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Wehrmacht vs Red army :Best WW2 eastern front animated.

Lol, that's not Hitler. I know you wish it were.

If only your grandfathers could live to see the lovely world they fought to create, with its fagg parades, trannies and unlimited gay p0rn and materialistic hedonism. The great freedoms that the proletariat enjoys. I guess the Communist dream really has been fulfilled: no God, no religion, just live for this world and then die, just like a pig. Hell, even a pig knows its purpose in life, so I won't insult the pig here. But you get what I mean.

Introducing gay Communists :rofl::







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The Germans had the Soviets for breakfast in the initial couple of years.
I am surprised Soviet place their best unit and generals in the far east in early days of German invasion of Russia but the least trusted units by stalin after the purge. What German army face in western Russia in early days of Soviet Invasion are bootlickers of Stalin but totally incompetent army. Which is the reason why German easily overwhelmed many red army in the early days of the attack. After Pearl Harbour and Japan invaded South East Asia. The japan threat at far east was removed. Stalin shift his mass troops in far east and general Zhukov back to western front and turn the tide of war. Suddenly , German army face the best of Soviet army. No more retreating and incompetent soldiers. It was a 180 degrees big change for German soldiers.
Soviet Storm is made from the perspective of the Soviet Union (thus the name, of course) and is filled with pro-Soviet propaganda and cherry picked facts.

There's nothing wrong with watching it, because even then most retarded propaganda has entertainment value.

However, it is important to keep this fact in mind when watching these so called "documentaries".

As one example: Soviet Storm skips the origins of the Eastern Front which are in the Ribbentrop-Stalin pact, wherein Stalin enthusiastically agreed to divide eastern Europe between himself and Nazi Germany and supply Hitler with war materials in case Britian and France declare war on him (which they did, and the rest is history).

One of the most funniest scenes of Soviet Storm, due to the irony, is when they show Red army soldiers marching into Western Poland in 1944-45 and the narrator says "the brave Red Army liberates Poland from the Fascist tyranny". But didn't Comrade (more like CommieRat) Stalin gift Western Poland to Hitler in 1939? Does that not make Stalin an accomplice in the "Fascist tyranny" over Poland? :rofl: and in the invasion of Western Europe and finally Barbarossa too, Stalin was the accomplice. The blood of those 25 million Soviet casualties is on Stalin's hands, not Hitler's.

The amount of cognitive dissonance is off the charts, but what can you expect from Communist apologists? They are brain dead animals, just like their Atheist god Karl Marx envisioned them to be (yes I know Communists claim to not believe in a God, but this is yet again another cognitive dissonance of Communists). Looks like at least one of Marxs' prophecies did come true, that there are people in society who willingly become animals and enjoy it.

If you mean documentaries then no, because there are no unbiased documentaries. All of the official history sources have the stamp of approval of the establishment powers who were the Victor's of WW2. This is especially true of visual media which is overwhelmingly under their control because visual media is the most easily digested by the human mind because the information is already premade and very little imagination is needed by the consumer to take in this information.

Books on the other hand, there are still many that give an objective and unofficial view of historical events. However most people don't read books anymore for whatever reason, due to busy schedule and time constraints mostly if one were to assume and also due to the ever decreasing attention span of the average person as a result. Books require using ones imagine to interpret the text, therefore not an easily comprehendable source of info.

But there are books that I can suggest.

@Nilgiri @Psychic @LeGenD @Gomig-21 @Metanoia
Books then ?
Books then ?
Chief culprit by Victor Suvorov, Eastern Front by Leon Degrelle, Origins of the Second World War by AJP Taylor.

These are the ones primarily focused on Eastern Front, though the last title also covers other factors that lead to start of WW2. So fast these are the books I've read about the eastern Front, operation Barbarossa.
Lol, that's not Hitler. I know you wish it were.

If only your grandfathers could live to see the lovely world they fought to create, with its fagg parades, trannies and unlimited gay p0rn and materialistic hedonism. The great freedoms that the proletariat enjoys. I guess the Communist dream really has been fulfilled: no God, no religion, just live for this world and then die, just like a pig. Hell, even a pig knows its purpose in life, so I won't insult the pig here. But you get what I mean.

Introducing gay Communists :rofl::

Hitler or not it does not matter. He made his effort and failed. Germany is an occupied country till this day. And will be untill USA collapsed.
These things are not communists. They are western liberals. True communist is a man of honor and highest moral, a man made of steel. Man, who will die for his ideals and for his Motherland easily and with song.
This guys were communists

And this guys were. They went to fight for Moscow just after Parade in November 7th, 1941.

And this guys were comminists. They defeated the best army in the world. And people will remember their Victory for thousands years.
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These things are not communists. They are western liberals. True communist is a man of honor, a man made of steel. Man, who will die for his ideals and for his Motherland easily and with song.
He was trying to say so called communists.
These things are not communists. They are western liberals. True communist is a man of honor, a man made of steel. Man, who will die for his ideals and for his Motherland easily and with song.
This guys were communists
Since when did Communism believe in motherland, race, christianity or tradition? :rofl: Explain this to me.

Communism does not believe in Nation, race, religion, spirituality, tradition, but rather seeks to destroy it all.

Also, yes, these people are the true Communists because they are revolutionaries in the truest sense of the word. They are spiritual revolutionaries who attack and destroy all traditions of the past in their quest for further degeneration, just like Marx did, just like Lenin did when he legalized homosexuality.

What you call Communism in the Soviet Union is closeted Fascism, but you would not rather admit that :lol:
Since when did Communism believe in motherland, race, christianity or tradition? :rofl: Explain this to me.

Also, yes, these people are the true Communists because they are revolutionaries in the truest sense of the word. They are spiritual revolutionaries who attack and destroy all traditions of the past in their quest for further degeneration, just like Marx did, just like Lenin did when he legalized homosexuality.

What you call Communism in the Soviet Union is closeted Fascism, but you would not rather admit that :lol:
You just called all good things Fascism, and I call them Communism. Communism is not about Revolution only. Communism is the next step of social evolution. Slavery - Feodalism- Capitalism - Socialism - Communism. People just do not ready for that. May be after 500 years or so.
And here is something for you.
Twelve rules of the Builder of Communism
Here are the commandments which were written as a part of the Third Party Programme:

Loyalty to Communism, and love of the socialist Motherland and other socialist countries.
Conscious work for the good of the society: One who doesn't work, doesn't get to eat.
Care for the collective property, as well as the multiplying of this property.
High consciousness of the social responsibilities, and intolerance to the violation of the social interests.
Collectivism and comradery: All for one and one for all.
Humane relationships between human beings: One human being is a friend, a comrade and a brother to another human being.
Honesty, ethical cleanliness, as well as simplicity and modesty both in private and public life.
Mutual respect in the family, and care for the upbringing of the children.
Intolerance to the injustice, social parasitism, unfairness, careerism, and acquisitiveness.
Friendship and brotherhood with all the nations of the USSR, intolerance to all racial and national dislike.
Intolerance to the enemies of communism, peace and freedom of peoples of the world.
Brotherly solidarity to all workers of all countries and nations.
Hitler or not it does not matter. He made his effort and failed
Hitler was a GREAT man, even if he made some mistakes, he was still a man of integrity.

The younger generations in the West understand this, while all of the old farts who worship the holocaust are slowly dying off. Soon enough the historical narrative in the West will change when all of the degenerate Marxists and Liberals die off from their degenerate lifestyle.


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Hitler was a GREAT man, even if he made some mistakes, he was still a man of integrity.
I do not care about West - they may kill themselves and make sex with animals or dead bodies. I do not care after they made this stupid coup in Kiev and destroy my country.
If they want Nazism or Fascism or Feodalism back - let it be. Just do not attack Russia and do whatever you want. If they will attack - this time they will see the dark side of Russia.
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Communism is the next step of social evolution. Slavery - Feodalism- Capitalism - Socialism - Communism. People just do not ready for that.
So at what point will people be ready? Surely by now after some 180 years since Communism was founded it would have been achieved? No?

Instead why are Communist countries like China imitating Western capitalist economic model?
Twelve rules of the Builder of Communism
Here are the commandments which were written as a part of the Third Party Programme:
Loyalty to Communism, and love of the socialist Motherland and other socialist countries.
Conscious work for the good of the society: One who doesn't work, doesn't get to eat.
Care for the collective property, as well as the multiplying of this property.
High consciousness of the social responsibilities, and intolerance to the violation of the social interests.
Collectivism and comradery: All for one and one for all.
Humane relationships between human beings: One human being is a friend, a comrade and a brother to another human being.
Honesty, ethical cleanliness, as well as simplicity and modesty both in private and public life.
Mutual respect in the family, and care for the upbringing of the children.
Intolerance to the injustice, social parasitism, unfairness, careerism, and acquisitiveness.
Friendship and brotherhood with all the nations of the USSR, intolerance to all racial and national dislike.
Intolerance to the enemies of communism, peace and freedom of peoples of the world.
Brotherly solidarity to all workers of all countries and nations.
Okay, sounds very pleasant. But what this shows is inconsistency with Karl Marx's message.

Here's the thing: if someone founds an dogmatic ideology (like Marxism) and he is the original founder, then those who follow his message to its core and do not deviate from his teaching are his true followers. Yes?

What you posted sounds more like something from the Bible than from Karl Marx or Freidrich Engels.

Western Marxists (whom you call Liberals) are more loyal to Marxs' core teachings: revolution against all tradition. This includes marriage, race, religion, gender, family, etc...

Even in your Soviet Union in the early days of Bolshevik power there was free sex and homosexuality. They were true communists, until Stalin decided to change things only because he was a utilitarian and not a conservative orthodox priest.
Even in your Soviet Union in the early days of Bolshevik power there was free sex and homosexuality. They were true communists, until Stalin decided to change things only because he was a utilitarian and not a conservative orthodox priest.
Well, the history is a strange thing. Some states came to capitalism in 12 centuty (Italian city-states) but the whole world came to it only in 18-19 ct. So we have time for communism.
First years after 1917 it was the fever of Revolution - anarchy and Civil War. And there were no communism in USSR - it was the goal, but it was never achieved. We did built some sort of socialism, but it was long way to go to communism.
And by the way - Stalin almost was Orthodox priest. He studied at the Orthodox seminary for 5 years.
You can be sure USSR had very conservative and patriarchal moral. Strong traditioanl family was a core of socialist society.
Puritan morality is one of the reasons why liberals hate the USSR so much (even after it collapsed).
You just called all good things Fascism, and I call them Communism.
Fascism does not oppose tradition, but integrates it into national life because Fascism understands that a nations spiritual health is superior to its material well-being.

This is why Marxists accuse Fascism of trying to keep the "proletariate" in their "chains" through the illusion of Nationalism and loyalty to the country and religion, whereas according to Marxists only class solidarity is the true identity, not religion, race, nation or gender. In real life this will never happen. It is impractical.

Fascism reconciles class disputes and unifies the nation toward a single goal. Traditions are healthy and good for society and should not be attacked.

"The Fascist conception of life is a religious one (7), in which man is viewed in his immanent relation to a higher law, endowed with an objective will transcending the individual and raising him to conscious membership of a spiritual society."

"In the Fascist conception of history, man is man only by virtue of the spiritual process to which he contributes as a member of the family, the social group, the nation, and in function of history to which all nations bring their contribution. Hence the great value of tradition in records, in language, in customs, in the rules of social life (8). Outside history man is a nonentity."


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The Germans had the Soviets for breakfast in the initial couple of years.
Yes, but Russian environment began to take its toll, and the Wehrmacht were unable to replenish their ranks in the EAST since US set its foot in Europe and Africa to neutralize Axis powers. US also facilitated Soviet war-effort against the Wehrmacht (Lend-Lease Program).

This isn't to say that Soviets were inconsequential. They were willing to fight till the end and their courage had no peer.

Nevertheless, the Wehrmacht ended up fighting on several fronts while German homeland was being subjected to spirit-shattering bombing runs. This was too much pressure to cope with, and the outcome is self-explanatory.
Fascism does not oppose tradition, but integrates it into national life because Fascism understands that a nations spiritual health is superior to its material well-being.

This is why Marxists accuse Fascism of trying to keep the "proletariate" in their "chains" through the illusion of Nationalism and loyalty to the country and religion, whereas according to Marxists only class solidarity is the true identity, not religion, race, nation or gender. In real life this will never happen. It is impractical.

Fascism reconciles class disputes and unifies the nation toward a single goal. Traditions are healthy and good for society and should not be attacked.

"The Fascist conception of life is a religious one (7), in which man is viewed in his immanent relation to a higher law, endowed with an objective will transcending the individual and raising him to conscious membership of a spiritual society."

"In the Fascist conception of history, man is man only by virtue of the spiritual process to which he contributes as a member of the family, the social group, the nation, and in function of history to which all nations bring their contribution. Hence the great value of tradition in records, in language, in customs, in the rules of social life (8). Outside history man is a nonentity."


@Desert Fox You can realy believe that Fascism and Nazism is something good and is the only way to save the West. I do not care about West and the way it could be saved.
These bastards were enemies of my grandfathers. They came to my land and kill 15 millions civilians. They are like rabid animals or some sort of demons for me.
I do not like liberals as well.
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