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We won't eat halal meat, say British MPs

So why you insist on halal meat only? As per your above (blasphemous :D) logic any meat is eatable, it does not make any difference if it is halal or haram, it is going to be killed anyway, right?

It shouldn't matter to non-muslims, that's all i'm saying. People who argue against halal meat are just blowing the whole issue out of proportion.

As for me, it's my belief that you don't have to sacrifice the animal while reciting bismillah, you just have to mention God's name upon the meat before you eat it (i'm not a traditionalist), so it doesn't matter to me anyway.
If you will not eat Halal, will you eat Kosher ?
I don't mind eating it (apparently Tesco's sold it) it's just people can choose whether or not they want to. As for Kosher, that is much more religious I think. I would never buy it out of choice, but if I was invited to a Jew's house or whatever I would have no problem with eating it.

---------- Post added at 07:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 PM ----------

When you drain the blood it stays fresh for longer.
Yes, but all meat will stay fresh for a while at least. I personally eat meat within 1-3 days of buying it, it's always going to be fresh.
Taste or no taste isnt the issue here..the issue is that MPs who are the torch bearers of democrecy and freedom choice are forecibly imposing their opinion on those who have a different opinion....
If muslim MPs want halal meat ...whats the big deal..let one or two of the 23 resturants sell it....
It wont be fair if muslim MPs demand that all 23 restaurants sell halal....but i think thats not the case?
Taste or no taste isnt the issue here..the issue is that MPs who are the torch bearers of democrecy and freedom choice are forecibly imposing their opinion on those who have a different opinion....
If muslim MPs want halal meat ...whats the big deal..let one or two of the 23 resturants sell it....
It wont be fair if muslim MPs demand that all 23 restaurants sell halal....but i think thats not the case?
Well technically if the majority of Mp's have voted that they do not want halal meat, then that seems fairly democratic.
It's not a big deal but yes they should make accommodations for the Muslim Mp's.
ever heard the saying "neem hakeem khatra e jaan...neem mullah khatra e iiman"
Ever herd the Aayah of quran that those who take their religious scholars as their "lords" are doomed ...!!!

Those who blindly follow mullah's halal-haraam misconceptions can stick to whatever they want & I'll follow Prophet's instructions... How about that.
halal meat is much more hygienic and fresh, due to the halal process
Brother I bet u have NEVER been to slaughter houses , either in pakistan or in west,,, I have seen them , u'll change ur opinion after having a look...

& so-called non-hallal "Jhatka" is also done by throat slitting, & the blood drains... the ONLY differences r that they hit animal's head with a metal rod... that's why the term "Jhatka"... but animal does NOT die from that "Jhatka"... after stunning it's throat is slit open..

other difference is os taking the name of "ALLAH" which is done by a recorded-voice in large scale western slaughter houses..
Well technically if the majority of Mp's have voted that they do not want halal meat, then that seems fairly democratic.
It's not a big deal but yes they should make accommodations for the Muslim Mp's.

This type of democracy isnt really a democracy as is against minorities?
Although if one or two of the restaurants sell halal..hat will not hinder anyones rights in the parliament..
But by voting against they are alienating muslim MP...

what i want to eat and what i dont want to eat ...is that something the parliament should decide or it should be my personal choice?
The MPs can call one of the hundreds of restaurants and takeaways in central london and have halal food delivered...
But a democratic parliament should not be so biased towards a minority.
Ever herd the Aayah of quran that those who take their religious scholars as their "lords" are doomed ...!!!

Those who blindly follow mullah's halal-haraam misconceptions can stick to whatever they want & I'll follow Prophet's instructions...
I rather beleive what a person who has spent 9 yeas learning Arabic..Quran..hadith and fiqah.rather than google it myself and beleive what acrandom unknown internet user has written on a random website.
It shouldn't matter to non-muslims, that's all i'm saying. People who argue against halal meat are just blowing the whole issue out of proportion.

As for me, it's my belief that you don't have to sacrifice the animal while reciting bismillah, you just have to mention God's name upon the meat before you eat it (i'm not a traditionalist), so it doesn't matter to me anyway.

Ever herd the Aayah of quran that those who take their religious scholars as their "lords" are doomed ...!!!

Those who blindly follow mullah's halal-haraam misconceptions can stick to whatever they want & I'll follow Prophet's instructions... How about that.
It's not the Mulalhs who made the rules, its the Quran that has explicit rulings n guidelines as to how meat becomes "halal". Here's one of the verse from the Quran:

5:3 - Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than God, and [those animals] killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten, except what you [are able to] slaughter [before its death], and those which are sacrificed on stone altars, and [prohibited is] that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience. This day those who disbelieve have despaired of [defeating] your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
What is halal meat?
It's when you slaughter an animal from which all it's blood is removed and the meat is pure.
It is scientifically proven that meat with blood clots is hazardous to health.

Anyways kids, read this.
Research: Islamic Slaughtering and Western method of Slaughtering.

Let's begin with a small introduction with the term HALAAL
... ...
What is Halaal ( ﻝﻼﺣ )?

Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. The opposite of halal is HARAAM (ﻡﺍﺮﺣ ), which means unlawful or prohibited. Halal and haram are universal terms that apply to allfacets of life. However, we will use these terms only in relation to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and food contact materials.

While many things are clearly halal or haram, there are some things which are not clear. Further information is needed to categorize them as halal or haram. Such items are often referred to asmashbooh, which means doubtful or questionable.

All foods are considered halal except the following (which are haram):
Swine/Pork and its by-products - Read more on WHY PORK IS PROHIBITED
Animals improperly slaughtered or dead before slaughtering
Alcoholic drinks and intoxicants Carnivorous animals, birds of prey and certain other animals Foods contaminated with any of the above products,

Foods containing ingredients such as gelatin, enzymes, emulsifiers, and flavors are questionable (mashbooh), because the origin of the seingredients is not known.

Let's now move into the topic.

The Islamic practice of slaughtering animals by means of a sharp cut to the front of the neck has frequently come under attack by some animal rights activists as being a form of animal cruelty, the claim being that it is a painful in human method of killing animals. In the West, it is required by law to stun the animals with a shot to the head before the slaughter, supposedly to render the animal unconscious and to prevent it from reviving before it is killed so as not to slow down the movement of the processing line. It is also used toprevent the animal from feeling pain before it dies.

German Research Studies Pain,

It therefore may come as a surprise to those who have made such acclimations to learn of the results of a study carried out by Professor Wilhelm Schulzeand his colleague Dr. Hazim at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover University in Germany. The study: ‘Attempts to Objectify Pain and Consciousness in Conventional (captive boltpistol stunning) and Ritual (halal, knife) Methods of Slaughtering Sheep and Calves’ concludes that Islamic slaughtering is the most humane method of slaughter and that captive bolt stunning, practiced in the West, causes severe pain to the animal.

In the study, several electrodes were surgicallyimplanted at various points of the skull of allanimals, touching the surface of the brain. Theanimals were allowed to recover for several weeks. Some animals were then slaughtered by making a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck cutting the jugular veins and thecarotid arteries as well as the trachea andesophagus (Islamic method). Other animals werestunned using a Captive Bolt Pistol (CBP). During the experiment, an electroencephal ograph (EEG) and anelectrocardiogram (ECG) recorded the condition of the brain and the heart of all animals during the course of slaughter and stunning.

The results were as follows:

I – Islamic Method When you slaughter in Islamic way the blood is drained from the flesh, where as other method ofkilling clots the blood and 45 percent of the blood remains in the flesh, hence eating such meat is highly dagerous to health, especially kids.

1. The first three seconds from the time of Islamic slaughter as recorded on the EEG did not show any change from the graph before slaughter, thus indicating that the animal did not feel any painduring or immediately after the incision.

2. For the following 3 seconds, the EEG recorded acondition of deep sleep - unconsciousness. This is due to the large quantity of blood gushing out from the body.

3. After the above-mentioned 6 seconds, the EEG recorded zero level, showing no feeling of pain atall.

4. As the brain message (EEG) dropped to zero level, the heart was still pounding and the body convulsing vigorously (A reflex action of the spinal cord) driving a maximum amount of blood from the body thus resulting in hygienic meat for the consumer.
Stunning severly injures the animal and would contravene the principle that states the animal must not be injured but in good health before slaughtering.

I' don't know under what conditions do they allow the animal to be stunned in the UK. But here's one of the Quranic reference to the policy of slaughtering: [/B]
Stunning an animal to knock it out before slaughtering is different from slaughtering a 'sick or injured' animal - in the former case the 'stunning/injury' is a deliberate act done moments before the animal is slaughtered.

In the case of the instructions in the Quran, forbidding consumption of a 'sick or injured animal' is in a different context, to ensure that the animal slaughtered will not transmit disease or sickness (which might be possible in case of a sick or injured animal).

I don't see how stunning before slaughter falls in the category of 'sick or injured'.
Man, why so much concern about meat, they should be more concerned about the other important stuff like the economy.
This is the most interesting and profound point in this whole thread. :lol:

These politicians know how to manipulate and divert public opinions away from the most pressing issues and problems facing their constituencies, especially in these deterioating economic conditions.
Im against any ritual sacrifice of animals if there is any suffering involved.

Bolt gun takes out the base of the brain and renders the animal unconscious instantly while leaving the body functions working so the throat can be slit to drain the blood.

With the halal killing of a large animal like a cow, the animal is first tied down and the throat slit. It can take up to 5 mins for a cow to go unconscious after its throat is cut while it trashes on the floor. The size and strength of a cow also make it difficult of cut the throat once. Footage from Indonesian abattoir's show it takes an average 10 cuts to dispatch an animal. I think halal may be ok for small animals like chickens but for anything larger its not good.
I am, for the most part, ambivalent in this debate - just for the sake of argument however, are we going to start 'stunning large animals' in the wild now, before predators attack, rip them apart and devour them?

I can understand trying to educate people (since we can think, analyze and understand supposedly) to move towards more humane forms of animal slaughter, but given the brutality with which nature operates, I don't think it is necessary to go to the extreme of forcing individuals to accept one form of slaughter or the other.
I rather beleive what a person who has spent 9 yeas learning Arabic..Quran..hadith and fiqah.rather than google it myself and beleive what acrandom unknown internet user has written on a random website.

Good for u, I am so happy for u, coz food u consider halaal is being prepared as follows...
Here's where ur halal-gelatin comes from , dead donkeys, dogs, rats,,,
Meat from halal stores in western countries is usually dripping blood all the time (Blood is haraam) , while non-halal is much cleaner...

Though I am NOT advocating eating non-halal, I am just dispersing the MYTH that halah is more cleaner...
& here's the stunning process,, animal still alive after stunning , contrary to MYTH among muslims that animal is killed by "Jhatka"...


Stunning - The Humane Slaughter Myth? - YouTube
& here's the throat slitting & blood draining in non-halal plants... contrary to MYTH among mullah-following muslims that they don't spill blood in non-halal slaughterings...
Food Industry - Chiken and Cow Slaughterhouse - YouTube

compare it to Halal chicken plant, similar machines being used...Just a recorded voice-recorder reciting the name of ALLAH in large-scale plants where reciting ALLAH's name by a person will slow down their "business"...

& this thing about recorded-Takbeer being played is coming from "horse's mouth", from a person who himself worked at slaughter house... :) :)

Anyways good-luck with ur "mullah-based" islam compared to Scripture-based one that I tend to follow...
It's not the Mulalhs who made the rules, its the Quran that has explicit rulings n guidelines as to how meat becomes "halal". Here's one of the verse from the Quran:
Yes,u r right, it does come from Quran,,, BUT stunning does NOT kill... Takbir sould be read with sincerity NOT on a recording device... & it should NOT have been sacrificed on someone's name like on the name of some idol diety etc & thirdly same ALLAH WHO sent Quran , HIS Prophet told us that we can eat slaughter of ppl-of-book & can say ALLAH's name ourselves before we eat that...
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This is the most interesting and profound point in this whole thread. :lol:

These politicians know how to manipulate and divert public opinions away from the most pressing issues and problems facing their constituencies, especially in these deterioating economic conditions.

good point..
its a trend now in british politics that if the government is failing in tackling the more pressing issues...they come up with something anti muslim and anti imigrants and the whole of britain adores the government once more.
this trick works every time.
Taste or no taste isnt the issue here..the issue is that MPs who are the torch bearers of democrecy and freedom choice are forecibly imposing their opinion on those who have a different opinion....
If muslim MPs want halal meat ...whats the big deal..let one or two of the 23 resturants sell it....
It wont be fair if muslim MPs demand that all 23 restaurants sell halal....but i think thats not the case?

What if the people cooking meat or handling it also feel the same and refuse to serve them? Now we need to hire a full muslim staff.

These muslim MP's are as crooked as the Christian one. They stole from the till and after they got caught they claim to be muslims?
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