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The last MUSE had posted revealed something clearly.
India allied with USA to be against China, the reason why can't China allied with USA is a disscussion topic. China wanna be peaceful with every country, but because of benifit conflicts, it is impossible, just like salim said. China had been agrressive in the last 60 years.
There were no justice in international world, China has suffered nearly 100 years to completely acknowledging that.
By the way, I am very astonnished of knowing salim were well acknowledged with the situation of old China. Here I add "old", as China has been rather a country like it been in 1980s. Although we are disappointed with political improvement, But what do we think, especailly those born in 1980s, is changing greatly too.
Salim: Could you please not regard China as being like North Korea Now?
Sorry to you guys are plugged up - but the warm hug may loosen you out some:azn:

So, if I understand you correctly, India do not seek to fashion a place of their own, but will accept the one the U.S fashions for them? as befitting a consort?:smitten:

Why are the indians on the forum in such a bad mood, it seems one cannot talk to an Indian without the Indian going ballistic - Aye bhai, Zara deek ke chalo:cheers:

That is where you are mistaken.

India is fashioning it as per requirement. Civil reactors but not military reactors to be touched. Got the message? None daring to blow India off the face of the Earth. Does that ring a bell?

We will accept what is good for us.

No one is ballistic if Pakistanis don't have an overactive bile!
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The last MUSE had posted revealed something clearly.
India allied with USA to be against China, the reason why can't China allied with USA is a disscussion topic. China wanna be peaceful with every country, but because of benifit conflicts, it is impossible, just like salim said. China had been agrressive in the last 60 years.
There were no justice in international world, China has suffered nearly 100 years to completely acknowledging that.
By the way, I am very astonnished of knowing salim were well acknowledged with the situation of old China. Here I add "old", as China has been rather a country like it been in 1980s. Although we are disappointed with political improvement, But what do we think, especailly those born in 1980s, is changing greatly too.
Salim: Could you please not regard China as being like North Korea Now?

Is China any better than North Korea.

Read the scathing report on its Human Rights and all that! Not that it matters since if the Chinese enjoy their plight of being a subdued voiceless, rightless and oppressed, why should one worry?

If you are dissatisfied with your present situation, can you do anything about it? You can't. So, why pretend you are dissatisfied. Live with it!

China being a peaceful country is as true as your being dissatisfied and unable to do a sausage and pretending to be ever so free! Pious, Platitudinous Double talk, cooing and soothing and cute!
So you won't agree with the learned Indian academic? Listen, instead of going rejectionist consider this, either the learned academic is ignorant that there is no debate or discussion of China's role in the world inside China or you are, Won't you agree to the sense of this?
Your learned Indian Academician is a postdoctoral fellow at the China and the World Program, Princeton University, and an affiliate of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. Her infatuation with the "Rising China" thingy is quite obvious. You just don't contradict with your dissertation for obvious reasons, do you? ;)
We have many such Enlightened China watchers in our country.
Ask Karat, Bardhan, Yetury, they all are enlightened souls, very well educated academicians, seriously. They will appraise you about the sh!t India is heading to with the 123 Agreement. Don't worry, you will read more similar stuff from time to time, they write a lot.
Sorry to you guys are plugged up - but the warm hug may loosen you out some:azn:

So, if I understand you correctly, India do not seek to fashion a place of their own, but will accept the one the U.S fashions for them? as befitting a consort?:smitten:

Why are the indians on the forum in such a bad mood, it seems one cannot talk to an Indian without the Indian going ballistic - Aye bhai, Zara deek ke chalo:cheers:

:) well they are mad at Pakistan but when the word China come in they get sleepless :P

Damn look at the feedback they are puting in that Chines Olympic gams thread.

arho chooti ka zor laga raha hain Pak-China relations to kharab karna aur China to zalim sabit karna main
That is where you are mistaken.

India is fashioning it as per requirement. Civil reactors but not military reactors to be touched. Got the message? None daring to blow India off the face of the Earth. Does that ring a bell?

We will accept what is good for us.

No one is ballistic if Pakistanis don't have an overactive bile!

And this is very difficult to accept that India will use the facilities for only civilian purposes.
Yes, it is sad. Indian friens were advised that china is a friend but there is some "blockage" our Indian friends suffer from when they think China and Pakistan.

Indian friends are persuaded by a vision that seeks to put them in confrontation with their neighbors, whereas a change in thinking would free all Asia and bring prosperity and dignity the likes of which we only dream of.

So, yes it is sad that that instead of discussing issues of importance to all, Indian friends have delighted in sowing hatreds and suspicions, no good can come of such behaviour.
Yes, it is sad. Indian friens were advised that china is a friend but there is some "blockage" our Indian friends suffer from when they think China and Pakistan.

Indian friends are persuaded by a vision that seeks to put them in confrontation with their neighbors, whereas a change in thinking would free all Asia and bring prosperity and dignity the likes of which we only dream of.

So, yes it is sad that that instead of discussing issues of importance to all, Indian friends have delighted in sowing hatreds and suspicions, no good can come of such behaviour.

What are you on about?
:) well they are mad at Pakistan but when the word China come in they get sleepless :P
You have put in the right words, only in the wrong sequence.
We are mad at China for her hypocrisy, double talk and oppressive policies.
We are sleepless when we think about Pakistan's governance, its terrorist incubators, Jehadi mindset, disturbances in FATA and Baluchistan, even Swat, its obsession with Pan Islamism and the final thought of a jihadi minded commander sitting on the nuclear briefcase. Sleepless!!!
You have put in the right words, only in the wrong sequence.
We are mad at China for her hypocrisy, double talk and oppressive policies.!!!

:) Why Indians would be sleepless what Chines people are suffering in the first place.

And Above all before talking about any internal matter of China and the so-called Oppressive policies, Indians should address the oppressive Policies it is carrying against own Citizens. As if you are not aware of the oppression of Dalits in India at the hands of elits Hinuds and the governments ( I wont talk about others as it would give you a high BP)

We are sleepless when we think about Pakistan's governance, its terrorist incubators, Jehadi mindset, disturbances in FATA and Baluchistan, even Swat, its obsession with Pan Islamism and the final thought of a jihadi minded commander sitting on the nuclear briefcase. Sleepless!!!

Why dont you get sleepless over Indian planting bombs to get its own people just to blam on ISI.

As far FATA Is concerned Indians should not be poking their nose in our internal matters.

In Swat we had almost kicked the donkas of Indian-funded terrorists and guess what we also got the clue of your assests there ;)

AS far Balochistan well yes indeed my dear Indians are sleepless just over the thought that depsite funding terrorists of BLA in Balochistan India failed to get desired goals.

:) blowing up small gaslines by Indian terrorists from BLA wont affect us much.

Maybe you would do better to worry about injustice and inequality that caused problems like naxalites and communalism , what should cause you sleepness nights shoud be the varieties hindu facist orelig/political organizations.

You Indian friends spent more time on their problems by honestly trying to fix them, they would not have reason to suffer sleeplessness.
What are you on about?

To put simply, I think the issue is about why a topic cannot be addressed for its own merits or demerits.

Haven't you heard me complain enough that discussing Baluchistan does not mean dragging in Kashmir or vice versa?

When we discuss the current instability in FATA, it shouldn't be about the fact that the US funded and armed the Mujahideen.

We all have to move beyond being defensive and jingoistic - how many times do we have to go on the 'merry go round' of 'you sponsor terrorism, no you sponsor terrorism!"?

It is tiresome, and I mean this for Indians and Pakistanis both.

Maybe you would do better to worry about injustice and inequality that caused problems like naxalites and communalism , what should cause you sleepness nights shoud be the varieties hindu facist orelig/political organizations.
Some corrections.
1. Hindu's don't call every shot in India. The society is very plural.
2. I am a sikh and am yet to witness any injustice and inequality on religious/casteist lines perpetrated by Hindus in todays world.
3. Naxalism is a problem that is political in nature, fomented by communists both internal and external and it does not threaten any outside nation or international peace, unlike the Jehadi militants that threaten not only Pakistan but even Afghanistan, India and the world at large.
4. Communism, is generic problem that has its roots in the mutual suspicion and distrust between sections of Hindus and Muslims. Note, there are clear indication of ISI assistance in many of the riots that plague the nation.
The Mumbai riots wouldn't happened if the Mumbai Blasts didn't happen.
Gujrat riots were a biproduct of the Godhra incident.
What is Dawood doing in Karachi? Offering pious lectures to the Sindhis?
5. Its futile to blame the average Pakistani citizen, how does he knows what precipitates behind the tinted glasses. The blame is to sections within the right wing Hindus and Muslims with their vendettas against one another and the ISI which does good in not missing such opportunities of clashes to raise the hackles of the GoI. Nothing personal, pure coersive politics.

I am familiar with India, please do keep the line about plural society for the Westerners, they apprecite seeing themselves reflected in others. Naxalite exit and why did they come about? Communalism is a sad old fact, why does it persist? Does not the government's own report outline that Muslim of Hindustan face discrimination on a massive scale? That their representation in the armed forces and police is now negligible - and why is that? and what is it reflective of ? And the rise of BJP, allied as it with Hindu facists religio/political organizations speaks of "pluralism"?? It is indeed a novel defintion of "pluralism"

But of course we may want to avoid the tu tu mai mai - the thread is really about the need in India to develop a new intellectual and moral frame in which India may define her role among great power and emerging powers.

The author of the starter piece, refering her a learned academmic has given some Indian friends some problem, has offered that there is not, at least not on the scale there is in China, discussion and debate about what such a role for India may be and how it may evolve, what policies would be required, how or even if, accomodation with neighboring countries and their co-option in the Indian enterprise be effected - these are more interesting questions, don't you agree?
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