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What We Know and What We Do Not Know, The SINO-PAK Boundary Agreement

You still not answered me the logic behind the issuing of 1960 map in the form of postal stamps by Pakistani government. :o::o:

Here is the logic behind issuing these stamps :


A Pakistani stamp from 1960 showing Jammu and Kashmir's status as 'not yet determined'. Note the same colour as Kashmir for Junagarh and Manavadar, Hindu-majority princely states whose Muslim ruler had opted for Pakistan, but which were forcibly incorporated into India. Pakistan hoped to use these territories as exchange material for Kashmir.
A Pakistani stamp from 1960 showing Jammu and Kashmir's status as 'not yet determined'. Note the same colour as Kashmir for Junagarh and Manavadar, Hindu-majority princely states whose Muslim ruler had opted for Pakistan, but which were forcibly incorporated into India. Pakistan hoped to use these territories as exchange material for Kashmir.

Not forcibly but it was handed over to India by Diwan Shahnawaz Bhutto after the revolt broke out in Junagadh, Bhutto himself invited Indian troops to take control of Junagadh. BTW, the map issued by Pakistani government shows Aksai Chin and Shaksgam valley as the part of Kashmir which is conflicting with your logic.
Not forcibly but it was handed over to India by Diwan Shahnawaz Bhutto after the revolt broke out in Junagadh, Bhutto himself invited Indian troops to take control of Junagadh. BTW, the map issued by Pakistani government shows Aksai Chin and Shaksgam valley as the part of Kashmir which is conflicting with your logic.

What India did in Junagadh is another story and is not related to the topic here . You asked what was the "logic" behind these "stamps" issued by Govt. of Pakistan in 1960 , and you have been answered clearly ....

And Read the article and the previous posts (at least once).... Pakistan started negotiations with china on the border issue from the basis of corrected maps ..... So hard for you to understand such a simple thing ??
What India did in Junagadh is another story and is not related to the topic here . You asked what was the "logic" behind these "stamps" issued by Govt. of Pakistan in 1960 , and you have been answered clearly ....

And Read the article and the previous posts (at least once).... Pakistan started negotiations with china on the border issue from the basis of corrected maps ..... So hard for you to understand such a simple thing ??

The word is correction but its actual meaning is surrendering the territory. :lol::lol:
What India did in Junagadh is another story and is not related to the topic here . You asked what was the "logic" behind these "stamps" issued by Govt. of Pakistan in 1960 , and you have been answered clearly ....

And Read the article and the previous posts (at least once).... Pakistan started negotiations with china on the border issue from the basis of corrected maps ..... So hard for you to understand such a simple thing ??

It's interesting, That an area taken over by Pakistan from a princely state by force under UNSC resolution to which Pakistan was a signatory, was given to china based on "corrected maps"....
The word is correction but its actual meaning is surrendering the territory. :lol::lol:

It would be highly appreciated if you try to prove that Pakistan actually surrendered any land to china (instead of gaining 750 sq . miles) and that all the authorities on the subject who say so are wrong and you are right ....... :coffee:

Or else , "quit trolling please" ... this thread was posted in "senior`s cafe" for academic discussion only .........

It's interesting, That an area taken over by Pakistan from a princely state by force under UNSC resolution to which Pakistan was a signatory, was given to china based on "corrected maps"....

Firstly Pakistan did not "give" any land to China ..

Secondly , I hope you know that International law permits a State in de facto and effective possession of an area to conclude agreements of a limited local character to maintain peace and tranquility

The Sino Pak border agreement of 1963 is Provisional , The article 6 clearly states :

“The two parties have agreed that after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations with the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the boundary, as described in Article Two of the present agreement, .."
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Firstly Pakistan did not "give" any land to China ..

Secondly , I hope you know that International law permits a State in de facto and effective possession of an area to conclude agreements of a limited local character to maintain peace and tranquility

The Sino Pak border agreement of 1963 is Provisional , The article 6 clearly states :

“The two parties have agreed that after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations with the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the boundary, as described in Article Two of the present agreement, .."

Indeed well played, Pakistan never had any intention of settlement of Kashmir dispute, and thus under the guise of this dubious "limited local nature agreement", conceded/gave away disputed territory to China. The caveat being, eventually kashmir would be taken from a poor weak India.
Indeed well played, Pakistan never had any intention of settlement of Kashmir dispute, and thus under the guise of this dubious "limited local nature agreement", conceded/gave away disputed territory to China. The caveat being, eventually kashmir would be taken from a poor weak India.

Even the British used to ask the "weak" Chinese government for a visa for going to Shaksgam Valley ... And Pakistan gave away/conceded Shaksgam Valley , a part of princely state of Kashmir , to China !! .... How much sense does that make now ??

Rest of your post is "usual ranting by Indians" , and I don`t want to go off topic here....
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Even the British used to ask the "weak" Chinese government for a visa for going to Shaksgam Valley ... And Pakistan gave away/conceded Shaksgam Valley , a part of princely state of Kashmir , to China !! .... How much sense does that make now ??

Rest of your post is "usual ranting by Indians" , and I don`t want to go off topic here....

ok, so british policies will define authenticity?? heads up, this may end up as a self defeating argument...
ok, so british policies will define authenticity?? heads up, this may end up as a self defeating argument...

Please read the article before posting comments here . You are a senior member and I expect better from you


The agreement of 1963 is, thus, based on a history that stretched to the 19th century. If India had consulted the records in the spirit as Pakistan did, an accord could have been reached in April 1960. For India, as it did for Pakistan in 1963, the McDonald’s Note of 14 March 1899 provides a key to the resolution of the India-China boundary dispute.
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