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What will Pakistan be like if PTI wins?

One thng Pakistanis need to realize.

Imran Khan is not going to be a farishta, the angel of redemption. If this nation is to rise up from the rubble and ashes, it is going to be us Pakistanis and us alone. I want Imran Khan to come into power too but do not expect Imran Khan to magically change the country with a wave of his hand. The stupidity of Pakistani people regarding this is astounding. We expect things to change all of a sudden, for things like

1. Democracy
2. No more corruption
3. No more Power Failures
4. No more being the Puppets of U.S. "

To happen instantly. I'm sorry, it just doesn't work that way in the real world. Pray all you want, but do remember that Allah helps those who help themselves.

Who said all of those things are going to happen instantly? Obviously, it's going to take time. But the difference between PTI and the other political parties is that PTI has a vision to get these sort of things done, at least they will be moving in the right direction.

As long as other parties beside PTI are in power, believe me, Pakistan will always be a backwards country. While other nations move forward, Pakistan will be moving backwards.

PTI is the only hope for Patriotic Pakistanis who want the best for their country. We have tried, been abused by, and fraudedby countless other parties. Any Pakistani willing to vote for those parties who frauded us multiple times again is truly an idiot.

Nobody mentioned PTI is going to be the Angel to come and save us. All we're acknowledging is that PTI is infact going to move in a positive direction for us Pakistanis. Of course, it's going to take the collective effort of all Pakistanis and one party, let alone one person won't be able to guide the Country to the right path.

Instead of arguing based on the time frame and when/how these things are going to be done by PTI, how about we continue to raise awareness about PTI, for the betterment of the country? The Pakistanis just need someone or a party to guide them to the right direction, and only PTI can offer that. All other parties have failed us miserably.

There is such hypocrisy being displayed by people who reject the motives being put forth by PTI. You people are playing the Devil's Advocate here. I'm sure you'd want the best for Pakistan but by bashing PTI you're not helping us. By doing that, you're just supporting the previous parties who failed us in the past and will continue to do so if they get re-elected.
IK is the most transparent, uncorrupt leader we have right now. after he implements his reforms on the basics: corruption, education, poverty etc. i really hope he does something about most of the zia-era laws including minority and blasphemy laws as well as women's rights. his current ideas on them don't seem very promising.
PTI has got some major work ahead of it...... The 90 promise by IK to end corruption must be a priority, as one should neveroverlook the outside interference which will force IK to amend approach and promises to the Pakistani people.

Let's be very realistic, unless IK can actually end corruption at the top level, accumulate that wealth, and be able to collect further taxes to above 10% (which is rapidly about to fall below 8% right now) then Pakistan is doomed......

Pakistan has to pay 9 billion dollars to external debts within 2 years, which means by the time IK takes over he has one year to pay this, plus the debt services on top of this and the debt services for the remainder 57 billion dollar debts. On top of all this, nearly all the senators in the upper house belong to opposition parties right now and there elections are not due for 3 years into a new government, so no new laws will be coming in to fight the corruption and existing laws will have to suffice.

Unfortunately Pakistans relations with the US are not going so well, and like history has shown, it will abandon Pakistan after 2014 withdrawal, which Pakistan can live with as their less then 1 billion "aid" to Pakistan annually is nothing when compared to Pakistans budget and this numbers alone is something which caeasily be covered by oversee Pakistanis who at the moment are desperately waiting for a government in Pakistan with credibility.

No, the problems come with the US controlled and influenced World Bank and IMF, who have already pressured Pakistan into free trade and forcing it to sell its assets to investors who have, as shown by the past behaviour taken their money from those assets takeovers and profits back to the US. Which means, the wages are coming down for citizens of Pakistan further and living conditions to be squeezed even further. And let's not forget, by p155ing the US off further Pakistan will have to succumb to the increase of the debt service Pakistan has agreed to with the WB and IMF which will mean pulling money out of the primary healthcare service and education...... This is if the US doesn't have ulterior pmotives of collapsing the economy, whereby flour to make chapattis today is nothing to when it will cost 1 lakes rupees for a 10 kg bag....... Check Zimbabwe for that side of history.

IK will have to compromise, with the US, unless he goes to declare bankruptcy and start all over again, which will be hard.......

However the nation will need to grit its teeth and push along by ending corruption and building institutions.... Build it's energy sector and bring in domestic and oversee Pakistanis to begin business of importing and exporting goods from Pakistan to the West. This will bring in billions of dollars, and allow for a stronger economy and investement portfolio........ Either way, a PTI led government is better then the freefall economy Pakistan has today
War OF terror will end. Pakistan won't cooperate with U.S. and NATO anymore on the war. Imran Khan will try to tell army to leave Balochistan province and FATA but army is not stupid like Imran Khan. There are dozens of enemies of Pakistan near the western border waiting for army to leave so they can raise hell in Pakistan.

I used to support PTI but not anymore. Imran Khan means well, but he's not very intelligent. He doesn't realize the dangers Pakistan is facing in western borders. He thinks Pakistan can return back to the peaceful Pakistan of the 1980's if they stop military operations. He is wrong. Enemies will infiltrate from the western border unless NATO/India/America all leave Afghanistan.

You couldn't have said it any better. I also believe that Imran Khan does not have the right policy to deal with the backstabbers AKA TTP!
You couldn't have said it any better. I also believe that Imran Khan does not have the right policy to deal with the backstabbers AKA TTP!

IK will end the WoT as you see it but it will continue as the US dictates, in a different form maybe, as the US will be willing to compromise and allow IK to save face, nonetheless, the US will meet its objectives and gain all it is today even under IK tomorrow, just in a different form, that's all......why, because the Us controls a lot of things that can have a bearing on Pakistan....... It still has a massive politic and economical clout across the world that even countries like India, much bigger then Pakistan cannot come to bear if and when the US so decides.

And by the way, let's not beat the one sided drums of the TTP, we need to be open to criticism, and admit that we too have committed atrocities, no less then the TTP on the Mehsud tribe by killing their children in air raids, bit like what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians using F-16s, so let's not cry foul when they respond in a similar fashion hey, we need to join our heads together with our upset brothers and resolve this matter as extinction of one another will lead to the death of a nation...... There are those who are sitting it the sidelines awaiting this outcome to take advantage and who use the tactics they once suffered by their previous masters, so let's not strengthen them huh
i agree coz if Army & ISI will not be under his control then imran khan will be same like present leaders.

It will be the same to the Indian pov bcus the policy of PA is in direct opposition to that of the Indians........ Hey guess what, that's been there since 1947, wake up alarm going guys.......

The Pakistan Military has the most professional and dedicated think tanks in Pakistan and IK should take full advantage of this resource and use it fully, taking into account the NEEDS, CONCERNS and EXPECTATIONS of his armed forces which are in line with Pakistans existence and security for a long time.

I feel the Pakistan Military itself will fall under his leadership as he is not a corrupt leader and they can see he is looking out for the welfare of Pakistan. Otherwise Keyani would have long overthrown Zardari no his ******** when they committed treason...... However it appears the Military has called it a day and decided to allow civilians leaders to rule without takeovers...... Critics, obviously from India will talk 5hit and always have done, but that's what they do best as Indians (the enemy) a the moment
what if PTI didnt get gov????
w8 5 more years of Zardari...... no way not this time. so will vote for PML(N)
what if PTI didnt get gov????
w8 5 more years of Zardari...... no way not this time. so will vote for PML(N)

My friend, just to get rid of Zardari and supporting another corrupt leader will not change anything. PML-N has had five successful governments in Punjab and yet life has not changed and will not change in the future. The grass is never greener on the other side. You need someone who has not had a chance before to prove his worth, as whosoever takes over is in for a difficult time.

Look at it this way, Pakistanis are investing their businesses in Bangladesh and Africa, they do not find the current atmosphere there for them, PML won't change that either, look at it this way, the world refused to give Pakistan aid directly after crippling floods..... No one wishes to invest as the status quo has not changed
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