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What is the establishements plan if a secessionist movement begins in KP if they actually remove IK from the picture?

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Exactly, same here. I’ll follow the Pasthuns. I said this on another post here
How can a non-Pashtun follow a Pashtun in Pashtunistan?

It doesn't add up to me
We are talking about a separatist movement.

They are not going to have anything to do with Punjab or Sindh after that or care... Neither will there be a special focus on Islam.

And I really wouldn't trust some people with Islam or give them control over your lands under that pretense - as seen by the Afghan Taliban, too much ethno-supremacy mixed in.

I think if you want such you should advocate your own locals to grow balls and fight for it
So what if kpk separates? Why should I force them to stay under slavery?

All that matters is if it’s free from dollarkhor establishment. That’s all that’s needed.

You’re talking about Taliban or Pashtuns like the munafiqeen of ghq or pdm are any better. The treachery against Islam that ghq and pdm committed makes anyone else look like saints.

Punjabis are fighting. The fight for real independence started in Lahore and Punjabis are at the forefront. But Punjab is occupied by dollarkhor establishment. To continue this fight for independence we can use our kpk brother to help us who share the same cause.

Our prophet Rasulallah (ﷺ) also made Hijrah from Mecca to Madina. He (ﷺ) fought against his birth city and his own tribe with the help of foreigners.

For Haqq I can fight against my kind with the help of foreigners.
Me too, the faujeets were saying PTM and TTP are the same!!!!

It is mindnumbing. One day Mohsin Dawar and the likes are the enemy. On a different day they become respectable members of the parliament.

We know where this dictation came from.
You should rather pose the question why the military and PDM has allowed PTM elements to participate in politics. I am a Pashtun and I am worried why this happened.

Ordinary Pashtun are loyal Pakistanis. They oppose corrupt generals and imported PDM. Nothing more nothing less. Sometimes out of anger we might say silly things, but we know what our enemies seek. We won't allow any such thing to happen.
I completely understand your perspective. I have been viewing your posts. You are a staunch loyal patriot. I understand if your political views lean towards separatist, it is psychologically difficult to avoid viewing the ethnic angle to the current political situation.

But I think the fact that every ethnicity is on the same page and the scenes in Lahore has helped quell such thoughts significantly.
I have heard that Waziristanis were not actually happy with that particular decision.

I think they voted for IK due to his honest character and likely his ethnicity played a huge role.

Waziristan isn't representative of rural KPK, as there's a lot more districts and other areas of ex-FATA. PTI still won the by-elections there, while running on the message of peace and development.
You should rather pose the question why the military and PDM has allowed PTM elements to participate in politics.
I think you are forgetting it started during khans time.. old trick to break small scessionist natured groups by inviting them to do politics and solves their problems politically.under the constitution
I completely understand your perspective. I have been viewing your posts. You are a staunch loyal patriot. I understand if your political views lean towards separatist, it is psychologically difficult to avoid viewing the ethnic angle to the current political situation.

But I think the fact that every ethnicity is on the same page and the scenes in Lahore has helped quell such thoughts significantly.

The generals and PDM need to be very careful. There is already enough chaos in various places in Pakistan. It won't take long for discontent to spread further.

Free and fair elections should be held without any delay.
. .
So what if kpk separates? Why should I force them to stay under slavery?

All that matters is if it’s free from dollarkhor establishment. That’s all that’s needed.

You’re talking about Taliban or Pashtuns like the munafiqeen of ghq or pdm are any better. The treachery against Islam that ghq and pdm committed makes anyone else look like saints.

Punjabis are fighting. The fight for real independence started in Lahore and Punjabis are at the forefront. But Punjab is occupied by dollarkhor establishment. To continue this fight for independence we can use our kpk brother to help us who share the same cause.

Our prophet Rasulallah (ﷺ) also made Hijrah from Mecca to Madina. He (ﷺ) fought against his birth city and his own tribe with the help of foreigners.

For Haqq I can fight against my kind with the help of foreigners.
I would respectfully disagree with some points made in your post. But for the sake of the greater good I'll leave that.

My point was simply that striving for an independent Pashtunistan would not have much to do with any other region or even Islam - you will have to deal with your own problems.
I think you are forgetting it started during khans time.. old trick to break small scessionist natured groups by inviting them to do politics and solves their problems politically.under the constitution

Rubbish. It is under PDM and Bajwa that PTM was allowed to participate in politics. This order came directly from the Americans. PTM is an American asset.
How can a non-Pashtun follow a Pashtun in Pashtunistan?

It doesn't add up to me
We are on the side of Haqq wherever it might be. We will fight against our own if needed.

After all, we broke away our precious Punjab in blood in 1947. We turned our own tribe/castes into our enemy for Islam and the country of Pakistan. We have been fighting against our own blood for Islam.
If you have to add dollarkhor establishment who shares the same blood as us to our enemies we won’t care. We’ve already been fighting against our blood.
How can a non-Pashtun follow a Pashtun in Pashtunistan?

It doesn't add up to me
that’s because you’re one of those ethno dudes who’d rather have a POS fellow ethnic leader than a Muslim. I’m a Muslim and I will follow a pious Muslim than a fellow ethnic MINOs that sells women and children to the Kufar for money. You will be the enemy, I don’t say this lightly. For me, Islam trumps these ethnic bullshit you’ve been so passionately posting the past few days.
I have told you previously stop your pashtun obsession. Whether it is across the border or KP. You are assumed to be an indian on many levels
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there is no pakistan. only punjabistan. if you go against punjabi establishment Mafia then you will be labelled as traitors and then killed or jailed. punjabi always slaves of British and then usa. they supported jinnah only when British asked to do it.
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