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What Liu Xiaobo said that will BLOW YOUR MIND


Aug 9, 2008
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Seems that Mr. Liu is not so "nice" after all:

The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded this year's Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo, who is now serving a term of imprisonment in China.

Some questions have arisen following the award, including who Liu is and what made the Norwegian Nobel Committee prefer him to other candidates.

Liu was born in 1955. He once worked as an "educated youth" and a worker. He became a teacher at Beijing Normal University after he gained his master's degree from the university in 1984.

Four years later, he acquired a doctorate degree in art and literature from the same university.

From then on Li chose verbal attacks on celebrities as his main means to fame. But, while this method increased his notoriety, it also began exposing his real nature.

In an interview with the then chief editor of a Hong Kong magazine in 1988, when asked about his comments on why "some people criticize the national character of Chinese people," Liu did not conceal his disrespect toward Chinese people.

"Chinese people have plotted, directed and appreciated all the tragedies themselves, and this is possibly related to their nature as an ethnic group," Liu said.

When asked: "Under what conditions can China possibly realize a really historic transformation?" Liu replied: "After undergoing a hundred years of colonial rule, Hong Kong has become what it is now. The mainland is so big that it certainly needs 300 years of colonization by the West to achieve Hong Kong's progress."

"I even doubt 300 years is enough," he added.

At the same time, Liu also made great efforts to trumpet Western political, economic and cultural systems.

But when it came to the country that nurtured him, Liu chose to pour scorn and even curses on it. "Chinese people are all impotent in flesh and in spirit," "the quality of Chinese people lies at a low level," and "Chinese people lack creativity," he said, adding that human weaknesses "have been amplified in Chinese people to a maximum."

Liu said he feels ashamed to be Chinese and believes his biggest misfortune was his failure to learn the English language proficiently, otherwise, he would have extricated himself from his connections with China. He has even gone so far that he remains reluctant to even mention the word "China." Liu's attitude is the same as that of Western people who once branded China as the "sick man of East Asia," and "an inferior nation."

Liu has also on many occasions extended his support to campaigns for "Taiwan independence" and "Tibet independence," and he has even put forward the concept that China should be separated into 18 countries.

In 1989, Liu saw an opportunity to achieve even greater fame. He decided to return to the mainland from an academic visit to the US and was at the forefront of the unrest in Beijing.

After being arrested by the police, Liu pleaded guilty and petitioned for leniency. To try and avoid imprisonment, Liu even wrote a "letter of repentance" and vowed to be a man "useful to the motherland and the people."

In view of his "sincere attitude," the Chinese government decided not to impose a prison sentence.

However, Liu broke his promises and continued his activities from 1991 onward. He was sentenced to "education through labor" in 1995 and 1999 on the charge of "disturbances to social order."

From the mid-1990s, Liu began to work for a company in the US subsidized by a CIA-backed foundation. He was well paid, and even during his imprisonment Liu has continued to be paid every month.

Despite his contempt for China and its people Liu has always claimed that his activities are his responsibility as a Chinese citizen. However, his words and acts have exposed the hypocrisy of his "honest image."

Liu's anti-government remarks and articles have been merely a means of earning money.

"Your life will become more meaningful if you have a certain amount of money" is his mantra in support of his "lifelong cause" against the Chinese government.

To ensure his income, Liu has made unremitting efforts to work for the anti-China Western forces, reviling the government and the socialist system.

He has also utilized the Internet in an attempt to get more people to join his attempt to change China's current political system and overthrow the government led by the Chinese Communist Party.

Liu's remarks and acts are already beyond the scope of freedom of speech and his proposals, which aim at implanting Western political institutions in China and overthrowing the CPC's leadership, contravene the country's Constitution and laws.

In December 2008, Liu was sentenced to 11 years in prison on the charge of subversion.​
There is no neutral source for this and obviously this is motivated propaganda served by Chinese state to its unsuspecting population with the intention of disillusioning them. Actually all that is bad about Liu has originated from some or the other Chinese party information organs so no credibility and this is delibrate character assasination of a leader that Communist party identifies as its greatest current threat for asking for the multiparty democracy and hence greater accountability from communist party members.
There is no neutral source for this and obviously this is motivated propaganda served by Chinese state to its unsuspecting population with the intention of disillusioning them. Actually all that is bad about Liu has originated from some or the other Chinese party information organs so no credibility and this is delibrate character assasination of a leader that Communist party identifies as its greatest current threat for asking for the multiparty democracy and hence greater accountability from communist party members.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

These comments by Liu Xiaobo were well known, long before he was arrested for trying to overturn the Government.
It sure sounds like Liu is talking about himself.

He wants himself to be a colonial slave of white man, then let him be, that's his choice of living, but the Chinese people don't want to become slaves.

We all know that CCP is corrupted, however, at least the Chinese people are still treated like human beings, better than being treated like animals by Western masters.
He is not even Chinese, i don't give a sh!t what he is babbling about. People like him are the biggest miseries in this society, a traitor without self-identity.

Exactly, and his comments are really dumb as well.

Hong Kong and Singapore turned out alright because they were "city-states", not whole countries. They also didn't interfere much and just let us build.

Look at Britain's other colonies, the ones that are actually COUNTRIES and not cities. Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Yemen... all they did was exploit the native people.

In other colonies, they actually REPLACED the native people. Native Americans, Australian aborigines, etc. Those suffered the worst fate of all. At least the people in Nigeria got to keep their own country.
Exactly, and his comments are really dumb as well.

Hong Kong and Singapore turned out alright because they were "city-states", not whole countries. They also didn't interfere much and just let us build.

Look at Britain's other colonies, the ones that are actually COUNTRIES and not cities. Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Yemen... all they did was exploit the native people.

In other colonies, they actually REPLACED the native people. Native Americans, Australian aborigines, etc. Those suffered the worst fate of all. At least the people in Nigeria got to keep their own country.

To be honest, the only thing i can admit is that the British model of referendum is more politically stable than American democracy. However, without the effort of the hardworking Chinese people, Hong Kong will still be nothing at all, maybe even poorer than many other British colonies as she doesn't have any natural resources.
There is no neutral source for this and obviously this is motivated propaganda served by Chinese state to its unsuspecting population with the intention of disillusioning them. Actually all that is bad about Liu has originated from some or the other Chinese party information organs so no credibility and this is delibrate character assasination of a leader that Communist party identifies as its greatest current threat for asking for the multiparty democracy and hence greater accountability from communist party members.

I agree with part of your observation.
Not with you overlong sentence :D
The man is quite annoying,and a martyr. But he is a typical western way of yelling type dissident. By no way he offer a solution of the problem he point out. But he's fame actualy came from CCP. By doing type of idiotic "character assasination", they are actualy making him the hero in western's eyes.

CCP is just bad at PR department. If they actualy want to do a good character assasination,take lesson fro US. Terrorism is way to go. Give him title and plant some evidence(how hard can it be),kick him the country or put in prison for the right reason(not saying that he belong there).

And CIA don't need do anything here. This type dissident is everywhere, even in US. Only US have a way better "PR" department. Most ppl after just think those are crazy or conspiracy nuts!

Trying to control everything is why you lose control Everything, Trying control that what is important,then you control everything.

So very simple. Nowdays the old cccp ways of think:"control everything" is just antiquated. You just let media a freehand,but on the important issue,you give them a neat little guild to the way you want them to think. And Everybody think "we have no propaganda like the communist state"....hohoho.:woot:
He wants himself to be a colonial slave of white man, then let him be, that's his choice of living, but the Chinese people don't want to become slaves.

We all know that CCP is corrupted, however, at least the Chinese people are still treated like human beings, better than being treated like animals by Western masters.

Who knows, maybe Uncle SAM will support him to be the next President of China.
Liu Xiaobo is Chinas Gandhi. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Except Gandhi didn't want India to be divide or Kashmir to be a seperate and independent state.

Seeing how this is from Global Times I would take it with a grain of salt or in this cash a spoonful. The Chinese people no matter how much they support Democracy will never agree to a divided state willingly.
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There is no neutral source for this and obviously this is motivated propaganda served by Chinese state to its unsuspecting population with the intention of disillusioning them. Actually all that is bad about Liu has originated from some or the other Chinese party information organs so no credibility and this is delibrate character assasination of a leader that Communist party identifies as its greatest current threat for asking for the multiparty democracy and hence greater accountability from communist party members.

There are plenty of ignorants, not surprised if one more is added.

Multipaty of Western style for the moment will only turn China into India. Not many Chinese like that. I'm sorry...

Liu Xiaobo is Chinas Gandhi. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Did Gandhi request 300 years of re-colony of India?

Did gandhi receive US fund?

Did Gandhi want to split India into pieces?

Thank you for letting us know more about Mr. Gandhi! :hitwall:
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