West-India Nexus Aiming For Another Dacca
Two things stand between Pakistan and its enemies: Peoples power
and the nukes.
Jawad Raza Khan | Friday | 16 December 2011
ISLAMABAD, PakistanIt was afternoon or perhaps evening tea time when I entered my house in a middle class neighborhood of Karachi.
This time of the day was a leisure stretch, with jokes cracking along with rusk and tea, but today I realized that the environment was different. The intense silence at that unexpected time left a permanent mark in my memory for the rest of my life.
I looked around to see if everyone was fine. But nothing of that sort was the reason for that eerie hush. While looking at those gloomy faces my eyes turned into a question mark. My grandmother, feeling my confusion, broke into tears, grabbed me tight, and cried, son, we have been divided. Pakistan is broken.
At the tender age of four I couldnt comprehend much from that cry of sorrow, but the intense emotions of my grandmother made me cry louder than her.
This was 16 December 1971.
This was how most Pakistanis reacted to this tragedy.
Mr. Khan can be reached at
jrkhan67@yahoo.com . Slightly edited for space and clarity.
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