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We won't eat halal meat, say British MPs

Man, why so much concern about meat, they should be more concerned about the other important stuff like the economy.
The stance has infuriated some parliamentarians who have eaten meat in the Palace’s 23 restaurants and cafes, having been assured that it was halal.

Lord Ahmed of Rotherham said: ‘I did feel misled'.

This is a disgrace how can they say it is halal when it was not and later serve it as being halal?
Why would 'stunning' the animal before slaughtering it make the meat 'non-Halal'?

Stunning does not kill the animal after all - the animal is alive and its heart is still beating and pumping blood - why not stun it before slaughtering it?
Stunning severly injures the animal and would contravene the principle that states the animal must not be injured but in good health before slaughtering.

I' don't know under what conditions do they allow the animal to be stunned in the UK. But here's one of the Quranic reference to the policy of slaughtering:
YUSUFALI: Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah; that which hath been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by being gored to death; that which hath been (partly) eaten by a wild animal; unless ye are able to slaughter it (in due form); that which is sacrificed on stone (altars); (forbidden) also is the division (of meat) by raffling with arrows: that is impiety. This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion: yet fear them not but fear Me. This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. But if any is forced by hunger, with no inclination to transgression, Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.



Intresting that Jewish Kosher law does not allow the stunning of animals before killing.

animals must be healthy and uninjured at the time of slaughter - according to Jewish law

BBC News - Should animals be stunned before slaughter?

Should animals be stunned before slaughter?

This is a good read which gives pro's and con's and shows diffrent methods in stunning such as using a bolt gun or electrocution.
The Classical Jewish law in regards to slaughtering an animal is 90% same as the Islamic law.
Who am I to ask? I am putting my POV

Basically as per the ancient scriptures all those mammals who drink water by tongue by licking are supposed to be carnivorous by nature. Eg. tiger, cat, dog etc

All those who drink water by their lips are herbiverous. Eg. deer, sheep, goat, cow, giraffe, Human.
So do you lick on water with your tongue or just drink it with your lips? :lol:
So do the others at the people who insist on eating halal meat.

No...eating Halal is a "religious" thing and we don't perceive one's 'religious beliefs' by our logical understanding. But those who refuse to eat halal because of the mentioned reason are NOT doing it due to their religious beliefs...and hence are actually retarded in their reasoning (unless they don't eat halal for some other reasons we don't know) ....
Im against any ritual sacrifice of animals if there is any suffering involved.

Bolt gun takes out the base of the brain and renders the animal unconscious instantly while leaving the body functions working so the throat can be slit to drain the blood.

With the halal killing of a large animal like a cow, the animal is first tied down and the throat slit. It can take up to 5 mins for a cow to go unconscious after its throat is cut while it trashes on the floor. The size and strength of a cow also make it difficult of cut the throat once. Footage from Indonesian abattoir's show it takes an average 10 cuts to dispatch an animal. I think halal may be ok for small animals like chickens but for anything larger its not good.
No...eating Halal is a "religious" thing and we don't perceive one's 'religious beliefs' by our logical understanding. But those who refuse to eat halal because of the mentioned reason are NOT doing it due to their religious beliefs...and hence are actually retarded in their reasoning (unless they don't eat halal for some other reasons we don't know) ....

And what is this religious belief based on? The same logic that somehow Halal is more humane way of killing animals. I am failing to see the difference.
Man, why so much concern about meat, they should be more concerned about the other important stuff like the economy.

As I earlier told I don't mind eating Halal or non halal. Coming to your query...
1. What wrong if a non-Muslim denies to eat halal meat??? However being orthodox is not right of a specific religion, cristian and hindu too can become orthodox.
2. Halal is a concept in Islam to bring up Muslim economy, It has nothing to do with painful and painless killing of animal. You kill someone pain will be a part of it.
Halal: Islam is not only religion, its a complete system. Islam wants complete dominance on earth and protection of its follower. Halal is a concept of protecting financial right of its follower, and sabotage other economy. In Islamic country you can sell and buy only halal products means non-Islamic religious trade will have to change halal or they have to quit business.

Similarly in countries where Muslims are minority, Halal is giving protection to Muslim traders. Its like Obama's "Be American buy American."
Im against any ritual sacrifice of animals if there is any suffering involved.

Bolt gun takes out the base of the brain and renders the animal unconscious instantly while leaving the body functions working so the throat can be slit to drain the blood.

With the halal killing of a large animal like a cow, the animal is first tied down and the throat slit. It can take up to 5 mins for a cow to go unconscious after its throat is cut while it trashes on the floor. The size and strength of a cow also make it difficult of cut the throat once. Footage from Indonesian abattoir's show it takes an average 10 cuts to dispatch an animal. I think halal may be ok for small animals like chickens but for anything larger its not good.

got goosebumps while reading:P
And what is this religious belief based on? The same logic that somehow Halal is more humane way of killing animals. I am failing to see the difference.

No. You're missing the point. I was replying to you.

Regarding your question... religious belief is based upon faith :D Anyways , its another topic
So now you are insulting Chinese people? :lol:

Americans eat beef, Germans eat sausages, British eat sausages, Turkish eat Kebabs, Russians eat deer, Chinese eat pork, Japanese eat beef, etc etc.

Name me one country in the entire world that does not eat meat?

I've been to Indian restaurants, and guess what I ordered? Chicken tikka!

CD there is something else wrong in his post,guess what??
No. You're missing the point. I was replying to you.

Regarding your question... religious belief is based upon faith :D Anyways , its another topic

Heh some people say its scientifically proven that halal is less painful and now you say its its based on faith. Anyways least we co do is not call the other side of the argument retarded.
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