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What can Hezbollah do that it couldn't do in 2006?

Great info. Thanks. Would be interesting to see how their anti air defence would fair agains the Israeli airforce. In Gaza they have tried using the Strela, it's very difficult but they made an attempt at an Israeli chopper once. During the offensive during November they also made numerous attempts and the jets were flying very high.

Hamas Launches Anti-Aircraft Missile From Gaza Against Israeli Military - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

They also have some Milan anti tank missles in Gaza.
Very interesting topic and discussion points Hazzy!
I agree with most of your analysis. I will give a general outlook.

Remember gents, the Israelis, more than anything else are EXTREMELY allergic to casualties. It has a much more huge effect on their psyche, and this psychological effect is such a huge strategic burden.
In 2006 they tried land invasion with troops and their latest (obsolete) Merkava tanks. But given the losses of the ground troops, and even the losses from tanks from the Cornet missiles, they will shy away from heads on battle with Hezbollah on the ground.
I also believe they will opt for massive aerial campaign. We dont yet know the aerial defense capabilites of Hezbollah, but we will find out...
The Merkava tanks are rendered obsolete with Kornet missiles.

A part of the plan will include using cheap unguided rockets, similar if not identical to the Fajr rockets Hamas used in november. These will not hit any miitary target. But keep in mind, these rockets are dirt cheap and if not taken down by Iron Dome, can terrorize and displace a large amount of Israeli civilians. Therefore they need to shoot them down with Iron Dome missiles. One source I read, was that each missile cost up to 40.000 dollars. Where as Fajr cost less than 1000. So it will be extremely costly for Israel, and this is all in accordance to the assymyetrical doctrine. Cause as much damage, at the lowest cost possible.

Off course, we all know Hezbollah has much nastier toys than that, but their usage (or not) will depend on the Israeli response. Things are not as assymetrical anymore, as one might think.

To be honest, none of us here can fully know fully the capabilities of hezbollah and what arms they have at their disposal. But Israel is dealing with a serious adversary.
The images which were aired worldwide after the Zionist Assault on the sleeping neighborhood of Al Dahiya, Beirut was stronger in the minds of the world's people than any weapon/strategy employed by The Resistance. The Zionists face no moral dilemma when engaging civilian neighborhoods in Beirut, from which NO MISSILES COULD HAVE BEEN FIRED BECAUSE OF THE RANGE, whereas Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah asked "So you want an open war? So now we will move into open war." Shortly afterwards missiles began to strike Targets of all Types. It is of the utmost importance that it be known that in 2006 it was Israel who drew the first civilian blood.

Air Defense Weapons such as SA-17(alleged), SA-2, 7, 8, 14, 16, & 18 (supposed) are needed to safeguard the innocent Lebanese that the IAF likes to target in hopes they turn on their leaders (Hezbollah). Since we know that these tactics will be utilized in any future war, Hezbollah would be smart to move these weapons into position to show they are defending the Lebanese, their support base, from which strength and support comes.

Nothing would be more uplifting to the supporters of The Resistance than to see, EVEN A SINGLE, Zionist Terror Jet which violate Lebanese Territorial Sovereignty Daily, come down twisting, turning, and burning the whole way. Israel knows this and that is why they threaten to launch a war if Anti Air Weapons, like the Syrian SA/17, is even suspected of being transferred to The Resistance. The source is Beni Gantz himself, quoted by J- Post saying Hezbollah's acquisition of anti air weapons is a "Game Changer".

Hezbollah's Strategy is more or less the same but I would like to add it is "Multiplied by Ten".

More Accurate and Powerful Weapons have been acquired namely The M-600. Which the Israelis fear more than the SCUDs which, supposedly, have been sent to Hezbollah. The m-600 only carries half the payload of a SCUD but is much smaller, easier to transfer, and has a GPS Guidance System(making it much more dangerous due to the guidance system). The fact that SCUDS are much larger than the m-600 makes it much easier to believe that Hezbollah has many more 600's than SCUDS.

Hezbollah will launch M-600's, Khaibar's, Fajr 5, ZalZal and other accurate/high powered munitions at the fastest rate possible. I would like to note that in the last 2006 war Israel claimed by bombing Al Dahiya and other Civilian Neighborhoods where "missiles were stored" they claimed to have 'destroyed Hezbollah's Missiles Arsenal' this claim was refuted by Hezbollah when they fired 376 Missiles on the last day of the war. This was the largest amount of missiles fired in a single day from Lebanon into Israel.

Israeli Troops will be struck at the entrance to Lebanon by well placed low grade Katyusha missiles which will seem more like guided missiles being that they are targeting pre planned locations. Despite rumors of the 'Trophy Defensive System' being a "Historical" achievement I believe these could vary easily be countered by the same KORNET anti tank missiles but fired in volleys. This theoretical opinion of mine coupled with the realistic one that Hezbollah may already be in possession of The Anti Trophy System RPG-30 could easily rebalance the playing field.

During the 2006 War 2 million Israeli took shelter in the South, out of range of Hezbollah rockets/missiles. This time Hezbollah is believed to be able to target anywhere in Israel so the Civilian Morale in Israel will play a huge role in the outcome of the battle.

I would strongly urge our Israeli counterparts to leave The West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem. Make Peace with your neighbors. Or I fear History of Arrogance will repeat itself. Israel CAN NOT dominate its neighbors but should look to see eye to eye. DESPITE FANATICALLY inspired religious beliefs the Jewish Blood is no different from my '****** latino blood'. I promise the Fascist Israelis that if they would take the time to get to know me they would see that we, as human beings, have more in common than not. Unfortunately, the people who were subjected to the worst of Fascism seem to be following in lockstep with their oppressors.

I hold no anti semitic feelings nor have I ever. I am a son, nephew, and grandson of US Soldiers, Marines, and Naval Personnel. My beloved Grandfather Pedro Martinez of Patins 2nd Army Expeditionary Force, Battle of the Bulge Veteran, and liberator of Oppressed Jews in Germany once told me, "The best thing we did in the entire War was free the Jews from those hellish conditions" and then he looked at me with a specific look in his eyes and said "It is a shame to see those people inflicting the same on the Palestinians."

Words that will stick with me forever.

"The One with the Greatest Power has the Greatest Responsibility"

Dude, you just said what I was going say !!!! having said that the next war will be more of a mind game. Hejbullah must break the morale of Israelis.
Also bear in mind that Hezbollah does have drone capabilty. How advanced they have, I dont dare to guess. From what Ive read the one that penetrated deep into Israeli airspace, freely roamed the skies and approached the Negev desert and Dimona reactor, is an older model and hence less advanced.
I believe Hezbollah knows exactly where Israeli water and electricty installations/plants are located. If they want, they can make life hell for Israeli citizens. So as I said, this will depend on the Israeli response and how far they are willing to take it...
Defeating Hezbollah only requires Iran to go broke. With out the funds to provide free services to the people in the south of Lebanon their popularity will fall even further. They have their hands bloody in Syria as the die hard supporters of assad.

They claim to be defending the people of Lebanon against Israel what people are starting to wonder is who will protect them from Hezbollah.

That said the question you have to ask is if there is a conflict and thats a big if because in the current political climate the best thing Israel can do is stay out of it. Allowing Hezbollah to create a conflict to draw attention away from assad would be politically stupid.

If how ever a shooting war does start, Israel needs to change its tactics. You cant fight a "war" between hospitals and Kindergardens with people who dont wear uniforms.
Everone killed with be automatically a civilian even if 30 seconds ago he was firing an RPG, a shell misses a rocket launcher by 10 feet and hits an apparment block it will be labled zionist genocide.
The political war needs to be won before the shooting war starts.

Asymetrical wars arent won because the smaller side atains military superiority they are won because they convince the larger side the political cost of wining is to great. Gloves off Israel could turn the 20 miles north of the Israel/Lebanon border into so much smoking rubble hezbollah would not stand a chance.

What can Hebollah do that it didnt do in 2006, spend its time murdering muslims and alienate 80% of the Muslim world by supporting a dictator opps they already did that.
More delusion this time from down under.

You people that think you're above other human being are not human and deserve extermination.

Typical of the 'bad ***' british who conquered a defenseless world.

Don't forget that the man behind this 'lesson' is the descendant of genocidists who killed 500 million people Between America, Australia, and S. America and now calls others 'terrorists'.

Your views from Washington DC and Melbourne are severely obscured and we could only wish that you would come within arms reach so we could SHOW you what you've missed.

European Fascists among the greatest cowards, tryants, and fanatics the world has ever seen.

Let's not forget that the barbarians from Europe learned how to use soap and water from the 'terrorists' during the First Crusade.

You want proof of idiocy, Iran with the worlds largest oil reserves.....

"Defeating Hezbollah only requires Iran to go broke."

Very intelligent.

Admin can I suggest IQ tests so we can keep these discussions intelligent?
The images which were aired worldwide after the Zionist Assault on the sleeping neighborhood of Al Dahiya, Beirut was stronger in the minds of the world's people than any weapon/strategy employed by The Resistance. The Zionists face no moral dilemma when engaging civilian neighborhoods in Beirut, from which NO MISSILES COULD HAVE BEEN FIRED BECAUSE OF THE RANGE, whereas Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah asked "So you want an open war? So now we will move into open war." Shortly afterwards missiles began to strike Targets of all Types. It is of the utmost importance that it be known that in 2006 it was Israel who drew the first civilian blood.

Air Defense Weapons such as SA-17(alleged), SA-2, 7, 8, 14, 16, & 18 (supposed) are needed to safeguard the innocent Lebanese that the IAF likes to target in hopes they turn on their leaders (Hezbollah). Since we know that these tactics will be utilized in any future war, Hezbollah would be smart to move these weapons into position to show they are defending the Lebanese, their support base, from which strength and support comes.

Nothing would be more uplifting to the supporters of The Resistance than to see, EVEN A SINGLE, Zionist Terror Jet which violate Lebanese Territorial Sovereignty Daily, come down twisting, turning, and burning the whole way. Israel knows this and that is why they threaten to launch a war if Anti Air Weapons, like the Syrian SA/17, is even suspected of being transferred to The Resistance. The source is Beni Gantz himself, quoted by J- Post saying Hezbollah's acquisition of anti air weapons is a "Game Changer".

Hezbollah's Strategy is more or less the same but I would like to add it is "Multiplied by Ten".

More Accurate and Powerful Weapons have been acquired namely The M-600. Which the Israelis fear more than the SCUDs which, supposedly, have been sent to Hezbollah. The m-600 only carries half the payload of a SCUD but is much smaller, easier to transfer, and has a GPS Guidance System(making it much more dangerous due to the guidance system). The fact that SCUDS are much larger than the m-600 makes it much easier to believe that Hezbollah has many more 600's than SCUDS.

Hezbollah will launch M-600's, Khaibar's, Fajr 5, ZalZal and other accurate/high powered munitions at the fastest rate possible. I would like to note that in the last 2006 war Israel claimed by bombing Al Dahiya and other Civilian Neighborhoods where "missiles were stored" they claimed to have 'destroyed Hezbollah's Missiles Arsenal' this claim was refuted by Hezbollah when they fired 376 Missiles on the last day of the war. This was the largest amount of missiles fired in a single day from Lebanon into Israel.

Israeli Troops will be struck at the entrance to Lebanon by well placed low grade Katyusha missiles which will seem more like guided missiles being that they are targeting pre planned locations. Despite rumors of the 'Trophy Defensive System' being a "Historical" achievement I believe these could vary easily be countered by the same KORNET anti tank missiles but fired in volleys. This theoretical opinion of mine coupled with the realistic one that Hezbollah may already be in possession of The Anti Trophy System RPG-30 could easily rebalance the playing field.

During the 2006 War 2 million Israeli took shelter in the South, out of range of Hezbollah rockets/missiles. This time Hezbollah is believed to be able to target anywhere in Israel so the Civilian Morale in Israel will play a huge role in the outcome of the battle.

I would strongly urge our Israeli counterparts to leave The West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem. Make Peace with your neighbors. Or I fear History of Arrogance will repeat itself. Israel CAN NOT dominate its neighbors but should look to see eye to eye. DESPITE FANATICALLY inspired religious beliefs the Jewish Blood is no different from my '****** latino blood'. I promise the Fascist Israelis that if they would take the time to get to know me they would see that we, as human beings, have more in common than not. Unfortunately, the people who were subjected to the worst of Fascism seem to be following in lockstep with their oppressors.

I hold no anti semitic feelings nor have I ever. I am a son, nephew, and grandson of US Soldiers, Marines, and Naval Personnel. My beloved Grandfather Pedro Martinez of Patins 2nd Army Expeditionary Force, Battle of the Bulge Veteran, and liberator of Oppressed Jews in Germany once told me, "The best thing we did in the entire War was free the Jews from those hellish conditions" and then he looked at me with a specific look in his eyes and said "It is a shame to see those people inflicting the same on the Palestinians."

Words that will stick with me forever.

"The One with the Greatest Power has the Greatest Responsibility"

The best post Ive ever read on this forum!!:tup:
Hezbollah barely recovered from 2006 war. Iran payed them billions to recover.

But now Hezbollah and Iran are isolated because of the war in Syria and sanctions. They cant afford another war.

The Merkava tanks are rendered obsolete with Kornet missiles.
Ghanduriyeh village was protected by Kornet missiles. 9th Merkava battalion attacked. Hezballoons fled leaving unused Kornet missiles behind:


Hezbollah barely recovered from 2006 war. Iran payed them billions to recover.

But now Hezbollah and Iran are isolated because of the war in Syria and sanctions. They cant afford another war.

barely? both their military and political strength increased after the war. they kicked your *****. the once so tough Golan brigade shitted in its pants when they went to south lebanon to fight. some israeli soldiers even deserted. your people is a cowardly people. you moke nasrallah because he hide in a bunker, while during a sirene whole israel is hiding themselves.

real men:





barely? both their military and political strength increased after the war. they kicked your *****. the once so tough Golan brigade shitted in its pants when they went to south lebanon to fight. some israeli soldiers even deserted. your people is a cowardly people. you moke nasrallah because he hide in a bunker, while during a sirene whole israel is hiding themselves.
Keep living in lalala land. Before 2006 Hezbollah was regularly firing at Israel. Since 2006 Hezbollah did not fire a bullet.

More over, there are many crazy jihadists in Lebanon who want to fire rockets at Israel like FAI. So Hezbollah is hunting them. :lol: Hezbollah is serving as protector of Israel now. :lol:
Keep living in lalala land. Before 2006 Hezbollah was regularly firing at Israel. Since 2006 Hezbollah did not fire a bullet.

so that is how you measure strength? how ignorant.

More over, there are many crazy jihadists in Lebanon who want to fire rockets at Israel like FAI. So Hezbollah is hunting them. :lol: Hezbollah is serving as protector of Israel now. :lol:

they are waiting for the right time. till then, enjoy walking freely on your streets. just make sure you find your way to your bunker when the siren starts speaking out loud.
Great info. Thanks. Would be interesting to see how their anti air defence would fair agains the Israeli airforce.
Under UNSCR 1701, Clause 15, Israel and other U.N. member states are enjoined to employ their air and sea forces to interdict Hezbollah's supply lines. That's why Israel retains free reign over the skies of Lebanon. To start shooting down Israeli planes would break UNSCR 1701 and the protections it affords not only Lebanon but Hezbollah itself.
so that is how you measure strength? how ignorant.
Before 2006 Hezbollah was firing rockets at Israel, now hezbollah is stopping others from firing rockets at Israel. Great victory, wish you more like this :cheers:

they are waiting for the right time. till then, enjoy walking freely on your streets. just make sure you find your way to your bunker when the siren starts speaking out loud.
Your beloved Nasrallah is sitting in bunker since 2006. And seems he will keep sitting there for a looong time.
Before 2006 Hezbollah was firing rockets at Israel, now hezbollah is stopping others from firing rockets at Israel. Great victory, wish you more like this :cheers:

doesnt matter. when the time is there, and iran gives the order, you will see how quick your countrymen are running to their bunkers. you guys were defeated; even american experts say this. also israeli experts like ronen bergman. your soldiers cried in bint jbeil.
Back on topic...lets try to keep within the thread requirements here, and I'm not referring to you, Feyen. But maybe 500 could offer military situation analysis regarding her country. But she didn't answer the question. That being said. Good points have been made and lets just discuss the outcome of such a conflict without unrelated political drama.

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