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What pan movements do Arabs tend to favor?

On people to people basis, the worst friends I've had were Arabs. They always back stabbed me.

Even Jews, were not so bad. Jews would never become over-friendly but were not back stabbing.

My most recent friendship @BLACK EAGLE turned out to be the same way.

I consider Arabs as my muslim brothers, but I have a very difficult time trusting in them.
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Depends on who your neighbors are. Dammam is a bit conservative unlike Khobar which has a large liberal community.

Interesting, i prefer that side of the peninsula actually.

I've visited both sides of KSA, the red sea side, and the gulf side (where i lived and worked).
On people to people basis, the worst friends I've had were Arabs. They always back stabbed me.

Even Jews, were not so bad. Jews would never become over-friendly but were not back stabbing.

My most recent friendship @BLACK EAGLE turned out to be the same way.

I consider Arabs as my muslim brothers, but I have a very difficult time trusting in them.

I personally find these the most admirable traits in the Arabian people. You cannot fault them for this. Tens of thousands of years of evolution in the most unforgiving environment in the entire world, the Arabian desert. They would not have survived without such qualities.
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On people to people basis, the worst friends I've had were Arabs. They always back stabbed me.

Even Jews, were not so bad. Jews would never become over-friendly but were not back stabbing.

My most recent friendship @BLACK EAGLE turned out to be the same way.

I consider Arabs as my muslim brothers, but I have a very difficult time trusting in them.

Back-stabbed?! :woot: idiot, you have been following me from one thread to another trying to tease me, I thought you were joking at first but the last one it was annoying. We could have jokes a couple of times, but how am I supposed to know that you were joking? over-joking can't be good especially whenever there is a serious discussion and threads I put allot of efforts on. I apologize.
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On people to people basis, the worst friends I've had were Arabs. They always back stabbed me.

Even Jews, were not so bad. Jews would never become over-friendly but were not back stabbing.

My most recent friendship @<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=136569" target="_blank">BLACK EAGLE</a></u> turned out to be the same way.

I consider Arabs as my muslim brothers, but I have a very difficult time trusting in them.

Cheer up dude, there's no difference between an X or Y ethnicity to many of us ,and no matter what, Pakistan will always remain number 1 :D

Interesting, i prefer that side of the peninsula actually.

I've visited both sides of KSA, the red sea side, and the gulf side (where i lived and worked).
The East coast is cool, but I couldn't really get along with the environment over there. I have always preferred to live in Riyadh, if you ask me.

For those of you who speak Arabic:
Yusuf Al-Qardawi
Saudi religious elites are more mature than me, when it comes to Hezbollah.
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But he used to pray man:

But he was definitely not an Islamist. Neither was Nasser. Most of the Arab world was left leaning until the US decimated the last ruling leftie. Only after the left failed to deliver Palestine(because of US) and with US and oil money, Islamism rose up.
But he was definitely not an Islamist. Neither was Nasser. Most of the Arab world was left leaning until the US decimated the last ruling leftie. Only after the left failed to deliver Palestine(because of US) and with US and oil money, Islamism rose up.

I might support such stand ,but I doubt that oil money has a thing to do with demolishing secularists in the ME.
I might support such stand ,but I doubt that oil money has a thing to do with demolishing secularists in the ME.
I am making generalizations here. But oil money has to share the blame. Because it radicalized generations of population and pushed them into a boxed mindset of Islamism. Today if there is any secular leader in the Muslim countries, the only possibility is that he is a dictator. And the monarchs had/have their interest in suppressing any left left in their country. After all, left=revolution and the monarch would be out promptly if he is not careful(Only leftist movements ever forced out monarchs anywhere until a few years ago. Iran? Afghanistan? Turkey? The simple reason being that religion was always a card in the hands of the monarchs.).
So no surprise that the first generation of Palestinian leadership which was leftist gets wiped off not just by Israel but by the Arab allies too as they fund their right wing counterparts along with US which did not want any Soviet influence in the region. And look what they did to Afghanistan.
I am making generalizations here. But oil money has to share the blame. Because it radicalized generations of population and pushed them into a boxed mindset of Islamism. Today if there is any secular leader in the Muslim countries, the only possibility is that he is a dictator. And the monarchs had/have their interest in suppressing any left left in their country. After all, left=revolution and the monarch would be out promptly if he is not careful(Only leftist movements ever forced out monarchs anywhere until a few years ago. Iran? Afghanistan? Turkey? The simple reason being that religion was always a card in the hands of the monarchs.).
So no surprise that the first generation of Palestinian leadership which was leftist gets wiped off not just by Israel but by the Arab allies too as they fund their right wing counterparts along with US which did not want any Soviet influence in the region. And look what they did to Afghanistan.

Again, I'm not standing for the whole Muslim world, I don't believe in such thing if you ask me. On other note, we don't live on oil money by the way, it may appear to you that way, but we happen to have a tremendous amount of investments here and there. Our economic growth isn't dictated by oil my friend, and our policy is the more we are isolated from drama the better off we are.

Cheers :wave:
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