Bilal9 is my Bangladeshi brother here and he rightly said this about you :
I didn't miss. I am a gentle, polite person. I don't talk gangsta.
I don't claim to know her lifestyle preferences or dictate them but I do wonder why would she go to places where callous, Capitalist Bhakts like you gather who feed dogs with cakes and pretend to help out humans through a stupid thing called charity in the same way that the Indian Capitalist Subrata Roy spent
550 crores on the four-day twin weddings of his two sons and because some people would point to the crassness and obscenity of this in a massively disparity-filled and poor country like India he arranged for a "benevolent" meal for a thousand poor people for one day. One day.
A very Dharmic daan-punya work to collect divine points from non-existent divinities by doing pretend compassion for one day but forgetting empathy for the rest of the year. No wonder you do not understand my calls for permanent revolutionary welfare-based society.