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What is Bangladesh doing to counter Indian interference?

s.raptorski,1 bd in a PAKISTANI defence forum doesnt reflect the tone of a country of 200 million...........and you have not yet interacted with the sane bd-s here barring iajdani bhai..........and your 'bihar police' remark was off the hook as well, my dear friend!!!
Ew,lets not fight over childish thoughts ,you tell me one thing honestly from your heart,is it possible for bd to annex an acre of indian territory with military power if people of those parts dont support bd???

May I answer this question?

It is impossible if we are talking about annexing Indian state.Unless we hit a jackpot of 1000 billion dollars.(Which BTW is impossible).Without people's support,we can see how US is faring in Iraq.

Similarly,many Indians often talk about "India should have annexed Bangladesh after 1971".But they fail to realise,if there wasn't public support from Bangladeshi people for Indian army,then Indian army could have never ever reach Dhaka and defeat Pakistani forces within 2 weeks only.
But yet we find so many ignorant Indians boasting on the net,"we did it in 2 weeks..blah blah :blah::blah: "

What I am scared of is,I can see the number of these ultra-nationalistic and ignorant Indians are on the rise.Its really a worrying matter for us,if the mentality of Indian people is such,may be in near future,we might see this type of rulers in India.
Now that bro,is really scary for small nations like us.So us being paranoid is quite justified.

P.S. : I am sorry perhaps I have taken this to another level,but I guess this is the result of my recent interactions with some ultra-nationalist and war monger Indians(the kind you find in Bharat Rakshak).And I was surprised,how these hate preachers are growing in number.Their hate for Bangladesh would put Idune to shame.
There! Spoke like a true hindu foundamentalist. Now you can have my respect as you are showing your true color...Welcome..:tup:

Zakir Bhai,
Jako isn't a fundamentalist Hindu,he is a nationalist.Just like us.And I respect nationalists but not Ultra-nationalists.For they become blind.

BTW on a side note : we are also fundamentalist if we practice the fundamentals of Islam.Similarly he can be a fundamentalist if he practices fundamentals of sanatana dharma or Hinduism.
Zakir Bhai,
Jako isn't a fundamentalist Hindu,he is a nationalist.Just like us.And I respect nationalists but not Ultra-nationalists.For they become blind.

BTW on a side note : we are also fundamentalist if we practice the fundamentals of Islam.Similarly he can be a fundamentalist if he practices fundamentals of sanatana dharma or Hinduism.

Salam leo bhai
No doubt but you know what I hate most leo. Why are we having tagore song as our national anthem? You need to tell me that we don't have anyone to write a song that glorify Islam and it's people in mordern bangladesh? Why shouldn't we be proud of our islamic hertage instead of some hindu bengali culture that make no damn sence?
No Indian has a problem with Bangladesh. But there is a rise of Islmaic fundamentalism in your country which is worrying. I see less support for India and more support for Pakistan inspite of the fact we helped you in 1971 and Pakistan committed genocide on Bangladeshis. Also what is the percentage of Hindus in Bangladesh now ? They are been driven out in large numbers.
Al-zakir - (no) thanks for confirming my fears of Islamisation of Bangladesh ! This was a country having 20% Hindus at independence. And what does religion have to do with your national anthem ? Tagore spoke in Bangali just like you
Davy,iajdani figured me out the 'percentage of hindu in bd' thing in one of his posts,i request you take a look at that......yes genocides happen but not in numbers as some of us assume......btw,zakir....i'm not going to quarrel with you anymore for a few days, now that i know you are a martial arts champ!!!....lol....chill yar
No Indian has a problem with Bangladesh. But there is a rise of Islmaic fundamentalism in your country which is worrying. I see less support for India and more support for Pakistan inspite of the fact we helped you in 1971 and Pakistan committed genocide on Bangladeshis. Also what is the percentage of Hindus in Bangladesh now ? They are been driven out in large numbers.

Rise of Isalmic fundementalist in Bangladesh??? Thats just an ingnorant comment with very obscure view about Bangladesh.
We are more secular now then 20 years ago. There are less fanatics than anytime in the past. And ofcourse we have the lowest number of incidence regarding religious violence in south asia. It should be India who should be worried about both Hindu and Muslim fundamentalist.:angry:
Salam leo bhai
No doubt but you know what I hate most leo. Why are we having tagore song as our national anthem? You need to tell me that we don't have anyone to write a song that glorify Islam and it's people in mordern bangladesh? Why shouldn't we be proud of our islamic hertage instead of some hindu bengali culture that make no damn sence?

Zakir Bhai,
We also have to remember that Hindus make up a significant proportion of Bangladesh's population.Besides I don't see any thing in the National anthem which is praising Hindu Goddess.
"Ma" can be referred to motherland,so I don't think you should worry too much on this.It was so popular as a patriotic song,it probably deserved to be the national anthem.

Bengali culture isn't entirely Hindu.There is Muslim Bengali culture,which separates us from Middle Eastern muslims.As long as culture does not get in the way of Islam,there is no problem to it.
And yes,like you I have problems when I see people celebrating pahela baishakh,falgun etc exceeding their limit,you know what limit I am talking about.Like doing rituals which are more related to hinduism than Bengali culture.

People tend to forget the following line often:

[109:6] "To you is your religion, and to me is my religion."
-Surah Kafeeroon

Having said that,we must respect Hindu religion and Hindus,but we should not follow their rituals,which would be shirk.
Hinduism in Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This link highlights the many problems faced by Hindus in Bangladesh. There is a decline in Hindu population from 11% to 9% since 1974. Contrast this to the rise in Muslim population in India as a percentage of total population and you can get the picture.
Anyway - it is important to find solutions to India Bangladesh problems asap. The water issue is a thorny one and I believe Indian governments have not been taking the issue seriously spoiling our relations with Bangladesh.
Also the issue of insurgents and border issues are irritants. Bangladesh and India have a lot in common. Bangladeshis should stop viewing India as a Hindu country. We are secular - there is no state religion in India. Our PM is a Sikh, leader of Congress is a Christian.
No Indian has a problem with Bangladesh. But there is a rise of Islmaic fundamentalism in your country which is worrying. I see less support for India and more support for Pakistan inspite of the fact we helped you in 1971 and Pakistan committed genocide on Bangladeshis. Also what is the percentage of Hindus in Bangladesh now ? They are been driven out in large numbers.


I get the feeling you haven't been to Indian sites which openly shows their hatred for Bangladeshis and muslims.Browse through the World Wide Web,you will find significant amount of Anti-Bangladesh Indians.Off-course it doesn't represent whole India,but it does send a cold signal.

Now you talked about Islamic extremism.Can't I raise same question about Extremist Hindus like BJP,RSS,VHP?
You talked about minority repression in Bangladesh.Can't I ask the same question to you?But I won't.Because they are Indian citizen and they can take care of themselves.

Besides as Jako suggested,Please go to this link:
And read post 124.

And if you still don't feel satisfied,You are welcome to visit Bangladesh.

May be you have visited anti-Bangladesh Indian sites.Because Your argument is extremely similar to those who hate Bangladesh.
Before its too late,open your eyes man.

During my boarding days in India,I haven't found so much hatred for Bangladesh,as I find now.So much have changed in relatively short period.That my friend,is a worrying fact for us.

As I said earlier,go to post # 124 of


Percentage game is simple math my friend.Try to understand it.

And don't come up with statements like Bangladesh ill-treating Hindus,because when you live in a glass house,you shouldn't throw stone at others.

And keep aside who was what.We also have a number of Hindu MPs and ministers and top bureacrats..I view them as Bangladeshis not hindus.
leonblack - even we had a Bangladeshi student in our class during my college years (2-3 years back).
I hang my head in shame when I hear about the VHP, RSS activities - they are the shame of India. It's good they got booted out of power and I don't think they will be back soon. Most Indians realise the venom they spew will destroy our country before it destroys others.
well don't base your opinion on internet sites. If someone judges Islam by Al qaeda and terrorist sites - they would be making a mistake. The right wing people in India are in a small minority.
Browse through the World Wide Web,you will find significant amount of Anti-Bangladesh Indians.

During my boarding days in India,I haven't found so much hatred for Bangladesh,as I find now.

Leon, There is a reason why you see that flames for BD . Actually its not at all on BD as a country.

Have faith on me when i say , we DO have major issue with illegal BD alien's (No offence meant) in some of the metro and NE cities. What harm do they directly do? .. nothing. This are for most part laborer's . But politician's have been successful in implanting the seed of thought that their own failure are mostly due to this alien's imposing a hugh burden on state infrastructure. Simple. And common man no doubt will believe this. Sadly one part really is true that we do have a problem at hand with this illegal aliens (but not in crores as suggested by some)

Leon, at subconscious level, those flames are more meant to vent our frustration at the crumbling infrastructure.

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