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What USA will do , against anti Capatalisim Movement in Europe, US , World

But you can not point out any disadvantage of real communism to capitalism :)
I do not need to point them out. I have experienced both. I have been back to our home country and know how my distant relatives live in Sài Gòn, Thủ Đức, and Đà Lạt. Communism make people poor, the communist governments are oppressive, brutal, and just plain stupid.

btw: are you pro greedy Wall street guys ??do you wanna kill poor American ??
No, I am not 'pro' greed. However, I am for making a profit, to make my life better than before, to make more money. You want to erase greed, then change the human nature. Communism tried that and failed.
1.I do not need to point them out. I have experienced both. I have been back to our home country and know how my distant relatives live in Sài Gòn, Thủ Đức, and Đà Lạt. Communism make people poor, the communist governments are oppressive, brutal, and just plain stupid.

2.No, I am not 'pro' greed. However, I am for making a profit, to make my life better than before, to make more money. You want to erase greed, then change the human nature. Communism tried that and failed.
1.Marx said: Communist revolution will happen in rich industrialized countries, do VN is Rich and industrialized untill now ??if you wanna discuss more, pls read this link first.

2. You said you love to help the poor, now they want your help, and you just simply ignore them ??oh , what a bad boy ! :)
1.Marx said: Communist revolution will happen in rich industrialized countries, do VN is Rich and industrialized untill now ??if you wanna discuss more, pls read this link first.
Make you wonder how those countries got rich and industrialized in the first place.

2. You said you love to help the poor, now they want your help, and you just simply ignore them ??oh , what a bad boy ! :)
Not by giving them handouts. You do not want to be poor? Get to work.
1.Make you wonder how those countries got rich and industrialized in the first place.

2.Not by giving them handouts. You do not want to be poor? Get to work.
1. Marx said: Capitalist is a must to turn into Socialist , bcz Socialist need to inherit prosperity to build up socialist. and why people need to overthrow Capitalis ?bcz it's Unfair for poor people.

2. So why Wall Street guys don't go to work ??why they just simply robe people tax , lend it back to the poor instead of working hard to earn money ??
1. Marx said: Capitalist is a must to turn into Socialist , bcz Socialist need to inherit prosperity to build up socialist. and why people need to overthrow Capitalis ?bcz it's Unfair for poor people.
So Marx is saying that it is fine to be jealous of other people's hard work and successes.

2. So why Wall Street guys don't go to work ??why they just simply robe people tax , lend it back to the poor instead of working hard to earn money ??
What make you think they do not work? You have a false understanding of 'Wall St.', my friend.
Capitalism is like slavery , the master hires workers in Thailand or Philippines , the labor law is slave like makes profits

Mean while back home he fires workers and makes profit

Then he also get bail out from the social security money of ones he fired more profits

Then he gets loans more profit ... then banks get bail out more profit

little jimmy ... asks for milk in school , he is told no funds... no breakfast

Mean while Uncle SAM goes on to war .. spends like there is no tomorrow army wants to clear their storage so new weapons orders will come (kick backs....)

Then capitalism blames Mexican who works 4 dollar per hour to cut grass in usa he did it ...
Capitalism is like slavery , the master hires workers in Thailand or Philippines , the labor law is slave like makes profits

Mean while back home he fires workers and makes profit

Then he also get bail out from the social security money of ones he fired more profits

Then he gets loans more profit ... then banks get bail out more profit

little jimmy ... asks for milk in school , he is told no funds... no breakfast
Yeah...I can see a 'deep' understanding of capitalism here...Not.
1.So Marx is saying that it is fine to be jealous of other people's hard work and successes.

2.What make you think they do not work? You have a false understanding of 'Wall St.', my friend.
1. Can you prove that those protester are not hard working ??how can you say US's banking problem is a great success now
2. So tell me why they still robe people tax when they 'work' hard ? where do they hide their money ?why don't they use it for their bussiness instead of tax ?
1. Can you prove that those protester are not hard working ??how can you say US's banking problem is a great success now
2. So tell me why they still robe people tax when they 'work' hard ? where do they hide their money ?why don't they use it for their bussiness instead of tax ?
I can tell right now that you also do not have even a basic understanding of how capitalism works. As long as you continue to have that ignorance, it is inevitable that you will take the misuse and abuse of the mechanisms INSIDE capitalist countries to mean that capitalism itself approve such misuse and abuse.

You need to read this book...

Amazon.com: Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy (9780465002603): Thomas Sowell: Books

It is my own little library and it is considered among the top ten books about basic economics with a healthy dose of basic capitalism for anyone seeking to understand the two.
I can tell right now that you also do not have even a basic understanding of how capitalism works. As long as you continue to have that ignorance, it is inevitable that you will take the misuse and abuse of the mechanisms INSIDE capitalist countries to mean that capitalism itself approve such misuse and abuse.

You need to read this book...

Amazon.com: Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy (9780465002603): Thomas Sowell: Books

It is my own little library and it is considered among the top ten books about basic economics with a healthy dose of basic capitalism for anyone seeking to understand the two.
1. Hehe, I'm not the one you need to show. Show it to the poor protesters if you have the guts . tell them that: " all of you are as stupid as Niceguy in PDF , you deserve to lose your house ! ", and let's see what happen to you :lol:

2. Answer me: why the bank can use the tax and then lend back to people who pay tax after that?
Hehe, I'm not the one you need to show. Show it to the poor protesters if you have the guts . tell them that: !all of you are as stupid as Niceguy in PDF , you deserve to lose your house ! ", and let's see what happen to you :lol:
If I meet anyone of them, yes I would tell him/her so. It is highly likely that most of them do not have those basic understandings of capitalism and economics. You need to do this keyword search 'thomas sowell economics capitalism' and read his explanations and commentaries about the ignorance of economics and capitalism. You will be SHOCKED to see how ignorant you really are.
If I meet anyone of them, yes I would tell him/her so. It is highly likely that most of them do not have those basic understandings of capitalism and economics. You need to do this keyword search 'thomas sowell economics capitalism' and read his explanations and commentaries about the ignorance of economics and capitalism. You will be SHOCKED to see how ignorant you really are.
1. So, go to wall Street and tell all of 'stupid 'guys there, what are you waiting for ??

2. I will search Nothing untill you tell me why Wall treet have the right to take away people tax :)
if people start to close their bank accounts as a protest....... bang !!
1. So, go to wall Street and tell all of 'stupid 'guys there, what are you waiting for ??
Because I have better things to do. Some of them have legitimate grievances, some do not.

2. I will search Nothing untill you tell me why Wall treet have the right to take away people tax :)
Then if Viet Nam remains poor and backward, it will be because of people like YOU.
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