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What so ever happened to the Sam Browne Belt in the Pakistan Army

You ought to be an old soldier. You identified the SD correctly. Sadly the cross belt seems to have gone off all armies. But it is necessary when carrying a sword - as the Under Officers and Adjutants of military academies have to. And in recent past a soldier's belt was taken off indicating he was under arrest. Now there is no web belt.

Even PMA Adjutants no longer wear sam browne belts to carry swords


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You have to drop the whole uniform then and almost one hundred traditions within the army ...!
I am totally in favour of changing/removing all the traditions that are against the spirit of Islam.
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lot of these tradition inherited from brits still exists in subcontinent only like generals carrying a stick while brits have dropped them , US is now the trend setter

Both folding of sleeves and Sam browne have been discontinued. l think the bush jacket is optional dress, however Pakistan military is moving away from the old traditions and following the American system for all types of uniforms.
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Great post! Have been wondering where the belt went, in my opinion the belt was a nice accessory to the uniform, helping accentuate the v of a fit body. Today's uniforms look almost incomplete without the belt, officers look like your math teacher in a safari suit. From a practical point of view the downside of the disappearance of the belt is the appearance of the toand!
Great post! Have been wondering where the belt went, in my opinion the belt was a nice accessory to the uniform, helping accentuate the v of a fit body. Today's uniforms look almost incomplete without the belt, officers look like your math teacher in a safari suit. From a practical point of view the downside of the disappearance of the belt is the appearance of the toand!
agreed...dress uniform is losing all its glamour piece by piece
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