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What do Indians think of Timurlane?

I remember reading some unconfirmed sources, stating that he met some stiff resistance as he went deeper making him turn back, wonder if that is true.

No. There was nothing in India at that time that could have stopped him militarily. He just walked in, smashed, grabbed, raped, killed and then starting looking for more butterflies' wings. No need to speculate about his motives.
In China, he is seen as a negative figure yet impressible! He died an Heart attack when he was preparing for an invasion of Ming china. How is he viewed in India? Negative or Positive.

well he is considered a mass murderrer who use to kill any thing which was above the hight of wagon wheels and onli spared artisans musicians rest any one who came in his path was killed exept girls they were taken as S** slaves and kids who were sold as slaves rest all were killed he was the most ruthless killer who ever attacked india and Mughuls were basically his decendents
Just testing if there is empathy among some Chinese members.

Anyway, here is Timur's mention of his Indian campaign.

The History Of My Expedition Against Hindustan

Timur also came to Ottoman-Turks

When some Arabs from Timur ruled areas fled into the Ottoman lands for refuge, Timur sent a letter to Ottoman-Turks ruler Yildirim Beyazid known as (Yildirim Thunderbolt) to send those men back to be punished, He offended Beyazid with this then Beyazid told him "where have you ever seen that we hand out those who seek refuge from us?" He continued "Dont make mistake to confuse us with some Indian soldiers Dont forget that you are now dealing with the Turkish army! And he welcomed Timurs army to come to the battlefields.

When Timur and his enourmous army arrived to Ankara Beyazid was awaiting him already two Turkish armies stood infront of eachother, Timur had even brought elephants with him, both gave the orders to attack and soon after the battle started in no time Beyazid saw his army getting wiped. Towards the end when almost no Ottoman army left Beyazid and his last 300 elite guards charged to the Timurs army. And he fought like a true Turk until he got captured and brought infront of Timur.

Later they became friends, when Beyazid died Timur cried and said we lost a great mujahid.:lol:

Timur was a really badass Of the Turks.
Timur also came to Ottoman-Turks

When some Arabs from Timur ruled areas fled into the Ottoman lands for refuge, Timur sent a letter to Ottoman-Turks ruler Yildirim Beyazid known as (Yildirim Thunderbolt) to send those men back to be punished, He offended Beyazid with this then Beyazid told him "where have you ever seen that we hand out those who seek refuge from us?" He continued "Dont make mistake to confuse us with some Indian soldiers Dont forget that you are now dealing with the Turkish army! And he welcomed Timurs army to come to the battlefields.

When Timur and his enourmous army arrived to Ankara Beyazid was awaiting him already two Turkish armies stood infront of eachother, Timur had even brought elephants with him, both gave the orders to attack and soon after the battle started in no time Beyazid saw his army getting wiped. Towards the end when almost no Ottoman army left Beyazid and his last 300 elite guards charged to the Timurs army. And he fought like a true Turk until he got captured and brought infront of Timur.

Later they became friends, when Beyazid died Timur cried and said we lost a great mujahid.:lol:

Timur was a really badass Of the Turks.

Source for the above? Is it a part of Timur's memoirs?
What source? This is our history, after this defeat for first time in history we anatolian Turks lived 100 years without government it is know as "fetret devri" in Turkish.
What source? This is our history, after this defeat for first time in history we anatolian Turks lived 100 years without government it is know as "fetret devri" in Turkish.

You must have some historical records of it in the form of writing , say by a Turkish scholar or Historian of that era.

I believe you are referring to this battle

Actually timur kept bayezid as a trophy in a golden cage where he died in captivity,so sorry to ruin your pan turkish romance.
As for sino challengers constant rants about being ruled by horse nomads he should take a look at his own history,the manchu qings[who remained till 1910] the yuan,the mongols.Hundreds of years there.
Timur also came to Ottoman-Turks

When some Arabs from Timur ruled areas fled into the Ottoman lands for refuge, Timur sent a letter to Ottoman-Turks ruler Yildirim Beyazid known as (Yildirim Thunderbolt) to send those men back to be punished, He offended Beyazid with this then Beyazid told him "where have you ever seen that we hand out those who seek refuge from us?" He continued "Dont make mistake to confuse us with some Indian soldiers Dont forget that you are now dealing with the Turkish army! And he welcomed Timurs army to come to the battlefields.

When Timur and his enourmous army arrived to Ankara Beyazid was awaiting him already two Turkish armies stood infront of eachother, Timur had even brought elephants with him, both gave the orders to attack and soon after the battle started in no time Beyazid saw his army getting wiped. Towards the end when almost no Ottoman army left Beyazid and his last 300 elite guards charged to the Timurs army. And he fought like a true Turk until he got captured and brought infront of Timur.

Later they became friends, when Beyazid died Timur cried and said we lost a great mujahid.:lol:

Timur was a really badass Of the Turks.

Yo, you Turks are beyond confused. Do you think all of these Turkic invaders are Anatolians?

You guys are closer to Greeks than you are to these Turkics.

It's like as if the British invaded India and we start calling ourselves English all of a sudden. And Indians start going to the internet and start talking all sort of pan-European nonsense. When we look nothing like the English.
Timur also came to Ottoman-Turks

When some Arabs from Timur ruled areas fled into the Ottoman lands for refuge, Timur sent a letter to Ottoman-Turks ruler Yildirim Beyazid known as (Yildirim Thunderbolt) to send those men back to be punished, He offended Beyazid with this then Beyazid told him "where have you ever seen that we hand out those who seek refuge from us?" He continued "Dont make mistake to confuse us with some Indian soldiers Dont forget that you are now dealing with the Turkish army! And he welcomed Timurs army to come to the battlefields.

When Timur and his enourmous army arrived to Ankara Beyazid was awaiting him already two Turkish armies stood infront of eachother, Timur had even brought elephants with him, both gave the orders to attack and soon after the battle started in no time Beyazid saw his army getting wiped. Towards the end when almost no Ottoman army left Beyazid and his last 300 elite guards charged to the Timurs army. And he fought like a true Turk until he got captured and brought infront of Timur.

Later they became friends, when Beyazid died Timur cried and said we lost a great mujahid.:lol:

Timur was a really badass Of the Turks.

Does n't seem like history more of a poet narration to glorify the defeats etc. We have plenty of them in the India especially the Rajputana.
English is what tie the whole nation of India together. Without English, India would not be what it is today. Indians are proud of this English heritage as they are proud of serving their British master's during WWII as evident by a recent thread.

English does n't tie the Indian nation together; it more of common interests, in a civilized world a federation stands a better chance for progress than an isolated nation. I agree that without English we might be much more backward. Regarding the past
We are concerned about our heritage whatever is it a large part of out heritage in North India is by Muslim rulers then many institution including democracy was a gift of the British. History is a good teacher and we should try to preserve it.

Don't be mistaken there is no love for the British that can be evident in any interactions between the two cultures. The things which tie us is the institutions and law which we have inherited as I should point out that their system is much better than any system of the past. English give us a lot of advantage. Most of the scientific publication happen west in English its better to adopt it then to fight it.

Note: We have 15 national languages English is not one of them. It more of a necessity for us in the diverse culture.
Yo, you Turks are beyond confused. Do you think all of these Turkic invaders are Anatolians?

How did you come to a conclusion about Turks being confused by one man`s post?

You guys are closer to Greeks than you are to these Turkics.

Racial mixture is inevitable if you invade lands which have totally different racial mosaic and settle there for 1000+ years ..That doesnt mean we became Greeks and lost our Turkic ancestral nature..

It's like as if the British invaded India and we start calling ourselves English all of a sudden. And Indians start going to the internet and start talking all sort of pan-European nonsense. When we look nothing like the English.

Irrelevant example..English and Indian are 2 different races while the invaders of Anatolia were Turkics like me..

But overaly i agree on his post being a romantic one which is far beyond the truth..Lets leave it here and move on..Sorry guys for this off-topic post
That "golden cage" bs is just a rumour, it was already proved to be a lie and prpaganda!

everything i said was true and if you dont like it i dont give a fuckk mate!
Funny how ***** and CHinese forget that INDIA was the best place on Earth for a long, long time. Why else would invaders come to India? Because we were dirt poor? Our civilization is ancient and glorious. China should thank its lucky star that India bore the brunt of the invasions from the West. Look at what happened when Japan came in from the East? Destruction on a scale so big, you chinese still cannot move on. So, as for the person who started this tread, we Indians don;t a give a flying f-k bout Timur. He came and went. We are here today. India is here today. Where is the state of Central Asia NOW?
Funny how ***** and CHinese forget that INDIA was the best place on Earth for a long, long time. Why else would invaders come to India? Because we were dirt poor? Our civilization is ancient and glorious. China should thank its lucky star that India bore the brunt of the invasions from the West. Look at what happened when Japan came in from the East? Destruction on a scale so big, you chinese still cannot move on. So, as for the person who started this tread, we Indians don;t a give a flying f-k bout Timur. He came and went. We are here today. India is here today. Where is the state of Central Asia NOW?

Although I would have phrased this differently, these are views that I share. It was India, the composite India, Muslims and Hindus together, who kept invaders at bay, during the period of the Ilkhanate, and strove hard with its depleted strength against Timur. It was India, with its enormous strategic depth, to borrow a phrase from latter-day military pundits in pugrees, which proved to be impossible to swallow whole. It was India, with its teeming masses, where the idea of pyramids of skulls finally started looking ridiculous, and shipping vast hordes off to central Asia, to become European gypsies at a later date, seemed like an increasingly good idea. We did serve to absorb a huge amount of conquistador energy, and prevented it from spilling over the rest of the civilised east. India was a full-scale job for any culture to take on, and only a few succeeded beyond their brief historical equivalent of Warhol's fifteen minutes of being famous.
Choudhry has arrived.

I have to rush.

Cant play.
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