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What Pakistan gains from MRCA tender?

The deal is not on until GOP can prove they can pay for the ungrades.

Anyways i herd the French pulled on this due to indian pressure

Pure BS. PAF Air chief marshall confirmed that the deal is still on.
Pakistan will get noting, US and russia both are busy in orders placed by Indian govt. in various projects.

Moreover we are developing 5th generation fighter jet with russia.

US wants strong relationship with india.... US know india is booming and stable country.

Its 2010 not 70's time and thinking is changed my friend..... You have to have work harder time is running so fastly for pakistan.
See what i mean when I point to the country bumpkin loud obnoxious and insulting quality? Absolutely clueless
US-Ind deals not a problem, if i am not wrong the option of another 18 F-16 Block52+ is taken. :P

If Rafale is out than avionics+weapons package for JF-17, Vixen Aesa or 2 more Erieyes from Sweden.:smokin:
US-Ind deals not a problem, if i am not wrong the option of another 18 F-16 Block52+ is taken. :P

If Rafale is out than avionics+weapons package for JF-17, Vixen Aesa or 2 more Erieyes from Sweden.:smokin:

How Vixen and Erieyes are related to Rafale's knockout ?? Donot make too many assumptions. All the suppliers are ready to sell their equipments, only you need to show them Money:yahoo::yahoo:
No more free lunches from any country now.
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How Vixen and Erieyes are related to Rafale's knockout ?? Donot make too many assumptions. All the suppliers are ready to sell their equipments, only you need to show them Money:yahoo::yahoo:
No more free lunches from any country now.

Troller read again i wrote Erieye and Vixen aesa from Sweden.If Indian is purchasing 126 aircrafts then we don't need 126
we need atleast 50 and we have enough money to full fill our defense needs. :chilli:
india is expert in many fields,and maintains good reletion with all nations in not only defence field but in other commercial fields like it,textiles,logistics.
any one thinking that the mrca tender will afeect india's foreign relationship is
DAY DREAMING:wave::wave::bounce::bounce::bounce::partay::partay:
Has india trapped himself in a whirlpool by issuing big MRCA tender?

What will be the reaction of Russia if India does not choose MiG-35
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What will be the reaction of America if India does not choose F-16IN
Fighting Falcon or F/A-18E/F Super Hornet? Will Civil Nuclear Energy contract between America and India be affected? And what Pakistan will gain in this scenario?

and finally

What will be the reaction of France if India does not choose Rafale? Will France resume the contract with Pakistan? And how Dassault (the major contributor in LCA project) will react towards LCA?


Hope Pakistan is not waiting for the Indian decision or PAF to decide on what it wants to buy...because we will NEVER make the decision..we never intended to buy the planes...we were just fishing the Aircraft market so that we have make one of our own given the trouble Tejas is in....
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