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What Prevents the U.S COAS from overthrowing Biden?


May 12, 2019
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This dude is the leader of the worlds strongest army and the CIA. What prevents him from taking power, if he was inclined to do so? What checks are in place ?
And are the US military really in power, but we just dont know it?
President is the Commander in chief of the military and essentially takes the place of the COAS as he has supreme command of the military
They manipulate elections by choosing leaders from both parties. Notice how its only ever 2 parties competing, makes it easier to control. If there is anyone they don't like, they will target him through the media like black lives matter movement.

In Pakistan they tried the same, albeit a lot more crude but same concept. Only downfall was family politics which makes it too obvious. If they had rotated leaders then PTI would never have made it in, it would have been a PPP and PMLN circle jerk forever.
This dude is the leader of the worlds strongest army and the CIA. What prevents him from taking power, if he was inclined to do so? What checks are in place ?
And are the US military really in power, but we just dont know it?
Ghairaat, haaq halali... Insaniyaat... muhab-e-watni... wafadari.... kynkai wo kisi sur ka bacha nai hai ... kynkai property dealer nai hai ... kynkai apnay mulk ki izzat ki qadar hai...
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Ghairaat, haaq halali... Insaniyaat... muhab-e-watni... wafadari.... kynkai wo kisi sur ka bacha nai hai ... kynkai property dealer nai hai ... kynkai apnay mulk ki izzat ki qadar hai...
yea sari cheezien na hoon ... tu hi koi gannda khoon uth kai bolta hai maray lazeez hamwatoonoo ... harami adam khoor
They manipulate elections by choosing leaders from both parties. Notice how its only ever 2 parties competing, makes it easier to control. If there is anyone they don't like, they will target him through the media like black lives matter movement.

In Pakistan they tried the same, albeit a lot more crude but same concept. Only downfall was family politics which makes it too obvious. If they had rotated leaders then PTI would never have made it in, it would have been a PPP and PMLN circle jerk forever.
This! Exactly! Post 9/11, the Pentagon took over the foreign policy of the US
So I’m in the US and can provide an example for you. Modern day policing in the US was more about catching runaway slaves than actual protection or serve. That was their ideological base. You can tell from the heavy handedness Police use when dealing with the Black community today. It stems from their organization origins.

The point I’m trying to make is the Pakistan army ideology was to serve its Gora masters controlling British India and its people. That core mission never changed no matter how many songs they make to showcase their bravery and sacrifices, which many have made. This institution has no Iman except money. They have no honor left. It’s only always been this way.

I studied military strategy and tactics from the Ancient Greeks battle formation to modern (WW2) combined arms maneuvers.

Aside from the 1965 war to protect Lahore, the Pakistan Army has been a miserable failure. For those who are serious, read the tactics of the 1971 war in East Pakistan. Gen Niazi when given command, held a staff meeting with many officer of Bengali descent present. Gen Niazi went on a rant cursing out Bengalis and calling them xyz. Few of the Bengali officers there stood up in protest. This tells you GHQ in lack of strategic and tactical thinking. You’re the General in charge of an hostile area/people and you start belittling them in a staff meeting where members of that said ethnicity group are presence. The American army re-taught its soldiers (including me) in how to deal with a hostile population as part of the COIN strategy. They figured out if you treat someone with a heavy hand, sooner or later they will start shooting at you (common sense right?)

Then there was the policy of spreading the Army thinned across East Pakistan instead of making plans concentrate on defending Dhaka. The Indian Army basically bypassed these strongholds and put all its effort on Dhaka. The Pakistan army literally had no contingency plans if the main effort to defend Dhaka failed. We see this regressive mindset over and over.
From tipping off the Indians about an operation in Sachin Glacier by purchasing cold weather equipment from the same supplier as the Indians, from going into Kargil with limited forces and not talking into account that Indians will likely escalate onto the International border to alleviate pressure in Kargil. The Pakistan Army had the advantage, and instead of using the withdrawal in Kargil to get the Indians removed from Sachin, the GHQ folded. And oh, Musharraf that brave commando was the commander when Sachin occurred, and then repeat his mistakes in Kargil. The guy didn’t even disclosed this operations to the rest of the Army and include the Air Force.
Failures after failures, Crisis after crisis, and they just don’t seem to learn because they are stupid and trained like a dog to follow a foreign master. If we had that independence streak, cowboy style, we as a country would’ve dumped the British era laws for what was more suitable for our young nation, but how lazy we are as a nation we just chose to continue doing the same because that’s what we learned being enslaved in a prison with other South Asians.
So I’m in the US and can provide an example for you. Modern day policing in the US was more about catching runaway slaves than actual protection or serve. That was their ideological base. You can tell from the heavy handedness Police use when dealing with the Black community today. It stems from their organization origins.

The point I’m trying to make is the Pakistan army ideology was to serve its Gora masters controlling British India and its people. That core mission never changed no matter how many songs they make to showcase their bravery and sacrifices, which many have made. This institution has no Iman except money. They have no honor left. It’s only always been this way.

I studied military strategy and tactics from the Ancient Greeks battle formation to modern (WW2) combined arms maneuvers.

Aside from the 1965 war to protect Lahore, the Pakistan Army has been a miserable failure. For those who are serious, read the tactics of the 1971 war in East Pakistan. Gen Niazi when given command, held a staff meeting with many officer of Bengali descent present. Gen Niazi went on a rant cursing out Bengalis and calling them xyz. Few of the Bengali officers there stood up in protest. This tells you GHQ in lack of strategic and tactical thinking. You’re the General in charge of an hostile area/people and you start belittling them in a staff meeting where members of that said ethnicity group are presence. The American army re-taught its soldiers (including me) in how to deal with a hostile population as part of the COIN strategy. They figured out if you treat someone with a heavy hand, sooner or later they will start shooting at you (common sense right?)

Then there was the policy of spreading the Army thinned across East Pakistan instead of making plans concentrate on defending Dhaka. The Indian Army basically bypassed these strongholds and put all its effort on Dhaka. The Pakistan army literally had no contingency plans if the main effort to defend Dhaka failed. We see this regressive mindset over and over.
From tipping off the Indians about an operation in Sachin Glacier by purchasing cold weather equipment from the same supplier as the Indians, from going into Kargil with limited forces and not talking into account that Indians will likely escalate onto the International border to alleviate pressure in Kargil. The Pakistan Army had the advantage, and instead of using the withdrawal in Kargil to get the Indians removed from Sachin, the GHQ folded. And oh, Musharraf that brave commando was the commander when Sachin occurred, and then repeat his mistakes in Kargil. The guy didn’t even disclosed this operations to the rest of the Army and include the Air Force.
Failures after failures, Crisis after crisis, and they just don’t seem to learn because they are stupid and trained like a dog to follow a foreign master. If we had that independence streak, cowboy style, we as a country would’ve dumped the British era laws for what was more suitable for our young nation, but how lazy we are as a nation we just chose to continue doing the same because that’s what we learned being enslaved in a prison with other South Asians.

I agree. The Pakistani military has not done very well in any conflicts at all.
The idea of pushing the indians back at the border of East Pakistan in 1971 was a doomed strategy from the get-go.
Idiots like Yahya Khan with their "bloody civilian" mentality were doing nothing by aggravating the people against the Government of West Pakistan and this automatically created an ideologically rift between both segments.
Then we have the terrible tank column strategy of 65, where hundreds of tanks were lost to Indian forces, with a proportionally lower loss of life on their own side.
Even in 1947, the size of the liberated Kashmiri territory was absolutely miniscule. GB was essentially handed over by a british coup.

And then we have the suicide mission of Kargil, which was the most retarded piece of military stratagem the world has ever seen.
Place barely a hundred troops without air support or artillery support and expect them to hold out against the entire might of a foreign military.

The entire set of doctrines need to be seriously looked at, if Pakistan wants to be seen as a competent military
They manipulate elections by choosing leaders from both parties. Notice how its only ever 2 parties competing, makes it easier to control. If there is anyone they don't like, they will target him through the media like black lives matter movement.

In Pakistan they tried the same, albeit a lot more crude but same concept. Only downfall was family politics which makes it too obvious. If they had rotated leaders then PTI would never have made it in, it would have been a PPP and PMLN circle jerk forever.

Obviously, given those similarities, Pakistan and USA are so very much alike. That is why they have both achieved the same outcomes.

Oh, wait. :lol:
They manipulate elections by choosing leaders from both parties. Notice how its only ever 2 parties competing, makes it easier to control. If there is anyone they don't like, they will target him through the media like black lives matter movement.

In Pakistan they tried the same, albeit a lot more crude but same concept. Only downfall was family politics which makes it too obvious. If they had rotated leaders then PTI would never have made it in, it would have been a PPP and PMLN circle jerk forever.

Exactly. US MIC run the gov, not the otger way round.
Obviously, given those similarities, Pakistan and USA are so very much alike. That is why they have both achieved the same outcomes.

Oh, wait. :lol:
Not really. America was founded by an educated class and was able to throw off foreign interference and lucky enough that its nearest competitors were too busy fighting wars in their home regions ie Europe. All it had to do was take care of the less powerful Natives which it did slowly but surely. Having the freedom to concentrate on your nascent country without fear of foreign hostile nation interference. Pakistan somewhat became free 80 years ago. Give it a few more years.

And fyi, I live in the US too, and you’re a fool to think it’s not as controlled by a deep state like how Pakistan is. Only differences, the deep state is clever and sly, unlike the crude doofus in Pakistan. The folks in the US put forward a corpse and a biracial whore as face of the government, but the decisions are made by the men in suits.
US also has an establishment case in point how trump was booted out in 2nd term.
This bhudda Biden is merely a face.
But the point to ponder is how come every one whether civilian or establishment always take US agenda forward while harami establishment here take their own personal agenda forward never of Pakistan. Same is true for the harami politicians aka PDM. Khan was a rare exception and hence he was removed.
Because the military in US is just military. It cant even fathom going against the constitution which is the supreme law here.

US military industrial complex is huge and powerful but its answerable to the civilian government in all matters.

The closest thing to an establishment here in US would be the wall street which houses the worlds most powerful banks , hedge funds , investors and what not. It controls the world economy and has been beneficial in US hedgemony all over the globe.
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