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What can bring India and Pakistan closer


Sep 13, 2009
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United States
I am just sick and tired of animosity between India and Pakistan. I have seen moderate voice from both sides in this forum. I want to explore what India and Pakistan can do to bridge the Gap and get them closer.

My request to people who have nothing to add but just flame any topic to stay away from this thread. I do not want a serious discussion to turn into bashing each other.

I feel serious value in India and Pakistan becoming friend. Both stands to gain. I do not know how that be done. I know for sure people who flame on both sides are not the ones that can do it.

Here is what I feel we stand to gain.
1) Better trade means both nations can reduce cost of buying.
2) Pakistan can gain from economic contracts with India.
3) India can gain if it gets road access to Central Asia.
4) Both nations will have less violence, more peace means more tourism.
5) If we start complementing each other, we can influence world decisions. Instead of subtraction we will be doing addition.

Throw your ideas here:yahoo:
I am just sick and tired of animosity between India and Pakistan. I have seen moderate voice from both sides in this forum. I want to explore what India and Pakistan can do to bridge the Gap and get them closer.

My request to people who have nothing to add but just flame any topic to stay away from this thread. I do not want a serious discussion to turn into bashing each other.

I feel serious value in India and Pakistan becoming friend. Both stands to gain. I do not know how that be done. I know for sure people who flame on both sides are not the ones that can do it.

Here is what I feel we stand to gain.
1) Better trade means both nations can reduce cost of buying.
2) Pakistan can gain from economic contracts with India.
3) India can gain if it gets road access to Central Asia.
4) Both nations will have less violence, more peace means more tourism.
5) If we start complementing each other, we can influence world decisions. Instead of subtraction we will be doing addition.

Throw your ideas here:yahoo:

Notice what has been proposed only to extend indian wishes to go to central asia packaged under bogus trade hoax. Age old indan deception. No mention of india leaving occupied territory of Kashmir and other areas, thats where any meaningful reconciliation can happens.

By now every one shoild be familiar with indian deception trick.
nothing major but India must leave Kashmir & thats all needed to bring em' closer ! like it or not but its the root cause behind every thing ,as much as i or any one hate inflaming this thread or any other thread but the truth is there ....... there is hate is in pakistanis heart because of bloodshed in kashmir the occupiers has leave or there is no bridge.
Notice what has been proposed only to extend indian wishes to go to central asia packaged under bogus trade hoax. Age old indan deception. No mention of india leaving occupied territory of Kashmir and other areas, thats where any meaningful reconciliation can happens.

By now every one shoild be familiar with indian deception trick.

:woot:, ohhh thats shocking . you didn't use the word" indian stooges" in your post:rofl::rofl::rofl:
what about inflicting damage with 1000 cuts strategy against India, i feel even if Kashmir issue is solved ISI won't change its strategy.

i hope cultural and people to people relations will change the mind set of the people in both countries apart from trade.
what about inflicting damage with 1000 cuts strategy against India, i feel even if Kashmir issue is solved ISI won't change its strategy.

i hope cultural and people to people relations will change the mind set of the people in both countries apart from trade.

Why would you think so? Do you think we Pakistanis want to chase you down to hell for nothing? I am a bit tired of hearing this lame excuse that solving Kashmir won't do any good. :hitwall:

Any sort of cultural and economic relation will be overshadowed by the Kashmir dispute and its potential to inflame sentiments. Long term and meaningful relationship can only be built by resolving the bigger issues first.:cheers:
to achieve peace Pakistan has to stop supporting the so called "non state actors" and build confidence by taking appropriate action against 26/11 attackers.
Notice what has been proposed only to extend indian wishes to go to central asia packaged under bogus trade hoax. Age old indan deception. No mention of india leaving occupied territory of Kashmir and other areas, thats where any meaningful reconciliation can happens.

By now every one shoild be familiar with indian deception trick.

Ultimatlely you guys are ingrates, when you wanted India , you got what you wanted, and now you guys are back stabbers. Obviously you will feel cowered by India owing to its size and economy. What is BD's problem with India, I still dont understand. As for reconciliation with Pakistan, forget it, even if we gave them Kashmir, they would consider that success and go ahead to cause more problems for Indai. As for BD, I think India should give them a hard kick in the *** and shut them up
nothing major but India must leave Kashmir & thats all needed to bring em' closer ! like it or not but its the root cause behind every thing ,as much as i or any one hate inflaming this thread or any other thread but the truth is there ....... there is hate is in pakistanis heart because of bloodshed in kashmir the occupiers has leave or there is no bridge.

Who the heck occupied kashmir. You guys in Pakistan stop smoking and get things strainght, wether you like it or not , legally at parition kashmir was taken a Indian, you invade, and you have occupied. Illegally. If being muslim is the reason that Kashmir should belong to Pakistan, then why are there international borders from Pakistan all the way to Turkey, you guys should have been one nations, so please spare us all this balderdash and get real. Even as muslims you are not united so end the farce
what about inflicting damage with 1000 cuts strategy against India, i feel even if Kashmir issue is solved ISI won't change its strategy.

i hope cultural and people to people relations will change the mind set of the people in both countries apart from trade.

See the bolded part. This kind of 'even' or 'ifs' are the main obstacles to peace. Give peace a chance if you want peace!

In my opinion the best indicators for Pakistan's intentions came/come when Indian cricket visit Pakistan. While Inzi, the Pakistani cricket team captain a few years ago, had been booed and called 'Aaalo', 'Aaalo' (Potatoe) by boisterous crowds in India the Indian team in Pakistan found great warmth and sportsmanship. These facts are acknowledged by even many Indians.

India acts like Israel does. Occupy a large part of land along with its population and then comes up with 'what if' or 'even' like scenarios. There is an ideological opposition to that. But in reality most Pakistanis would settle for any agreement which is acceptable to Kashmiris even if it means a full independence from Pakistan and India or some kind of 'joint control' (an Andorra solution). Why hold hostage 1.2+ billion people for egos? Both India and Pakistan will be here in one form or another--the people will be here and people are more than the stupid man-made boundaries--and so it is better to give and take and move on. Make South Asia an economic powerhouse. Cut Pakistan off from an unnatural exclusive alliance with a communist China (how much really China helps Pakistan when even compared with the 'evil West' when it comes to economy?) and a far off West.
In short, Mr. Zardari and Mr. Singh, tear down this wall!
Who the heck occupied kashmir. You guys in Pakistan stop smoking and get things strainght, wether you like it or not , legally at parition kashmir was taken a Indian, you invade, and you have occupied. Illegally. If being muslim is the reason that Kashmir should belong to Pakistan, then why are there international borders from Pakistan all the way to Turkey, you guys should have been one nations, so please spare us all this balderdash and get real. Even as muslims you are not united so end the farce

India occupied kashmir .... its not hidden from any one what indian army has done in the last 60years to kasmiri civilians .. IA is holding kashmiris against their will ... If you are unable to digest and ignorant to not to see the truth than PM indianrabbit to delete this post as it wont go any where ...
Its simple buddy No Kashmir - No Peace !!
I am just sick and tired of animosity between India and Pakistan. I have seen moderate voice from both sides in this forum. I want to explore what India and Pakistan can do to bridge the Gap and get them closer.

My request to people who have nothing to add but just flame any topic to stay away from this thread. I do not want a serious discussion to turn into bashing each other.

I feel serious value in India and Pakistan becoming friend. Both stands to gain. I do not know how that be done. I know for sure people who flame on both sides are not the ones that can do it.

Here is what I feel we stand to gain.
1) Better trade means both nations can reduce cost of buying.
2) Pakistan can gain from economic contracts with India.
3) India can gain if it gets road access to Central Asia.
4) Both nations will have less violence, more peace means more tourism.
5) If we start complementing each other, we can influence world decisions. Instead of subtraction we will be doing addition.

Throw your ideas here:yahoo:

This is such a SELFISH list.

You listed everything what India wants from Pakistan.

Pakistan just wants the 62 year old dispute with India over KASHMIR resolved.

Thats the only reason why there is an LeT in the first place, its the only reason why both nations fought most of the wars against each other, and the only reason why Pakistan and India are arch rivals...KASHMIR!
See the bolded part. This kind of 'even' or 'ifs' are the main obstacles to peace. Give peace a chance if you want peace!

In my opinion the best indicators for Pakistan's intentions came/come when Indian cricket visit Pakistan. While Inzi, the Pakistani cricket team captain a few years ago, had been booed and called 'Aaalo', 'Aaalo' (Potatoe) by boisterous crowds in India the Indian team in Pakistan found great warmth and sportsmanship. These facts are acknowledged by even many Indians.

India acts like Israel does. Occupy a large part of land along with its population and then comes up with 'what if' or 'even' like scenarios. There is an ideological opposition to that. But in reality most Pakistanis would settle for any agreement which is acceptable to Kashmiris even if it means a full independence from Pakistan and India or some kind of 'joint control' (an Andorra solution). Why hold hostage 1.2+ billion people for egos? Both India and Pakistan will be here in one form or another--the people will be here and people are more than the stupid man-made boundaries--and so it is better to give and take and move on. Make South Asia an economic powerhouse. Cut Pakistan off from an unnatural exclusive alliance with a communist China (how much really China helps Pakistan when even compared with the 'evil West' when it comes to economy?) and a far off West.In short, Mr. Zardari and Mr. Singh, tear down this wall!

The only wall that needs to be torn down is the Line of Control separating Azad Kashmir from Indian Occupied Kashmir.

See this thread, you will see what China has done for Pakistan over the years and just compare it to what India has done for Pakistan. http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-defence/34151-timeline-china-pakistan-friendship.html

Pakistan will never chose India over China, not in this lifetime...do you want Pakistan to commit suicide by trusting the country that hates our very existence?

Pakistan doesnt need India when we are connected to so many other important regions of the world (China, Central Asia, Middle East, even Europe by railway now).

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