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What exactly do Taliban/TTP/Al-Qaeda want from Pakistan?

what TTP have done so far in Pakistan keeping in mind we should now come up with a solid plan of kicking their *** permanently.
As these people(TTP) is not just formed in recent years it took a long time for them also to reach this point.
we should eliminate them in such a manner that this won't rise again and the first very step is Education both religious and other
Okay, if you are talking about Afghans being ungrateful to Pakistan, then you must know that they didn't except us since our creation. That is entirely different and I will view afghans as our brothers even if they do not do the same for us.

Now, the thing that makes us different is that Muslims must not ever fall to the level of their enemies.

Afghans did a lot for Islam, when they were educated people. Now it is our time and the worst way we can do it is nuke another Muslim country and kill many innocents.

No muslim nation is to blame for this stereotyping of Muslims. It is how other non-muslim groups take it. KKK isn't a 'christian radical group', even though they claim to be christian- it is a 'white supremacy' group. That is the work of the media.

If the rest of the world stereotypes us, great. That is what the Qur'an and the Messenger warned us of.
Nah they are all funded by terror trio(CIA-RAW-MOSSAD) to destroy Pakistan.However these terrorists will not succeed INSALLAH.

We should probably drop a Few Dozen nukes on mountains where they are hiding or should spray some kind of Biological weapon such as anthrax or use some chemical weapons.It may seem harsh but solid and bold steps are needed to defeat terrorists.
Few more like you and we are done with this country.
TTP should not be allowed to use the name Pakistan since this is inaccurate.

80 to 90% of these TTP thugs are from tribal area they should be called

'Takfiri-Tribal-Pathan' or 'Takfiri-Tribal-Proxies

In order to distinguish them from the Pathan polutation that does not support their kind of activities.

Just like 'Panjabi Taliban' is a term used for militants hailing from Panjab , I see no reason why TTP should be allowed to use the good name of Pakistan in their name.

These people have used and misused Pakistan for too loang and we need to set hings right once and for for our coming genrations.

This 'lar o bar yo afghan' business has to come to an end and the ambiguity that allows our enimies to use this space against us must be elimiated one and for all.

These are not your Muslim brothers , they are just pigs that take money to do just about anyhting , they will go kill , steal , loot so long they are getting paid for it.

Have you ever wondered why these 'militants' have offices ?! It cause they pay their 'mujahid's a monthly salary , they are mercinaries , hired guns nothing more.

They use and misues the name of Pakistan and also Islam for thier own dark deeds and have killed 30,000 Pakistanis. They had no problem accepting money from the US to fight the Soviets and even now they have no problem to be part of CIA 'kill-teams' to condut terrorism inside Pakistan.

**** EM! NUCK EM!
This 'lar o bar yo afghan' business has to come to an end and the ambiguity that allows our enimies to use this space against us must be elimiated one and for all.

it is lar ao bar yo pakhtun, not afghan.
TTP/ taliban want the following
they want every nonMuslim to convert to their islamic version or die
they want Beralvis, Shias and Ahemdis to die
they want all Pakistanis to beg forgiveness for creation of Pakistan
they want a salafi brand of Islam where there are public executions bar on research and education

they want to kill everyone that stands in their way to get 72 virgins
What exactly do Taliban/TTP/Al-Qaeda want from Pakistan?

And only if those morons knew the answer to that question them selves. We tried to reason with them. We gave them some leverage in Swat and kaboom they are in the next state recking havoc. These guys dont even know what the heck they themselves are looking for. May Allah save us from these menace.
When is Lunch Break?

Few more like you and we are done with this country.

Nope sir if there were people like me who believed in doing what is necessary to kill terrorism we wouldn't be facing the things we are facing today.

My Post got deleted by moderator but it is the truth.Afghans are responsible for our misery in particular and for the misery of Muslims in general.

Afghans are the most ungrateful people on planet earth.Don't say that i am generalizing but the truth is that we have been feeding them and take care of their mess for 300+ years and if today you go to Afghanistan and ask someone what they think of Pakistan the only thing you would listen will be foul language.
Okay, great, they can hate us. They will only shame themselves. I promise you, unity will come when education comes...

Nuking a million innocents is downright Haraam, so please don't say that afghans have done this-and-that to Muslims. They used to be one of the most educated peoples in the Islamic empire- a lot of their people were scholars and narrators of Hadith.
Nope sir if there were people like me who believed in doing what is necessary to kill terrorism we wouldn't be facing the things we are facing today.

My Post got deleted by moderator but it is the truth.Afghans are responsible for our misery in particular and for the misery of Muslims in general.

Afghans are the most ungrateful people on planet earth.Don't say that i am generalizing but the truth is that we have been feeding them and take care of their mess for 300+ years and if today you go to Afghanistan and ask someone what they think of Pakistan the only thing you would listen will be foul language.

You havent fed the AFghans, yes they are living in pakistan, but they are not fed by Pakistan. although people(afghans) are thankful to even be let in pakistan and live there while their country is in ruins. this refugee problem is not only for the afghans, every country which has problems, have refugees. do you think pakistan doesnt export refugees in teh other countries? come to the UK and see nowdays there are more asylum seekers from pakistan than afghanistan.
That bolded/red part is the most rediculous of all.
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