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What Happens When America No Longer Needs Middle East Oil?

What happens when america no longer after middle east oil? Need Answer in one word? its 'PEACE'....

Peace only comes when the Middle east don‘t have oil anymore.

as Long as ME still have oil, there will never be peace.
even USA dont needs ME oil. they will not leave ME...
Simple...Middle East will go back to Alif Laila world.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that the US wants to control MidEast oil flow, not because the US needs the oil, but because potential adversaries need that oil?

and which adversary does not have access to it now? pray tell us ... waiting with bated breath.
In my days at CU Boulder, the professor said one thing ring very true.

If ME (Shia and Sunni musim) would have worked together, Middle East would be a super power even bigger than the United States as they hold 50% of what the world needed most back in 1930s and 1940s, Oil.

But truth are not to be, first with Palestine and Israel issue, then comes egypt and saudi arabia, then Iraq and Iran, then Iraq and Kuwai'i, if Middle east were to bend together, god know what a superpower they can create, but the reality is, they fall apart, big time. And if they were to blame someone, Blame the top dog, which is the USA and also the things that started them all, Palestine/Israeli issue.

As i said many many time before, the reason Arab cannot kick Israeli out is strangely not because of the US involvment, most of the time US weren't even sending Weapon support to Israel with the 3 formation war. THe problem is within itself. Sunni and Shi'a, the persian vs arabian. They were always in competition with each other, and even when they found a common enemy (Israel) they still go at each other throat.

Without the Sunni-Shi'a Rivary, Middle east should have been and would have been the Biggest Empire in the world from 50s on. But we all know what happen now;.

Going back to the toopic, the situation will not change anybit if US stop depend on Arab oil. Actually, US have been using its own oil mainly and Canada is our biggest importer of oil. But still Arab oil are dependent for many other country, one big country is China, when there are change to Oil production and importation to China, the price for Goods made in China will be affected and our import will also be affected. So, there is no change, unless Middle East finished with Oil production. They can influence other part of the world, and that effect will still affect US as a game changer.
and which adversary does not have access to it now? pray tell us ... waiting with bated breath.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that the US wants to control MidEast oil flow, not because the US needs the oil, but because potential adversaries need that oil?

Control - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition of CONTROL

transitive verb
a : to exercise restraining or directing influence over : regulate
People have to understand one point and one point only

American Government does not control the oil, American Oil Company do. There are no oil for the American Government if we invade the ME. Oil control by OPEC, and 5 coutnry control the OPEC (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Libya)

The only instant the American government can control the oil is by turning Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi and Libya into US soil. i can gurantee you we are not going to do that.

If you say the American Oil Company are behind the American Government and they tell what the American government do, then i would say this, American Drug Cartel control US government more than the oil company, as there are more junkie than Car and junkie have to refuel more frequent than car. So US Government are going to take over the Narcotic Business and poppy field in Central America.........

Let's invade Columbia and Mexico....

Okay, which countries as a result of our control and restraining or directing influence over ME: - have found themselves , the adversary, not having access to oil?

You said control is in place because :

Military strategy is about positioning yourself preemptively to be able to exert control when necessary.

The only instant the American government can control the oil is by turning Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi and Libya into US soil. i can gurantee you we are not going to do that.

The US military is not a mantelpiece; it has a job to do protecting US interests and has been doing so for the last century. In extreme scenarios, US military muscle will be used, either overtly or covertly.

One does not get to be a global superpower by acting nice or playing catch-up.
Military strategy is about positioning yourself preemptively to be able to exert control when necessary.


so after making a big proclamation, an emphatic statement I may add, then asked to back it up. You basically said above you Guessed it! i.e it came out of you a___:rofl:

Why do you guys insist of throwing BS out there knowing that you could be called on it? you have no proof to back up your claim... LOL

This how it sounds , your proclomations about the US

You: US has invented a mind control machine that makes everyone side them
Me: what proof you have for such absurdity?
You: Well that is what the US would do...
Me: But that's not what you said, you said they had it invented and in use!
You: I think US will make it...
so after making a big proclamation, an emphatic statement I may add, then asked to back it up. You basically said above you Guessed it! i.e it came out of you a___:rofl:

Why do you guys insist of throwing BS out there knowing that you could be called on it? you have no proof to back up your claim... LOL

This how it sounds , your proclomations about the US

You: US has invented a mind control machine that makes everyone side them
Me: what proof you have for such absurdity?
You: Well that is what the US would do...
Me: But that's not what you said, you said they had it invented and in use!
You: I think US will make it...

I love it when you lose it!

My statements are there in black and white: The US wants control of the ME oil because potential adversaries need that oil.

That statement stands unchanged, and remains true. There are no guesses involved here; that is how geopolitics works: if you want control, you position yourself beforehand; you don't run around at the last minute to get your forces in place.

Your pathetic ignorance of geopolitics, especially American politics, always lands you in trouble and provides entertainment for the rest of us.
I love it when you lose it!

My statements are there in black and white: The US wants control of the ME oil because potential adversaries need that oil.

That statement stands unchanged, and remains true. There are no guesses involved here; that is how geopolitics works: if you want control, you position yourself beforehand; you don't run around at the last minute to get your forces in place.

Your pathetic ignorance of geopolitics, especially American politics, always lands you in trouble and provides entertainment for the rest of us.

SO you make an absolute statement about the US.
Quote: " The US wants control of the ME oil because potential adversaries need that oil

...and then when asked about the absolute claim in your statement. When asked to give us ONE- ONE freaking example to back up your claim---you make another non-nonchalant statement and you back track to " Military strategy is about positioning yourself preemptively to be able to exert control when necessary".

Tell us how does the second statement qualify the first, think tank!

You can't emphatically make a claim - then when asked for an iota of proof to back it up, go " well that is what happens" or "GUESS" it happens.

To date you never spoken about anything america other that famous " Zionist own america" silliness...that you think you have over me.

You : your american flag is not american
Me: yes it is, where is your proof that the american flag is different?
You: All Americans wish they had a better flag
Me: what Da __ does it have to do with your claim 3 lines above?
SO you make an absolute statement about the US.
Quote: " The US wants control of the ME oil because potential adversaries need that oil

...and then when asked about the absolute claim in your statement. When asked to give us ONE- ONE freaking example to back up your claim---you make another non-nonchalant statement and you back track to " Military strategy is about positioning yourself preemptively to be able to exert control when necessary".

The two statements are mutually consistent; there is no backtracking or guessing involved.

The only confusion is in your mind.

As usual.
The two statements are mutually consistent; there is no backtracking or guessing involved.

The only confusion is in your mind.

As usual.


again you made a claim AND there is no "I guess the US may have this thinking" in your statement . You made an absolute claim about the US- and when asked to back it , it's fun watching pseudo think tanks squirm.

Let me try another way: Say if I said :
Me: you very ignorant
You: show me proof one time I have been so
Me: you people tend to be ignorant.
You: NO , you made an absolute statement attributed specifically to me, where is your proof?
Me: I never said anything of such!
again you made a claim AND there is no "I guess the US may have this thinking" in your statement .

Because there is no guessing involved in my statement; that is how geopolitics works. I would urge you to look at the placement of US bases around the world, but it would be wasted effort, since I doubt you are capable of understanding their significance.

Only you see all this as 'guesswork' because of your ignorance of geopolitics but, then again, science and mathematics also looks like magic "guesswork" to the ignorant.
Because there is no guessing involved in my statement; that is how geopolitics works.

Only you see it as 'guessing' because of your ignorance of geopolitics but, then again, science and mathematics also looks like magic to the ignorant.

I feel sorry for the pseudo think tank you. You would not know geopolitics if came and sat in your lap. you just got busted in making an absolute claim about the US, because of your typical bias and when asked to show proof, you backtracked. :P
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