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what happen with pakistan missile program

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pakistan missiles got the moisture and now these will take some time to dry..so wait till then
In fact most Pakistani Military Installations - are located in areas where flood water, and other naturally occurring problems do not effect these vital pieces of real-estate.
In fact most Pakistani Military Installations - are located in areas where flood water, and other naturally occurring problems do not effect these vital pieces of real-estate.

How do u know where pakistani military installations are?? I dont think they announce this kind of information in public
in more then 2 year we never do any new test or introduce missile in the world what reason behind this? i mean no baber, no raad , no ballistic missile , no AGM, AAM what we are not working on any new project? other side Iran is makeing himself better in missile technology in this month they also do a missile test and introduce weapon loaded drone iran is our brother but i never want pakistan loss the ground in asia in missile technology
If you want to be tell the world that we have it, then ofcourse you can have test every 2nd or 3rd month, but what will happen then......... will biigest multinational companies shift there HQs to Pakistan....will pakistan be a world factory like china.......no......instead it will invites worst economic sanctions and a fullstop to foriegn aid that pakistan is recieving because it will tell world that pakistan is spending heavily in it.s defence programs while recieving AID...... but countries like north korea and iran and india needs these kind of test.....because iran wants to threaten west where as india is too afraid of china and may be wants to prove world that now india can defend itself against china..... on the other hand we don't need to prove ourself...we have already proved our capability.......there is no proof, but it is said that USA reveals it,s tech 20 year after it is developed and this is a great strategy because in case of war if your enemy shows a superior tech then you can surprise him with even more advance tech
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