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What is behind India’s “neutrality”?

1. To appreciate the lead write-up, it is essential that one reads The India by Al Beruni and The Arthasastra by Katulya / Chanokkya. India is essentially a state which represents the rise of Hinduism in SA after remaining subjugated for millenniums.

2. India was never neutral or non-aligned. When adversity struck Nehru begged the Americans to help. Later it was the Soviets that had monopoly over India's friendship. And now, only will fail to see that India is very much in the US pocket through various covert/overt agreements, trade deals, defense procurement deals, MOUs regarding nuclear weapons and non-military uses, FDIs, WB/IMF deals, etc.

3. No India was never neutral and is not neutral now. The goals of Akhand Bharat, Ram Rjya, etc does not allow her to remain neutral.

Congrats.. this guy just gave a new definition to dumbfoolery !!
Congrats.. this guy just gave a new definition to dumbfoolery !!

Why don't you reply to the post instead of abusing me personally? Next time I will not only report you, but call you and your 14 generations dumb and fools.
Why don't you reply to the post instead of abusing me personally? Next time I will not only report you, but call you and your 14 generations dumb and fools.

reply to baseless tripe you mean ?
india is neutral cause there is no foreign ploicy.....its run by diplomats not by our politicians who would know how to tweak ourrelations in world if there was an oppurtunity......ours is just too bland...safe and secure....much like look back wards and march forwards...

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