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What if Indian "surgical strikes" fail?

It’s an illusion that PAF can only resist to a certain level but cannot stop IAF. I think if India goes for a full fledge war than they will have to pay such heavy price that almost their whole air force will be destroyed and still the war would not be ended.
Indians only talk big infact they are more scared of war than Pakistan is.

If they wanted to attack they would have done it a long time ago, but they are too afraid. I'm sick of Indians barking all the time...do you all know why dogs bark? Because they are more afraid of the person they're barking at than the person being barked at.

So this is your conclusion for topic "What if an Indian surgical strike fail?" as I said when Diplomatic pressure can do enough damage then what is a point of endangering themselves with surgical strike.
It’s an illusion that PAF can only resist to a certain level but cannot stop IAF. I think if India goes for a full fledge war than they will have to pay such heavy price that almost their whole air force will be destroyed and still the war would not be ended.

We have a debate about surgical attack and not about war.
So this is your conclusion for topic "What if an Indian surgical strike fail?" as I said when Diplomatic pressure can do enough damage then what is a point of endangering themselves with surgical strike.

Where exactly is this diplomatic damage that you are so proudly mentioning? Last time i checked your media accepted the defeat at the diplomatic front and people like your FM who were itching for a war, are now calling for a peace solution as war is not an option.:disagree:
Where exactly is this diplomatic damage that you are so proudly mentioning? Last time i checked your media accepted the defeat at the diplomatic front and people like your FM who were itching for a war, are now calling for a peace solution as war is not an option.:disagree:

Media accepted defeat at diplomatic front, but since when Indian media beginning to play as a role of mediator on diplomatic level? can you care to explain.

Regarding our FM for its war, mate it was only for a surgical strike which isn't translated as a war. Can you bring me a link stating that Indian FM asking Peace as a solution?
Media accepted defeat at diplomatic front, but since when Indian media beginning to play as a role of mediator on diplomatic level? can you care to explain.

It seems people like to remain ignorant.

Regarding our FM for its war, mate it was only for a surgical strike which isn't translated as a war. Can you bring me a link stating that Indian FM asking Peace as a solution?

So surgical strike is not considered an act of war, this one is new for me. Dude we are not talking about afghanistan and US here so get out of the typical definition of a surgical strike. Any strike by India would have been replied by an equal and devastated response which means that both countries will be at war.

Also do a bit more search over the India Pakistan crises and you will find more then one link about your FM changing statements. Quite a bit of those are posted here as well on this very forum.
It seems people like to remain ignorant.

Please don't change the subject by blaiming my ignorance, if you can't provide the link then admit so. I will not going to take it in a wrongful manner. But please go sake don't call Indian media a main player on diplomatic front.

So surgical strike is not considered an act of war, this one is new for me. Dude we are not talking about afghanistan and US here so get out of the typical definition of a surgical strike. Any strike by India would have been replied by an equal and devastated response which means that both countries will be at war.

First you were making a noise about Indian FM statements of war and now saying that surgical strike has different meaning for different countries? wow that's great. First decide what you want to admit.

Also do a bit more search over the India Pakistan crises and you will find more then one link about your FM changing statements. Quite a bit of those are posted here as well on this very forum.

As I said, if you don't have any link then don't make a big comments. If you are making a empty statement then onus is on you to prove it by posting a link rather then insisiting others to do the same.
Then why does Pakistan tolerating attack by US drone on NWFP?

Ok get something very clear in your think skull because it seems the impact of loss was so severe on the minds of Indians that they have completely snapped.
India is not USA and what relation we have with the US or under what conditions those strikes are carried, India in no manner is comparable to that. If you were, we would have seen surgical strikes over the AJK and other areas of interest.
If IAF wants it will achieve what it wants. Period. As Jilu pointed out we have always calculated attrition as a factor, sp this whole mumbo jumbo about PAF is nothing but hot air. What makes you think IAF has not factored its attrition Vs PAF before starting a conflict.

Why are you speaking as if IAF has already attacked Pakistani soil? I dont think that the Indians are (complete) morons...they probably have calculated the attrition rates which is exactly why they are sitting at home and flying the friendly skies and not trying anything stupid despite all the noise people are making in India. Thanks for proving my point.
Ok get something very clear in your think skull because it seems the impact of loss was so severe on the minds of Indians that they have completely snapped.
India is not USA and what relation we have with the US or under what conditions those strikes are carried, India in no manner is comparable to that. If you were, we would have seen surgical strikes over the AJK and other areas of interest.

First of all, it is not a "think Skull" rather a Thick skull. First figure out, haven't you yourself got snapped completely which is making you to go haywire while interpreting statements.

And what relations and conditions are you talking about with US, since US beginning to carry out attack then Pak's President and PM were talking about not tolerating such attack and said that it was a danger to the integrity of Pakistan which will be responded with appropriate counter strike. And now you are making out a difference between Indian and US surgical strike.
Please don't change the subject by blaiming my ignorance, if you can't provide the link then admit so. I will not going to take it in a wrongful manner. But please go sake don't call Indian media a main player on diplomatic front.

First you were making a noise about Indian FM statements of war and now saying that surgical strike has different meaning for different countries? wow that's great. First decide what you want to admit.

As I said, if you don't have any link then don't make a big comments. If you are making a empty statement then onus is on you to prove it by posting a link rather then insisiting others to do the same.

Ok this is for ignorance:
No ultimatum given to Pakistan: Pranab | NewsX

First of all, it is not a "think Skull" rather a Thick skull. First figure out, haven't you yourself got snapped completely which is making you to go haywire while interpreting statements.

And what relations and conditions are you talking about with US, since US beginning to carry out attack then Pak's President and PM were talking about not tolerating such attack and said that it was a danger to the integrity of Pakistan which will be responded with appropriate counter strike. And now you are making out a difference between Indian and US surgical strike.

Alright i admit i pressed n instead of c during typing as both are in the same line but then what quit nitpicking on my post and reply to what i mentioned if you have anything to say at the first place.
Also i am not talking about conditions and relations, i am showing Indians a mirror. Stop seeing yourself as USA. What relations we have with them or aggrements we have, thats none of India's business but for a second you guys think you can see your self in the same league as the USA, you couldnt be more wrong and the message has been delivered.
I have been here round longer then you seen detailed discussions on the topic. The best would be Jilu's in case you know what I mean.

Well i dont know what you mean and i really dont want to know what you mean. Its a shame that you have been here longer than me but dont even have a clue of what defences PAF can employ against IAF in a case of war to repel an attack.

Did Indian Air chief come and tell you that.

The IAF Air Chief did not come and tell me, but it certinely would be an objective for IAF.

IAF has not attacked Pakistan because it has not been ordered to do so.

IAF hasnt attacked pakistan because it does not has the balls. Indian leaders know that it would be a suicide to attack Pakistan, but it looks like some stubborn Indians are still under the infleunce that India is Israel and Pakistan is Lebanon.

Yup IAF, IN and IA can win any battle at any given day , but the question is at what price and for what cost.

Win a battle in there dreams :D, Pakistan Armed Forces are perfectly capable of defending themselves against any aggression from India.

Ypu don't have anything of interest to us. Tell me one reason why we shopuld attack Pakistan.

This has to be the funniest statement i have ever heard, ever since our independance you people have been meddling in our internal affairs. Your leaders have shown aggression to us numerous times, but they are only words :D.

Did I say no. but again the question is does that plan envisage an overall win agaisnt IAF or attriting IAF. There has been no indication of the former.

You never know, just wait and see :lol:. Oh but i am sure IAF is aware of the plan and hasnt dared to attack :D.

Gimem a break, Pakistani responses and posture is nothing short of a joke. Looks like a tin pot country not befitting what Quaid envisoned.

And do you think India's response is nothing short of a joke, i see the Indians leaders talking big but not delivering any action :D. Even your media admits that India has lost the battle in diplomatic front :lol:, but as i said there are some stubborn Indians who fail to admit it. But the biggest shame for you people is that you cant even control a country that is 5 times smaller than you :D. Its a pure shame for India that a tin pot country gives a mighty country like India the middle finger :D hahaha.

When was the last time you did not have morons ruling you.

I dont know what that has to do with the topic. But overall, i have just measured your immaturity after reading these posts. Blindly supporting your government's actions wont really change anything. Whether you open your eyes or not, India has lost the diplomatic war. They have been making numerous demands but has even one of them been met, get the point the small tin pot country just gave you the middle finger.
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