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What do u think is the way forward for Pakistan?

In my view Pakistanis know where the problem(s) lie.

They are also aware of the answers.

Its only the push that is needed.
There seems to be a lot of focus on religion and how much of a role it should play in society.

Why not concentrate on economics first?

Economics (FDI) cannot progress unless investors have faith in the rule of law, and that won't happen as long as vested interests (feudals) want to retard the growth of the middle class.

I feel that religion is almost irrelevant in the sense that, if it wasn't Islam, the puppeteers would use ethnicity or language or anything else to divide the people and keep the pot boiling. The whole East Pakistan episode is a painful proof of that. The religious issues are a symptom; we need to go after the top dogs.
the way forward for pakistan hmmm

1. let the army train the common people of there duties and liberties

2. total weed owt of feudal system

3. make Police and civil services free from plotical interfearences

4. let the conpiracy therorist and rumor mongers is solitary confienment and keep mullahas away from politics

5. above all teach common pakistani why and who were reali behind the creation of pakistan and what there wested interests have brought to pakistan

6. teach common pakistani that muib ul wtan means love for ones nation not hate for the others(India )

7. stop thekedaaree of the world and concentrate more on the growth of there own society and nation

last but not the least love your fellow citizens not on there relegious background but on there merit ...if pakistanies have guts follow these simple steps as they say things some times are just that simple it onli takes a brave leadership with honest intentions to do that but publikk sentiments should also be there to take hard steps for better future other wise keep waiting for a mesiahh to rescue you llzzzz
the way forward for pakistan hmmm

2. total weed owt of feudal system

3. make Police and civil services free from plotical interfearences

The above two points

The rest of your post was your Indian point of view and not suggestions.
Plain and simple ...concentrate yourself on science technology ,material prosperity ...if you are for religion and spiritual prosperity then you gonna die peacefully without any worries as there will be nothing left
How can we make the most out of our provinces with tourism? Of course Pakistan needs to be safe and all that, but there are more factors than that, Baluchistan has beautiful beaches, Sindh has a beautiful culture, Punjab has the hospitality of the people, Murry is so beautiful, we have Khyber-Pakhtunkwa which has also beautiful area's like Swat, and ofcourse Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan with the most beautiful mountains!
Put all the feudal , criminals , mullas and old Politicians on a boat and send them some where else , out of Pakistan. after getting ride of them then Pakistan might have bright future.

Tomorrow a new generation of criminals, Mullahs and corrupt politicians is going to rise. "Sending them away" from Pakistan isn't the answer; the answer is 'educate' the masses.


You're not going anywhere without it. Never.
6: Shipping corrupt politicians/mooolahs/traitors to mars.
7: Healthy relations with every country in the world.
1) Separation of Church and state, recognise Paksitan as a secular democracy not an Islamic nation where minorities are sidelined.
2)Abolish the laws That allow the feudal classes to dominate politics and business.
3) roll back the powers of the military and ensure they are fully subservient to the elected government.
4) Bring in right to education laws for all regardless of class or gender or religion.
5) Disassociate the government and military from the Islamic radicals. Accept they cannot be controlled and that they are not the best means to achieve strategic objectives.
6) Begin a comprehensive peace process with India. And stop all anti-Indian activities.
7) abolish the "strategic depth" idea wrt Arghanistan and stop meddling in the region.
8) Learn lessons from others and kick start entrepreneurial enterprise in Pakistan.
9) Allow for a middle class to emerge.
10) Ensure through investigations are carried out to purge the military and police of radical elements.
11) significantly reduce the ISI's budget,manpower and remit and ensure there is civil leadership of the agency.
12)!Stop building more nukes.
13) Ensure all terrorists safe havens on Paksitani soil are destroyed.
14) cooperate fully with all terror investigations from other nations.
15) Author a constitution that ensures rights and dignity for all citizens regardless of religion or gender.
16) improve education infrastructure
17) abolish draconian blasphemy laws.
18) standardise a school syllabus that is reflective of established facts and do not teach fiction as facts.

My 2c, the points are not necsercarily in that order.
If two things are improved in Pakistan, everything will come in order

1) Impartial Justice for all
2) Education
First step: We need to recognise that THERE IS A problem in our country. Because most of our countrymen like to think that everything is alright. For example, if someone tells us something's wrong with us. We talk about India's insurgency problems, slowing economy, red corridor and stuff.

Second step: Education! Actually this should be our first priority!

Third step: We need to get rid of this fake Ummah mindset. When Arabs treat us like slaves and have no respect for our people working in their countries! There is no Ummah! Only us Pakistanis are stupid enough to believe in this and get deceived.

Third step: Become self-reliant and get rid of feudal lords!
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