BlackEagle, I don't mean to disrespect you bro but you just don't know. People who know high ranking Israeli military personnel say they already have something prepared for Lebanon and are due to take action this summer. I've really heard this from Israelis. What they had in plan for Gaza already occurred. And something following that will also occur. These are no peaceful people, we've been living with them for decades. I'm not saying we are peaceful people either. But the onus lies on Israel. We aren't carrying out an occupation. We didn't mass immigrate illegally. I know I sound paranoid but you need to be with enemies like Israel. If Arabic countries do not step up at all in the future if any escalations occur I'm sorry I will always have to believe in a resistance in Lebanon. Now, that is what Israel wanted. It wanted this conflict to get so messy that Arabic countries only can even consider thinking about preventing conflict while they absolutely have no hands on the occupation. You don't know how many political gains israel made against our Arabic countries. We can't just sit around and stay secular. I'm in favor of educated people but I also believe in a very aware people who prepare themselves for anything because you don't know what will happen. Of course not anytime soon but that is no excuse to sit around. Do what Israel does. Prepare before time. But don't attack like they do. We need to slowly make it clear. And I'm again sorry but I don't believe your King can contribute for this. He doesn't want to damage his country and I know it's your country. But that is the problem with us believing in national identity. If we all thought like Muslims we would be connected and everything would work. And I don't mean we would make gains, I'm saying our religion will be the only thing to bring us with serious minds and people who help one another. I also don't believe the KSA King will contribute either, only in humanitarian aid but we can't accept a world power bombing us every couple years because the West and the media lets them get away with it. As long as we be Israel's slave, the West will love us. But if we refuse, like the Palestinians in Gaza do, they have a worldwide media campaign against them, a military campaign and psychological campaign against them. All that wouldn't matter if we were true to the words of our Prophet(SAW) and the words of Allah(SW). Israelis are very fearful people, their military superiority won't give them victory, trust me, if we show them a little of they have done to us they would be on their knees begging for peace. But we in the Arab world think their attacks against an occupied people prove their deterrence. Which isn't true.