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What could the PAF had seen in the Thunder....

The thunder is a great investment.. its offers great bang for buck. Its not designed.. (at least 1st block) to be an air superiority fighter. The thunder is not designed to take on Mki/Rafales not the current block anyway. + look at what it replaces F-7? Q-5? Mirage-3?.. Thunder holds a much better chance if ever pitted against mki/rafale than those before it. Our Fc-20's will be ready for the Rafale threat.
The PAF with 26 sqds in FRONTLINE service is amongest the largest in the world.

I REPEAT IN nos of fighter aircraft and sqds its a LARGE air power.

Same size as Israel AND larger THAN all ARAB nations including Saudi....even bigger then france UK and germany

THE ASTONISHING FACT is they are maintaining this on a fraction budget of most major air powers in most cases one quater or only a third..

THE ONLY WAY TO MODERNISE amd maintain this no of fighters after replaing 20 sqds of mirage 3/5 & F7 & A5 was to find a BUDGET solution to a a modern fighter... THE JFT is that solution.

THIS IS WAT PAF envisaged ...............it was not envisaged to become the MAIN ANSWER to MKI & future RAFALE threat.

for this PAF will have to find other answers .... probably MORE F16/52s or FC20/J10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in smaller nos
With JFT PAF has gotten what it could not have from any other solution on or off the market.
1; PAF has an inventory composed of 2nd generation fighters,mostly incapable of firing BVRs.Du to cost constraints it has had to rely on upgrading these fighters, and buying second hand fighters to keep up the numbers. Till the US embargo got lifted we MAY only have had very limited BVR capabilities. JFT has in one sweep allowed replacement of this fleet possible for PAF with its meagre resources. There have been additional factors namely the chinese experience and its capabilities have increased exponentially, which has helped us as well, but, this task mainly has been achieved by the induction of JFT.
2; Not only this but in view of the limitations imposed by the old airframes, and even lack of available capabilities and resources, we have had to develop our inventory for specialised roles.Such as Mirages for all weather day and night attacks,and f7 for point defence, the induction of JFT has allowed PAF the luxury of a multirole fighter,which on induction in sufficient numbers will ease the deployment nightmares for PAF.
3;PAF has inducted a plane it can work on to induct newer ideas,more easily than it could ever have done with an other platform.You can see how it is incorporating newer technologies by the day that would have cost us an arm and a leg to induct on any other plane. Multiply the cost by 200 platforms that need replacing, and the costs could have been humongous.
4;ability to sell the plane and make profits.
5;Development of in house aviation industry to further reduce costs
6;National pride and independence
To name just a few reasons why JFT is such a good idea.
Like AL-Khalid, Agosta-90 and Missile weaponry, the reason with JFT was to establish nucleus of fighter aircraft production to pursue the goal of self-sufficiency. The main objective is to replace ageing fleet of Chinese and French airframes. In that sense the JFT has proved an excellent platform with multiple capabilities and room for further enhancement. As for the Versus scenario, it should be remembered that neither the IAF will be just an MKI or Rafale equipped force nor the JFT will be the sole fighter in PAF inventory. Any future scenario will also field, Mirages, Jaguars, Migs and F-16s supported by the likes of J-10.
A PAF pilot did once disclosed to me that, once the JFT is in service in sufficient numbers, any shortcomings would ultimately be resolved.
The replacement of 2nd generation fighters IS THE SINGLE BIGGEST headache for both PAF and IAF.

THE PAF have stolen a huge march over IAF in finding a solution.

ie the JFT was PAF answer to replacing 300 F7 & MIRAGES & A5 ..............they have it with 40 already

IAF answer to replacing 300 mig21/23/ was Tejas LCA ......... IOC part 2 is stil one year away..& 40 planes for MK1 over 4 years away.....

JFT is a success and PDF members should be proud of this
The replacement of 2nd generation fighters IS THE SINGLE BIGGEST headache for both PAF and IAF.

THE PAF have stolen a huge march over IAF in finding a solution.

ie the JFT was PAF answer to replacing 300 F7 & MIRAGES & A5 ..............they have it with 40 already

IAF answer to replacing 300 mig21/23/ was Tejas LCA ......... IOC part 2 is stil one year away..& 40 planes for MK1 over 4 years away.....

JFT is a success and PDF members should be proud of this

Storm force iam thanking you for the first time for a logical and matture post seems that the folks at troll land have gotten someone else for the job you had just joking no hard feelings bro keep up the good work.
The JF-17 Thunder gives Pakistan many advantages and its usefulness should be taken into account keeping all the facts in mind.

First of all, JF-17 is a Multi-role fighter which is designed to replace the aging F7's and Mirage III and IV's at a low cost with the latest technology used. Being a Multi-role fighter bomber, it can be used for CAS purposes as well.

Secondly, JF17 is Pakistani project that Pakistan controls so no more being embargoed or issue of killswitch.

Thirdly, It brings Pakistan into the technological World of Aircraft Production.

Fourthly, Future blocks can add Technological upgrades to the same platform in a cost-effective manner e.g. adding an AESA radar or giving the JF17 BVR capability.

Fifth, because of its low cost, large numbers of these multi-role Fighters can be inducted in PAF to overwhelm Indian AIR FORCE. This means by adding fewer high end Air Superiority Fighters we can match Indian Capabilities.
Front line fighter means the fighter that is made to operate in 100 km diameter from its base where as Backbone is the fighter that has multiple options.
The changes that i'd like to see in Block 2 apart from IFR Probe, AESA Radar, and IRST are: More Composite use and New Engine (WS-10) with TVC control....
The changes that i'd like to see in Block 2 apart from IFR Probe, AESA Radar, and IRST are: More Composite use and New Engine (WS-10) with TVC control....
I guess U are expecting too much from this poor little JF-17 my friend.....:smokin:
All the maneuverability of the Gnat couldn't save it from the lumbering and obsolete Saber, all the sonic booms couldn't save the Fishbeds from the dumb bombs (heck they never saw any combat) and all the might of the IAF couldn't hold back the minuscule PAF.
While this may seem off-topic but oh you rather assume that you are correct on the above point but expect the other members to post rationally. I will disagree and will give you two links to prove that it was not as simple as your assumption seems to be and through which you can correct your mistakes.

Besides, weren't there plans to acquire some sort of Chinese 3.5/4th generation stealth aircraft as well? J-2X or some such thing. What would be the point of either the Sinoflanker or the Typhoon in the face of the new bird?

Lol....An Indian must show his/her true colours one way or the other. A stealth 3.5/4th Generation J-2X!! Read up on the basic qualities of a Jet to be considered 5th Gen and then post about J-2X kid.

Like AL-Khalid, Agosta-90 and Missile weaponry, the reason with JFT was to establish nucleus of fighter aircraft production to pursue the goal of self-sufficiency. The main objective is to replace ageing fleet of Chinese and French airframes. In that sense the JFT has proved an excellent platform with multiple capabilities and room for further enhancement. As for the Versus scenario, it should be remembered that neither the IAF will be just an MKI or Rafale equipped force nor the JFT will be the sole fighter in PAF inventory. Any future scenario will also field, Mirages, Jaguars, Migs and F-16s supported by the likes of J-10.
A PAF pilot did once disclosed to me that, once the JFT is in service in sufficient numbers, any shortcomings would ultimately be resolved.

You forgot AEWCS and SAM's especially within PAF territory as IAF will play the aggressor's role and will penetrate PAF airspace for strikes rather than vice versa.
cheap reliable can shoot any region get jet no kill swtich no limit we can build all we want and love JF17 :pakistan:
JF17 block 2 radar has range greater than 130 km for 5m^2 so far my source told me Radar gap b/w jf17 blk2 and su30MkI radar range are same now , as far PESA's doppler notch of SU30 MKI he quoted that Doppler notch does not work always. Jf17 Block 2 will be given an integrated on fin advance EW suite that might be similar to EF2000 and Rafale however cost has increased more than expected.
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