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What hope left for Pakistan


Jan 13, 2010
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5 years passed when people of Pakistan looked for justice, national rights and security but seems unsatisfied. People came into puzzle in selection of next ruling parties for coming elections although they are analyzing previous reputes of main parties. Time has changed and people are more free from family, social and religious pressure to vote which is a plus point. The country which never ruled under complete constitutional civilian party got a black *** in face of democracy by poor managed electoral government and forced to show its vulgar interest in Dictatorship or Martial Law which was experienced in mixed gained objectives. For people of Pakistan now important not system of government but a managed system favourable for people, that’s quite logical approach for Pakistanis who suffered from deadly periods of terrorists acts, bad economics, worse financial situation and poor law and order. Voice of favourable time in Musharraf’s presidency louder as compare to Democratic Party rule. PMLN’S performance in country’s infrastructure and stand for strategic important decision of nuclear test gives another pro-public gesture where it was highly appreciate able in the country. Meanwhile PTI injected their own pre mature agenda which has fewer acceptances in professional citizens although got partial success in youths pin pointing their problems and needs.

We should understand that people of Pakistan now serious in selection but probabilities to define true party in current scenario still a matter of surprise because of rural social system and religious pressure unless living in more free environment than last decades. People couldn’t yet capable to analyze sole interests of nation/country and main reason preventing them to think about it is strong aristocratic setup parallel with cleric system which sometime more harder to deny so here we see limitations of freedom of choice. And this is 70% of Pakistan’s population which will decide the fate of country’s future.

Now in existence of such system we can see only 4 parties which have potential to use these setup in deep of Pakistan so they are PPP, PMLN, ANP, JUI, former two ever joined one of two main major parties PPP & PMLN to get into government. Still vote bank of these two parties has more than any other party so main competition will be in between these two traditional rivals.
In this worse situation left by PPP there were efforts to postponed election through non constitutional methods which were blocked by both parties which led to a political crises in appointment of caretaker prime minister. Selective beneficiary tradition was continued till the last day of government when life time facilitation of PPP politicians bill was passed in Sindh assembly reserving 150 police force for the life time security for Ex-prime minister Pervez Ashraf and ex-prime minister Yousaf Rasa Gillani which will cost 300 million Rs as extra burden on people’s money. Number of fraud scandals, highest corruption rate, immature foreign policy push this country to the wall, n mega project has been completed in these five years but we lose our case in international court on Indian water aggression. Party which ever came to throne with slogan of Bread, Cloth, shelter(House) in fact forced the nation without these facilities of manifesto. Employment rate, energy crises, industrial collapse and increase of poverty shake country.

Categorically ignored Punjab in injustice way and put hurdle in every step of progress and development only for political reasons, blocked access to energy hubs, divert gas supply to Sindh because of political benefits, blocked international energy support machinery to Punjab which was supplied to overcome energy deficit but 5 year place and forget on Karachi port. PPP itself couldn’t overcome security problems in Karachi for they send Punjab in less priority. Nothing note able project was started but agreement of IP gas pipeline which was due to sign 3 years before. Non serious attitude towards own people in flood, terrorist attacks, other crucial situation but only were busy in getting more commission in state projects or spending days in foreign trips while people died every day after. That’s the result of how Pakistani people think for their country while casting vote.

Then who will be savior of Pakistan? We left only one choice, which is PMLN. In current election establishment may effect on its vote bank through PTI because of their unmatched policies on geopolitical and regional strategic scenario but in overall PTI far away in professionalism as compare to PMLN. Pakistan need true and honest faces in order to rescue people and economy, infrastructure, living standard and to decrease poverty. Time has come when Pakistanis should adopt collective thinking rather than individual/party/organizational thinking,
PMLN Served Pakistan for better future and potential hope for people. Track record of this party shows that they are sincere for the development of whole Pakistan not only Punjab so people should think and evaluate PMLN as light of progress which they are looking for.

Kon bachai ga Pakistan imran Khan Imran Khan!!!:pakistan:
Every ruler who has come to power has left Pakistan further divided. Imran; however, was a pleasant surprise. To even make oneself a third option is an achievement in Pakistan where everyone is divided.

Good luck to Imran.
what hope left for pakistan? - the people of this country are its hope forever!!!:pakistan:
To me it is really simple, take out Army's role in politics and especially its land, then the real people of Pakistan will Rule.....

Capital suggestion...Five years

Dr Farrukh Saleem

Sunday, March 24, 2013

In the political arena, President Asif Ali Zardari has laid the foundation of three traditions that Pakistan’s political history has so far been completely devoid of: politics of reconciliation, not to use the FIA and NAB to settle political scores and not to send political opponents to jails.

In the economic arena, the PPP government was the first government in the past 13 years to manage a consensus-based National Finance Commission Award. As a consequence, all the four provinces – especially Balochistan – have been receiving more funds from the federal government than ever before.

PPP’s other major achievement has been the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), the unconditional cash transfer programme to meet Pakistan’s commitments under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of “eradicating extreme poverty and hunger”.

The process of actually identifying eligible potential recipients was originally flawed but has since been reformed through the use of a scientific based Poverty Scorecard (Proxy Means Testing) that also has the World Bank’s stamp of approval.

The BISP now provides unconditional cash assistance to 5.5 million families covering nearly 40 percent of the Pakistani population that survives below the poverty line.

Now, the sad news. The PPP-led government has also laid the foundation of an impending financial disaster. Over the past five years, the PPP-led government has been administering the heaviest dosage of the most evil of all evils, the budgetary deficit.

This multi-trillion rupee deficit, the root of all evils, has been the source of sky-high inflation, unprecedented unemployment and a brewing debt trap (whereby future governments are left with no option but to add on more debt just to pay old debt).

In the hierarchy of devils, Wapda comfortably sits at the very top. Last year, this Nobility of Hell lost a colossal Rs391 billion. A few months ago, Wapda’s losses went up to Rs590 billion and now the same have mysteriously climbed to Rs790 billion.

If Wapda is the Ruler over the Northern Reaches of Hell then Pakistan International Airlines is the Ruler over the Southern Reaches of Hell. Among other Nobles of Hell are Pakistan Steel and Pakistan National Shipping.

In the same hierarchy of devils, reside our legions of demons, their stream of expenditures and its rate of growth. The Cabinet Division, for instance, a mere five years ago, used to spend Rs4 million a day every day of the year – and the same has now gone up to Rs8 million a day every day of the year. That’s a rate of growth of 100 percent.

The PM Secretariat was spending Rs650,000 a day just five years ago – its budget has since gone up to Rs1.5 million a day every day of the year. That’s a rate of growth of 137 percent.

It is election time. And we must thank the Demon of May for we still have leaders ‘who can tell us to go to hell in such a way that we actually look forward to the trip’.

The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad. Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com;

Tweets: @Saleemfarrukh

what a country gora sab!

To me it is really simple, take out Army's role in politics and especially its land, then the real people of Pakistan will Rule.....

oh ok.........!!
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I think ....only hope is Imran Khan for Pakistan....

He is even hope for India also.....:D

what a country gora sab!
oh ok.........!!


A True proof positive would be the up coming elections, and the divergence of military......

Personally, Musharraf would be a perfect correlation of Army's decision making, but I think that is not going to happen. Since, there is progressive mentality still left in Pakistan...
PTI is a burger class drama baz party with no real membership or solutions.
Only answer to Pakistan problem is strong nationalism nothing else can fix it.
We have become slave to IMF and World Bank!
The only solution for Pakistan, is stop BSing about ethnicity, Punjabi, Baluchi, Pathan, sindhi etc. Ethnicity don't tell anyone who is great, who is weak or something. This only tells what is your origin, where you and your ancestors born, and has domicile from. Nothing else.. Every cast has some good thing some bad, but this never make anyone great.. The only thing which can make anyone gr8 is to accept your weakness and improve your weak areas. And stop thinking you are super natural human being. There are 7< Billion people around the globe. Just Pakistan has 67 main ethnicity, 144 minor. So how exactly one can be better then other?

Like in last sarmon, Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) said, "Everyone are equal, and no one has superiority on other".

So follow Shariah, Qaid who so every, Unity is must to move on. We all are human beings, and each human can have different opinion. Difference of opinion should only be treat as difference in opinion alone. Not divisions into different beings. Than only we will start realizing "OUR" Problems and "Our" Hopes. Till then it is just "My" Hope and "My" problem
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