?
The first bomb will penetrate deeper than 2 meters. The next one or two will collapse the roof. Concrete is not unitary in material makeup. Technically speaking, concrete is a composite. A 'gross' composite.

- Atomic
- Molecular
- Gross

Water is an 'atomic' composite. Steel is a 'molecular' composite. Concrete and plywood are 'gross' composite, meaning it is made up of completely formed parts, such as rocks and sand. Concrete may be strong but the downside is that it is brittle. Enough concussive shocks and it will fail before steel and the failure will occur where those different materials are bonded.

Bombs vs Bunkers in a Potential Iran Attack - Popular Mechanics
...Hard Target Void Sensing Fuze, which can be used to program a warhead to go off at a specific time. The fuze can be time-delayed to explode only after penetrating through many feet of concrete, and it will also include a "void sensing function," which would allow it to know when it has gone through the ground and penetrated into a targeted bunker so that it doesn't detonate too early.
We do not need to destroy that nuclear weapons facility. The sensitive centrifuges are vulnerable to seismic shocks and if the sensors detect a threshold, you can be certain that for safety reasons, the engineers will shut down their operations. Enough of these penetration bombs and the concrete will fail.
"You could", he says, "attempt to 'dig your way in' using several weapons on the same impact area to try to get through the soil, rock and concrete. Or you could try to block access to the facility by destroying tunnel entrances.

"In addition," he says, "all of these facilities are power hungry, so you could attempt to destroy power supplies and any buried cabling.

"The aim would be to present the Iranians with a compound problem of blocked entrances, no power and collapsed underground chambers."

Well, its a suicide move, but worth indulging into, because chances of living with nuclear blackmail of Iran would be even grave. Iran has a track record of such daring acts, lately they destroyed a Syrian nuclear Installation, and Syria could not do anything.
Iran is a gonna. I pray well for the nation. I wish the leader was sane like Surenas or Abiii, but it seems that not the case.

are you mean our leader should be west-worshipers and secular !?

well , we didn't ask your idea in first place , right !?
In a healthy and mature discussion, if one is not buying into a proclamation made by the other side, one can always ask for a derivation or sources of reference backing up the argument. Instead of choosing to do so, you are accusing me of lying, making a reply to you as attractive as going to WC.

Institute for Science and International Security › ISIS Reports › Iran › Iran

BBC News - Iran unveils 'faster' uranium centrifuges

Iran will show you what it wants to, as in the case of RQ, they never showed a bottom part of drone, and here again, they tell you what they want them to tell you. Most western security experts are of the view that Iran does not have sophisticated Centrifuges.
Well, its a suicide move, but worth indulging into, because chances of living with nuclear blackmail of Iran would be even grave. Iran has a track record of such daring acts, lately they destroyed a Syrian nuclear Installation, and Syria could not do anything.
Exactly, that is why they will do everything they need to do to stop Iran. Even if it means total destruction of their country. It is either that or middle east with threat of nuclear war every morning.
Exactly, that is why they will do everything they need to do to stop Iran. Even if it means total destruction of their country. It is either that or middle east with threat of nuclear war every morning.

So in your opinion israel & company should do everything to stop Iran from going nuclear, even if it means total destruction? Many thanks for your concern. But you see, the israel & company will have to accept nuclear Iran and neither Turkey, Egypt or Saudi will thereafter be able to build one:


Iran's Middle East neighbours 'would not join a nuclear arms race'

Iran's Middle East rivals have nothing to gain from a nuclear arms race triggered by the Islamic Republic acquiring a nuclear bomb and could be stopped from going nuclear by Western pressure, new research claims.

The assumption that states such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt would hastily push to acquire a nuclear deterrent if Iran emerged as an atomic weapons power has underpinned diplomatic efforts to stop Tehran's nuclear programme.

But Looking Beyond a Nuclear Iran, a new paper from Centre for Science and Security Studies at Kings College London, claims that all three states are in no position to unilaterally acquire nuclear weapons.

As a result warnings that Iran's development of an atomic weapon would destroy the non-proliferation regime that has kept the number of nuclear states in single figures, were overblown.

Christopher Hobbs and Matthew Moran, the authors, point out that Egypt, although it sees itself as a leader of the Sunni Muslim Arab states, has opted for a diplomatic response to the much closer challenge of Israel's undeclared nuclear arsenal. "It would seem very unlikely that the threat presented by a nuclear-armed Iran would cause Cairo to abandon this approach," the report will state.

It adds recent political division and economic difficulties means the weakened Egyptian government that emerged following the fall of President Hosni Mubarak's regime would be ill-placed to acquire a weapon. "While the fall of the Mubarak regime and the subsequent rise of the Muslim Brotherhood has added an air of uncertainty to the future of Egyptian nuclear policy, it has also increased the cost of embarking on the path to nuclear weapons" it said. "Such a decision would likely incur huge economic and security costs."

While Saudi Arabia has deep pockets and no obvious internal political challenge to the monarchy, Riyadh would also refrain from buying its own weapon. The country is too dependent on American arms sales, which would certainly be cut off in response to a nuclear declaration in Riyadh.

"A situation whereby Saudi Arabia would jeopardise its deeply-rooted security relationship with the world's only superpower for dependence on Pakistan is almost inconceivable," the report said.

Turkey has also emerged as a rival to Shia Muslim Iran's gambits for influence in the Middle East despite the two countries strong trade relationship. Its determination to remain in the Western coalition, however, remains its paramount foreign policy goal and would preclude an illicit nuclear programme.

At the same time regional powers have sought to meet growing energy demand by launching nuclear programmes that could act as cover for a dash to "break out" a weapon.

"This has led many to interpret the recent launch of new or renewed nuclear programmes in Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia as a security hedge against Iran's nuclear progress, " it said.

The authors also add that the general principle that proliferation triggers proliferation even in countries with already advanced civilian nuclear industries. A break out has not taken place in north east Asia, where both South Korea and Japan have remained non-nuclear weapon states despite North Korea's detonation of a nuclear device.

However the authors are much more pessimistic about Iran's interest in atomic weapons. Although there is no evidence Tehran has taken a political decision to produce a bomb, it already possesses the most important element that goes into making a weapon. Its claims that its weapons stockpile is to supply a medical facility in Tehran are no longer credible.

"Iran's growing stockpile of 19.75 per cent enriched uranium, which could be used in a 'break out' scenario to rapidly produce weapons-grade uranium, is already far in excess of what is needed to fuel the Tehran Research Reactor," the authors claim.

Iran's Middle East neighbours 'would not join a nuclear arms race' - Telegraph


What this means is that Iran will be the sole military nuclear power next to israel in the middle east. A peaceful civilian nuclear power it is already!
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