I like you guys and your country in general . I like Iqbal lahoori and his poems .I love it that you write in nastaliq . Pakistan is the first muslim country that achieved nuclear technology without a massive help from foriegners so i am sure if you guys have the will to achieve more in the fields of science , economy and safety that would be possible .I just don' t get it why your country, a nuclear state , can' t destroy taliban and extremists .Maybe there is not enough will in your politicians to do so which I hope it changes if that's the case . Pakistan needs to get more industrial so it can improve it's economy .though i know that's not easy considering there are not much natrual resources like oil in pakistan but i am sure you guys can do much better if there be enough will .
I see a much more positive role for pakistan in the muslim world than some other countries in the ME and I hope to see more copration between pakistan and Iran in the fields of border safety , economic , cultral and tourism .
All in all ,wish you all the best .Pakistan zindabaad