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What Bangladeshi youth still thinks about

In sha Allah . May Allah subhanu help your nation to get sufficient water .
We ourselves have been dealing with indian tyranny in kashmir and indus water etc , we won't let india act like a super power in this region .

Don't take his egoistic comments seriously . He's speaking like a former egoistic government.
He's not representative of all pakistani nation .
Majority of pakistan view bangladesh as a favourable harmless country.

And I think bangladesh is an innocent nation that deserves a beautiful treatment.

You're just like your dp. An angry , strict headed man .

DP??????.......please elaborate
I like your signature well.wisher. A very true statement. As for Pakistani capability. It's more about playing the hand most effectively. The US and the west in general makes the playing cards. It's a huge difference.
In a simple way I want say that we should not be 'complacent ' in political situations or internal matters...
in case of Pakistan, it is a vast country with so many issues (language,political, ethnic, religious) it should be addressed in the prism of East Pakistan history.
If you want to dominate south Asia you need to develop a whole/ as unity nation..
In one side you are building cpec (roads , infrastructures, powerplants) on the other hand your army is attacking your very own citizens with helicopter gunships!! What's wrong with them!!
This is not a ideal scenario to be developed as a nation..
Your last post did not make any sense. Could you please clarify & elaborate on what you meant please.[/QUOTEu
I like your signature well.wisher. A very true statement. As for Pakistani capability. It's more about playing the hand most effectively. The US and the west in general makes the playing cards. It's a huge difference.
True , isn't it ? Kindness is necessary as it helps you to emit all bitterness and meanness . Treat people same way you want to be treated .
A muslim must always be kind to everyone as Allah subhanu loves kind people .
In a simple way I want say that we should not be 'complacent ' in political situations or internal matters...
in case of Pakistan, it is a vast country with so many issues (language,political, ethnic, religious) it should be addressed in the prism of East Pakistan history.
If you want to dominate south Asia you need to develop a whole/ as unity nation..
In one side you are building cpec (roads , infrastructures, powerplants) on the other hand your army is attacking your very own citizens with helicopter gunships!! What's wrong with them!!
This is not a ideal scenario to be developed as a nation..

So Pakistan has many issues and bangladesh doesn't? The helicopter gunships were used against agents of our enemies. Another point, Pakistan does not wish to dominate south Asia because the fact is that Pakistan has very little if anything in common with the rest of South Asia. Our future lies with China, Turkey and the nations to our immediate west of whom we share the most in common with.

Pakistan doesn't look at our eternal situation in terms of bangladesh 1971. As both are completely different to one another. Currently, Pakistan is made up of many different ethnicities all of whom share a unique racial identity which is not common to the rest of south Asia.

Bangladesh is a nation that is more than 2500 kms away from us. The bangladeshis are a completely different race, culture, heritage and bloodline to Pakistani people. Bangladeshis are physically different to Pakistanis people and have a different language. These huge insurmountable differences made it impossible for us to ever form a permanent single nation together. It goes against all natural human instinct and common sense. India simply took advantage of this fact in 1971.

True , isn't it ? Kindness is necessary as it helps you to emit all bitterness and meanness . Treat people same way you want to be treated .
A muslim must always be kind to everyone as Allah subhanu loves kind people .

The Iraqis & Afghans treated the americans well yet they still got annihilated by the very same people. Only strength, power and force works. Being ultra weak is inviting destruction from predators.
Nearly 50 years ago. That history is now dead. No point in flogging a dead horse. By your logic, we should also concern ourselves with the internal opinions of EVERY nation we have ever had a history with. That means the ENTIRE Middle East and Central Asia. Much ado about nothing at the end.

Let Trump or anyone else come and try it with Pakistan. Our enemies know our TRUE capabilities which is why they couldn't do to us with what they had done with Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya & Syria. There is a reason why Pakistan is the ONLY Muslim nuclear weapons state and the only nation in the whole history of mankind that has repulsed an enemy nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege.
If you care so much about the Middle East why don't you raise your voice about the poor
Conditions of Pakistanis who are struggling in the Gulf nations? I wish to discuss Bangladesh and the future relations with Pakistan.
So Pakistan has many issues and bangladesh doesn't? The helicopter gunships were used against agents of our enemies. Another point, Pakistan does not wish to dominate south Asia because the fact is that Pakistan has very little if anything in common with the rest of South Asia. Our future lies with China, Turkey and the nations to our immediate west of whom we share the most in common with.

Pakistan doesn't look at our eternal situation in terms of bangladesh 1971. As both are completely different to one another. Currently, Pakistan is made up of many different ethnicities all of whom share a unique racial identity which is not common to the rest of south Asia.

Bangladesh is a nation that is more than 2500 kms away from us. The bangladeshis are a completely different race, culture, heritage and bloodline to Pakistani people. Bangladeshis are physically different to Pakistanis people and have a different language. These huge insurmountable differences made it impossible for us to ever form a permanent single nation together. It goes against all natural human instinct and common sense. India simply took advantage of this fact in 1971.

The Iraqis & Afghans treated the americans well yet they still got annihilated by the very same people. Only strength, power and force works. Being ultra weak is inviting destruction from predators.

Strength , force , power should be used on people who deserve this . If being kind is necessary in islam then being offensive against oppressors is also necessary in islam . Be kind to your muslim fellows and treat them well, remove all misunderstandings with them through peace . Never go in war against a muslim country . It'll be deemed as weakness of muslim ummah.
Bangladesh people don't deserve force or aggression or hate from us . They're harmless innocent nation .
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If you care so much about the Middle East why don't you raise your voice about the poor
Conditions of Pakistanis who are struggling in the Gulf nations? I wish to discuss Bangladesh and the future relations with Pakistan.

What about the poor conditions of Pakistanis in Pakistan? As far as I can remember the Middle Eastern nations did not conspire with india to attack Pakistani soldiers.

There is NO relationship between Pakistan and bangladesh. It's as about as real as Pakistan's relationship with the Eskimos of Antarctica. History has shown that apart from China and now Turkey, ALL other nations mean nothing to Pakistan. We need not concern ourselves with an alien and meaningless people like the bangladeshis. Nothing of any good will come out of it for Pakistan.

By the way, the Middle East is next door to Pakistan in the form of Iran. Bangladesh is 2500 kms away from us. Therefore the Middle East has more of an affect on us. Please remember that fact.
Are bhai, if you don't want to understand No one can make you understand...
Please read my previous post.
So Pakistan has many issues and bangladesh doesn't? The helicopter gunships were used against agents of our enemies. Another point, Pakistan does not wish to dominate south Asia because the fact is that Pakistan has very little if anything in common with the rest of South Asia. Our future lies with China, Turkey and the nations to our immediate west of whom we share the most in common with.

Pakistan doesn't look at our eternal situation in terms of bangladesh 1971. As both are completely different to one another. Currently, Pakistan is made up of many different ethnicities all of whom share a unique racial identity which is not common to the rest of south Asia.

Bangladesh is a nation that is more than 2500 kms away from us. The bangladeshis are a completely different race, culture, heritage and bloodline to Pakistani people. Bangladeshis are physically different to Pakistanis people and have a different language. These huge insurmountable differences made it impossible for us to ever form a permanent single nation together. It goes against all natural human instinct and common sense. India simply took advantage of this fact in 1971.

The Iraqis & Afghans treated the americans well yet they still got annihilated by the very same people. Only strength, power and force works. Being ultra weak is inviting destruction from predators.
Strength , force , power should be used on people who deserve this . If being kind is necessary in islam then being offensive against oppressors is also necessary in islam . Be kind to your muslim fellows and treat them well, remove all misunderstandings with them through peace .
Bangladesh people don't deserve force or aggression or hate from us . They're harmless innocent nation .

The bangladeshis may be harmless but they also mean nothing to us. So we should not concern ourselves with them.
They were forced to take this step at that time who were the main reason for the partition were not prosecuted back in Pakistan. The darkest hour in our history and some how people have forgiven the culprits from our sides.
You have a serious chip on your shoulder man.
What about the poor conditions of Pakistanis in Pakistan? As far as I can remember the Middle Eastern nations did not conspire with india to attack Pakistani soldiers.

There is NO relationship between Pakistan and bangladesh. It's as about as real as Pakistan's relationship with the Eskimos of Antarctica. History has shown that apart from China and now Turkey, ALL other nations mean nothing to Pakistan. We need not concern ourselves with an alien and meaningless people like the bangladeshis. Nothing of any good will come out of it for Pakistan.

By the way, the Middle East is next door to Pakistan in the form of Iran. Bangladesh is 2500 kms away from us. Therefore the Middle East has more of an affect on us. Please remember that fact.
Pakistan is a south Asian nation not an Arabic nation or central Asian nation. Sure we may share cultural similarities but what occurs in South Asia also dramatically effects Pakistan. Hope you also remember this fact.
Pakistan is a south Asian nation not an Arabic nation or central Asian nation. Sure we may share cultural similarities but what occurs in South Asia also dramatically effects Pakistan. Hope you also remember this fact.

Not really. We may not be Arabic but we are not bengali either. How does what happens in bangladesh affect Pakistan?
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