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What is your opinion on ex-president Yahya Khan?

Now you are off the gird. The khilafat was over in 3 March, 1924. Due to the last khlifa of Turkey he was betrayed by his loyal servant. Until that time English and American and others couldn't think about to attack the Muslim's territory not even in dreams.

Take a look on history.

According to a Hadees.

ايک دن خلافت ختم ھوجاءے گى اور پھر موروضى نظام آءے گا اور دوباره خلافت کا نظام قاأم ﮨوگا.
One day the system of khliphate will end and then an inherit (democratic) system will establish and then again the khliphate will over come .

In Islam there is concept of democracy according to another Hadees " Muslims should have one Ameer. If someone else come offer him self against the Ameer then murder him."

So, how can we say "Islamic Democratic Pakistan"

The reason we are going down is we are no understanding Quraan, and we are finding path in other books.
سورة آيت نمبر: پاره نمبر:
"جس کسى نے قرآن کى جگﮩ کسى اور کتاب ميں ﮨدايت تلاش کى تو اللّه نے اسے گمراه کيا "

Yeah humans are "پوتلے" potlyl . But we a human does not commit same mistakes.
which haaadiths are you reffering ?
from whom?
isnt that from , SSp or you are just so dammed by damlcrazy which is keep killing 60,000 pakistanis min the shape of TTp?
using islam to justfy your stance , thats what you really are trying for?
those hadees are from saheh bukhari . and seriously you don't know anything about Islam & Jihaad. don't mind

i am not talking about the TTp i am talking about khlifat and the system
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