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West Bengal beats India in Muslim growth rate.

It is true that the demographic trends in India is against the Indics. But beyond a point demographics dont work. The impact of demographics can easily be overcome by other factors. Good example a few million Jews against 100s of millions of Arabs. In our own subcontinent, first a handful of Muslims dominated the country, followed by even fewer goras. In the reverse direction, our Pakistani brethren and cistern here can tell us what the Sikh minority did in Punjab during the Sikhshahi era. And last but not the least since this has been started by a Bengali speaking Mussalman, may I remind him of what 93K Punjabi and Pushtoon Mussalmans did to his 60 million plus brethren in 1970-71, it needed sardarjis to get them off the hook. So, Bengali speaking Mussalmans should be the last qaum on this subcontinent to derive any comfort from demographics.

The key really then is Unity and even more importantly Strategic Intent.

And strategic intent was what India's (alleged) founding fathers lacked in 1947. Had they any true strategic vision, they wud have realised that India's destiny was to be the Indic civilisational nation state par excellence as it was Pakistan's to be the Islamic civilisational nation state in Southern Asia and PRC's of being the Sinic civilisational nation state par excellence.

They made two strategic blunders in 1947. One was capturing Kashmir which was a part of Pakistan demographically and geographically. India shud have struck largely to the Chenab line, keeping Jammu and Ladakh with India and letting Kashmir Vale, the Pir Panjal region and GB with Pakistan. The military and political capital which was wasted in J&K could have been used better for absorbing Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim to India. The second was not in enforcing a Punjab style demographic reengineering in Bengal, NorthEast and Purnia district of Bihar- it was an amazing act of carelessness living a large mass of potential Republiksfiende in sensitive border lying area. Had our leaders done this, it wud have given the Republic of India demographically and geographically a far better defensible frontier than it has currently; and as a byproduct perhaps left the three great civilisational nation states- India, United Pak and PRC with little to dispute against each other.

@SoulSpokesman incredible deep writing...I think economic boycott and targeted inflation in Muslim majority regions (higher transport costs) will also reign in Muslim population...It is a pain in the *** to bring up kids in this age of inflation..even the poor are becoming circumspect before shooting out half a dozen kids as cannonballs...Modi's strategy of empowering Muslim women might also pay off (but that's a long shot)
@SoulSpokesman incredible deep writing...I think economic boycott and targeted inflation in Muslim majority regions (higher transport costs) will also reign in Muslim population...It is a pain in the *** to bring up kids in this age of inflation..even the poor are becoming circumspect before shooting out half a dozen kids as cannonballs...Modi's strategy of empowering Muslim women might also pay off (but that's a long shot)
Why are you so against muslims you should be worried about the wahabi,salafi and debandi sects making muslims terrorist you saying this is making muslims feel isolated its not a good thing.
even them being 99% wont do any good if they cannot convert that numbers into seats in parliament. Those 200 million are useless as of now.

Anyways congrats to Bengali Musalmans. May Allah bless you with more and beautiful kids so "Love Jihad" also prosper :lol: Bihari, UP, haryanavi, and other northern bharatis should move to southern bharat, Kerala, Bengal and Assam where already Muslims have good population , they may breath freely there with cows and other freedoms..

I am afraid, sir, you have got it bass ackwards. The thing is to invest in the well-being of Muslims, once that happens they will stop having too many kids, irrespective of what the mullah says. Look at the TFR of Iran, Indonesia, even our neighbour BD, they are lower than those of Indian Hindus even, becuase the standards of living are good in the two former states and in BD large number of women work, which means they cant afford to have too many babies. All these three states have done an excellent job in providing primary healthcare and education to their citizens. Even within India, Kerala and TN Muslims have a lower TFR than their norht Indian Hindu and Muslim counterparts although higher than their X-tian and Hindu counterparts.


I am afraid, sir, you have got it bass ackwards. The thing is to invest in the well-being of Muslims, once that happens they will stop having too many kids, irrespective of what the mullah says. Look at the TFR of Iran, Indonesia, even our neighbour BD, they are lower than those of Indian Hindus even, becuase the standards of living are good in the two former states and in BD large number of women work, which means they cant afford to have too many babies. All these three states have done an excellent job in providing primary healthcare and education to their citizens. Even within India, Kerala and TN Muslims have a lower TFR than their norht Indian Hindu and Muslim counterparts although higher than their X-tian and Hindu counterparts.


What is annual Indian muslim growth rate? I think hindus killing large numbers of baby girls is the reason. Eventually must poorest hindus, dalits, tribals etc population will also increase which will change political landscape of India.
@SoulSpokesman I think you are right..but if it ever comes to war..there has to be economic blockade...Now you said that the new Indian state should have integrated Nepal and Bhutan and carved out the Vale of Kashmir to Pakistan...I agree with it...But how exactly would you have integrated Nepal? After my interactions with the Nepalese I have understood that their hatred of Indian Hindus is racial and historical.....Two major points being

1) Nepal managed to fend off direct British occupation on account of being mountainous..For that reason they hate India with incredible fervour, as India was occupied by the British ...This hatred mirrors exactly the hatred Afghhanistan has for Pakistan...Afghanistan escaped direct British occupation during colonial era, while the lands that became Pakistan could not

2) Nepali Hindus are Caste elites and Hill Elites...They pride themselves having sharp features of North Indian upper caste as well as fair skin and in case of Mongoloid Hindus, they pride themselves of their fair skin....They look down upon Indian Hindus as the large majority of Indian Hindus are much darker and flatter featured than Upper caste Nepali Hindus ..this parallels the situation of much fairer and caucasian featured Afghanis looking down upon Pakistani Punjabi Muslims as kaala dalkhors

3) Minor point of Madhesis

given this being the ground reality how would you achieve integration of Nepal? and how would you achieve integration of Bhutan when as recently as the 90s they performed ethnic cleansing of Nepalis
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It is true that the demographic trends in India is against the Indics. But beyond a point demographics dont work. The impact of demographics can easily be overcome by other factors. Good example a few million Jews against 100s of millions of Arabs. In our own subcontinent, first a handful of Muslims dominated the country, followed by even fewer goras. In the reverse direction, our Pakistani brethren and cistern here can tell us what the Sikh minority did in Punjab during the Sikhshahi era. And last but not the least since this has been started by a Bengali speaking Mussalman, may I remind him of what 93K Punjabi and Pushtoon Mussalmans did to his 60 million plus brethren in 1970-71, it needed sardarjis to get them off the hook. So, Bengali speaking Mussalmans should be the last qaum on this subcontinent to derive any comfort from demographics.

The key really then is Unity and even more importantly Strategic Intent.

And strategic intent was what India's (alleged) founding fathers lacked in 1947. Had they any true strategic vision, they wud have realised that India's destiny was to be the Indic civilisational nation state par excellence as it was Pakistan's to be the Islamic civilisational nation state in Southern Asia and PRC's of being the Sinic civilisational nation state par excellence.

They made two strategic blunders in 1947. One was capturing Kashmir which was a part of Pakistan demographically and geographically. India shud have struck largely to the Chenab line, keeping Jammu and Ladakh with India and letting Kashmir Vale, the Pir Panjal region and GB with Pakistan. The military and political capital which was wasted in J&K could have been used better for absorbing Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim to India. The second was not in enforcing a Punjab style demographic reengineering in Bengal, NorthEast and Purnia district of Bihar- it was an amazing act of carelessness living a large mass of potential Republiksfiende in sensitive border lying area. Had our leaders done this, it wud have given the Republic of India demographically and geographically a far better defensible frontier than it has currently; and as a byproduct perhaps left the three great civilisational nation states- India, United Pak and PRC with little to dispute against each other.


The reason India didn't go through genocide in rest of India etc was because of secular ideology which allowed them to hold on to these areas entirely. Otherwise British would have redrawn maps further before going out as there was no place left for all of them in Pakistan. Pakistan leaders too made many blunders in 1947. I most thank India for 71 otherwise we now would have been involved in pointless war with Burma and more refugees. Pakistan learned its lesson in afghan war, never take part in other wars and take in too many refugees on almost permanent basis.

The sense of nationhood was very weakly developed in the subcontinent in 1947. Besides, you must be aware that the then King of Nepal Tribhuvan had offered to merge Nepal into India but our then PM Chacha 420 had rejected it. I am not saying that it would have been smooth but far more smooth than holding on to Kashmir.

Kabira bhai,

The reason India didn't go through genocide in rest of India etc

Not in the whole of India, only Bengal and Assam. If you look at the demographic map of undivided India most of West Bengal and Assam's Muslims lived within 100 km of the eventual border; similarly most of East Pak's Hindus within 100 km of the border. Just swap them using boats...

The reason India didn't go through genocide in rest of India etc

Not in the whole of India, only Bengal and Assam. If you look at the demographic map of undivided India most of West Bengal and Assam's Muslims lived within 100 km of the eventual border; similarly most of East Pak's Hindus within 100 km of the border. Just swap them using boats...


I'm surprised at how many Bengali muslims are in India, indeed it was possible to force them out and in return east Pak to do the same in 1947 to bangla hindus. Only in punjab there was large scale violence, rest are all myth people tell to feel better about their ancestor fake sacrifices. Though not sure about Assam, India may have lost all north east India if it intended to deport them as well in large scale. As secular ideology allowed India to keep sikh punjab and NE India which is christian and culturally distinct.
What? :D
Dharmics are major communities all over the world. Including PR China, Japan, Thailand, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka etc etc. I can go on and on. Dharmic philosophies (Karma, Yoga, Pranaam, Yoga, Ayurveda etc) are far more popular in the world than Qur'aan.

Muslims? A few hundred millions.
How many are actually Muslims? How many are following the true dictats? How many are fighting to live under Shariah. Every month there are marches opposing Shariah in Europe, America and India - often headed by thousands of Muslim women. Muslims drink, eat pork and make merry.
Unlike Hindus or Buddhists, Muslims have a very strict code. One of us can eat beef and still continue to be within the faith. Not so for you. In times of conflict they are the first to suffer. Numbers mean nothing here.
Another huge increase in number is in Africa (Boko Haram conversions) and Syria (Yazidi conversions). The latter will be reversed.
Even your Khilafat is now nearing its end - again. And how many Muslims are bothered about it?

For massive birthrate. You know what will happen? The same that happen to communities with limited resources. Unless they expand and destroy non Muslims and capture their resources - they will STARVE to death.

Actually, it is dead.

That is a great success story of Pakistan - they have removed almost all non Islamic influence in Pakistan, and this has added security to the state. But you have found new non Muslims - Ahmedis and Shia. So you are back to square one. Civil war and destruction is your destination - has been so since the Ridda wars actually. This is nothing new.

Islam has been wiped out from so many areas.
Southern France
Parts of Albania
East Punjab
Most of Caucasus
Telengana (except Hyderabad)
Myanmar (only a few hundred thousand remain, they will soon be history)
etc etc... I can go on and on.

You survived being a bully in India NOT because of your efforts. But due to Dharmic insistence on ahimsa. Today's Hindus and Buddhists are not squeamish. When PA played with IA heads last year, recce parties went and brought back Pakistani soldiers heads as trophy. That customary chivalry that we used to have before is gone. We are as savage (if not more) now as you are. So please, don't push us. Kill the non Muslims in your country (including Shia) and feel good about it. Anywhere else - and thousands of innocents with Muslim names will suffer.

That is because you are duty bound to destroy them if discovered. Where they get a chance to speak out - they do. And overwhelmingly. Every non Muslim country has ex Muslims groups (numbering hundreds of thousands of people). You don't find ex Buddhist, ex Hindu groups - do you?
In this age, being stubborn (like the Rohingya) will give you nothing. Except death. Give Myanmar (and us) a few more months to end the work in Arakan. :) Then will will end it in South Thailand where Muslims have been trying to establish their own Islamic state there. They will be ... 'rehabilitated'.

Sindhi forced convertee.
Or sorry.

Muslims are 1.7 billion and growing not a few hundred million

You can also eat pork, drink beer, commit adultery etc and still be a muslim. The only thing that stops you being a muslim is denying the oneness of God

Islam is spreading, it has always spread, their are more muslims today then at any point in history

And their will be even more in the future



Why Muslims are the world’s fastest-growing religious group



In the next half century or so, Christianity’s long reign as the world’s largest religion may come to an end


We are the future.. Our faith is stronger
Power comes and goes, when you are strong you rip apart your enemies, when you are weak you can get punished.
At our weakest ebb we are spreading through births and conversions like never before, when we will be strong again we will leave your heads spinning
Kabira bhai, just for curiosity sake are you the same gentleman who used to post as Gunah-e-Kabira.

For every priya kumari there are at least dozen muslims and number is increasing even further. It is a lost battle that you guys are fighting. Even those communists and athiests are a tiny minority and stand no chance against the overwhelming majority of BD population that takes religion very seriously. Many are hiding today fearing for their life.

We have forced you for your survival in your own country. You whine daily about malda but nobody cares. I don't even need to say anything. Your defeat is inevitable.

Not really sanghi. Check number of muslims in the world. It is called fastest growing religion for a reason. You really think we are losing or Islamic civilization is dying?? Ottoman empire decline was just a small period in the history of this universal phenomenon of Islam. Unlike you who is limited to your own sh!thole, we are a global phenomenon. There are muslims everywhere. There are places where they have enough numbers to defend themselves and to impact on election results. Even in Europe and America. all those right wing fascists have no idea how to fight against this new hard reality of Islam in Europe. In India itself. There are muslims everywhere. In Jammu despite all the genocide there are still muslims living in healthy numbers in that city. Are there any hindus in Mirpur or Bhimber or Kotli?

You talk about IA killing Muslims in Calcutta. There are still huge number of muslims in Calcutta. More than 20% of Calcutta is still muslim. How many Hindus are there in Karachi or Lahore today? That's because we are stubborn. We stay and we fight back. Temporary setbacks happen but we would win for sure. There is no other way out. Ahtiesm is no threat for us. Those poor guys hide in Muslim societies and can't even expose themselves to their own neighbors.

I don't need to pray for Muslim uprising. It is already happening. It is funny to see your futile efforts against it to stop it. :lol:

I'm from Jammu. There was no genocide. I've never even heard that before. During partition, there was violence in all bordering regions. Punjab was the most affected.
For every priya kumari there are at least dozen muslims and number is increasing even further. It is a lost battle that you guys are fighting. Even those communists and athiests are a tiny minority and stand no chance against the overwhelming majority of BD population that takes religion very seriously. Many are hiding today fearing for their life.

We have forced you for your survival in your own country. You whine daily about malda but nobody cares. I don't even need to say anything. Your defeat is inevitable.

Not really sanghi. Check number of muslims in the world. It is called fastest growing religion for a reason. You really think we are losing or Islamic civilization is dying?? Ottoman empire decline was just a small period in the history of this universal phenomenon of Islam. Unlike you who is limited to your own sh!thole, we are a global phenomenon. There are muslims everywhere. There are places where they have enough numbers to defend themselves and to impact on election results. Even in Europe and America. all those right wing fascists have no idea how to fight against this new hard reality of Islam in Europe. In India itself. There are muslims everywhere. In Jammu despite all the genocide there are still muslims living in healthy numbers in that city. Are there any hindus in Mirpur or Bhimber or Kotli?

You talk about IA killing Muslims in Calcutta. There are still huge number of muslims in Calcutta. More than 20% of Calcutta is still muslim. How many Hindus are there in Karachi or Lahore today? That's because we are stubborn. We stay and we fight back. Temporary setbacks happen but we would win for sure. There is no other way out. Ahtiesm is no threat for us. Those poor guys hide in Muslim societies and can't even expose themselves to their own neighbors.

I don't need to pray for Muslim uprising. It is already happening. It is funny to see your futile efforts against it to stop it. :lol:
It is only because there were no Right Wingers in power anywhere in the world for a long time. You guys were treated with kid gloves and sympathy which you mistook for weakness.

What does your mighty religious followers could do to stop the removal of your religion from Myanmar. Nothing. Yes there is simply nothing you could do on your own. You can protest within your countries. LOL!!!

There will be more and more lands becoming free of your religion. Our guys are in power only for the last 2 years in the last 1000 years of Indian history and the lefties and your religious fellows are having abnormal anal and verbal diarrhoea.
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