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What could have PAF done in Kargil war

proves both have somethign to hide. no one is innocent on either side.

I agree. Its mysterious.

1. Why would the Atlantique fly so close to the border if its on training mission
since this training could have been done out at sea.

2. Countries usually do test each others response by flying near the border. I think some faulty instruements may have contributed to plane entering the Indian Space as pointed out by the Neutral DA in one of the posts.

3. I think the IAF was waiting for this incident to happen to force the Atlantique down and score a moral victory.

4. I think the PAF Cdr called the bluff with fatal consequences.

5. I think the plane we shot somewhere on the IB which lead to some of the debris falling on the Indian side with the major parts in Pakistan.

6. I think the point that PAF did not pursue the case in the international courts or release the tapes or the black boxes means they are hiding something about the initial location of the clash just as they Indian are also not releasing their transcripts for various reasons.

Lastly I believe the crisis was defused by the americans thru backdoor channels as I am sure their satellites would have picked some of the chatter which may show both parties were at fault.

According to my knowledge pakistani F-16 were 100 km away from su 30 mki which were bombing on pakistani forces. Idont understand what the hell our government have done in this regard. I think purchasing of jf-17 should be cancelled and pakistani is to get only50 Rafales to counter india. Our government giving orders to get quantity not quality what is you response towards this.
What about Pakistan air force and BVR technology.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: lol next paf air chief marshal
Thanks, it is a good article. And according to it, PAF could have helped win the war by preventing IAF attempts to bomb our logistics (its obvious forward NLI took care of themselves, air-wise ofcourse). It says the main reason Pakistani NLI suffered reverses was because they were undermanned and under supplied, therefore even a token protection of the logistic routes by PAF could have rectified this.
Thanks, it is a good article. And according to it, PAF could have helped win the war by preventing IAF attempts to bomb our logistics (its obvious forward NLI took care of themselves, air-wise ofcourse). It says the main reason Pakistani NLI suffered reverses was because they were undermanned and under supplied, therefore even a token protection of the logistic routes by PAF could have rectified this.
On Page 10:

" Throughout the operation that mujahadeen militants beyond the government’s control
planned and executed the incursion.15 Captured documents, prisoners of war, and the
bodies of Pakistan Army officers killed in action seemed to prove otherwise. Faced with
mounting evidence, in late July Pakistan officially acknowledged that soldiers had been “martyred in the adventure.”

This is the reason PAF did not involved.
Stupid reason, support your troops no matter what you claim on the media stage. The supply lines were barely on the Indian side of the LoC, it was possible for PAF to harass or impede IAF ground sorties without significant diplomatic fall out because Pakistan already claimed Indian jets were violating Pakistan air space and showed the wreckage of a shot down fighter to that effect. Anyway what's done is done, I have no bitter feelings. Just lessons for the future.
honestly - if the pakistani army did not take into confidence the PAF about its plans in kargil, how can one blame PAF? in many ways kargil was exactly like the build up to september 1965. army ocming up with its own ideas, not telling air force etc.
Yes actually, in 1965 most of the Army didnt know about it either. Bhutto till the last moment was trying to convince everyone that the Indians would not attack across the international border. And even the Lahore core commander was caught off guard untill Indian forces were already inside our border!
Certainly PAF should have been told, thats would have changed things a lot.
Unlikely, since IAF was no match for them, but if that makes you feel better.
Unlikely, since IAF was no match for them, but if that makes you feel better.

well , think beyond jingoism. question is not whether IAF was match for them or no match. I might as well retort saying if they are so great, why didnt they show up at all defending the troops on ground and then we go in full circle all over.

The simple answer is that its a crazy plan. and the PAF is not that crazy.
i dont know why PA didnt use Anza (missile), if pakistan wasnt officially involved in the war they could have said that Kashmiri Mujahideen were provided these earlier?
@ PARITOSH.... waiting for you my boy....

saying it but please check out how many soldiers you commited to battle and how many did we commit.....who lost 2 war planes....and in revenge we lost an unarmed navy plane.....who ordered COFFINS from abroad.....??? OPERATION SAFAIID SAGAR was nearly lost but diplomacy prevailed and PAKISTAN ARMY withdrew...and in the withdrawal we lost alot of soldiers because...well let's just leave it at because
@ PARITOSH.... waiting for you my boy....

saying it but please check out how many soldiers you commited to battle and how many did we commit.....who lost 2 war planes....and in revenge we lost an unarmed navy plane.....who ordered COFFINS from abroad.....??? OPERATION SAFAIID SAGAR was nearly lost but diplomacy prevailed and PAKISTAN ARMY withdrew...and in the withdrawal we lost alot of soldiers because...well let's just leave it at because

Zob. did you read Kaiser Tufail's article? after reading it does it look like India was losing? :yahoo: do you know what the "coffins" were supposed to do?
Army should not have expected PAF help...period.It was very weak at that time due to sanctions.There were barely enough spares to keep F16 in air for few hours.PAF was possibly in it's worst shape at that time.
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