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We will destroy India with Nukes if it dares to impose War on us, Pak's Defence Minister

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lets be clear, folks...Pakistan won't fight war with India on India's terms, place and tactics....Pakistan will be free to respond once any surgical or other stupidity India commits.....

India need to act little mature as it is bigger country in region...Blaming Pakistan without evidence is not going to work or make Pakistan nervous...
Threatening with nuclear war every fortnight by your defence minister is very mature?
Haan hmne to jaise kasam kha li hai ki diwali ke rocket se zada Aur kuch use hi nahi karenge.
A very mature comment by a very mature Defence Minister of a very very mature country.

As if this guy has control over the nukes and his country's armed forces.

On topic: I don't think India would be stupid enough to go to war without clearly defined objectives. We have already faced that in the Sri Lankan IPKF deployment when the soldiers did not have any clear objectives. This sounds like the Defence Minister is playing for the gallery after Pakistani PMs goof up in the UN to instill confidence in his people saying that the government is still staying strong and they don't need to worry about anything.
What if India uses its nukes and other strategic weapons first ? Will anything exist in pakistan to respond ?
The world should take note of Pakistan's threats of using nukes. If Pakistan feel that India will give up Kashmir just because Pakistan can blackmail India by threats of using nukes, it is mistaken. It will only enhance our resolve not to be cowed by Pakistan's blackmailing and bulling.

Having said that, India needs to enhance it ABM capability and develop new defense capabilities to take on any eventualities imposed by Pakistani state and its non state actors.

What if India uses its nukes and other strategic weapons first ? Will anything exist in pakistan to respond ?

We have a no first use policy.
We have a no first use policy.
On paper, yes.
On paper, yes.

I am not sure. This can be only known when we have a war.
I am not sure. This can be only known when we have a war.
Exactly,thats the beauty of it ,goodwill without any compromise.
pakistan is equal to NORTH KOREA.... North Korea also gives nuclear threat to South Korea now and then....this is natural coz pakistan got missile from North Korea...In return pakistan gave chini nuclear tech to North Korea.
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Pakistan's nuclear threshold gets lower and lower
It doesn't. You would realize that Pakistani nuclear weapons have become so central to their psychology and identity because Pakistan as a nation has no other achievements.

Once you realize that, you understand they keep saying it to reassure themselves/domestic audience whenever faced with doubt. Its like the Chinese ministry of warning, issuing a warning every day to some one or the other.
A very mature comment by a very mature Defence Minister of a very very mature country.


The minister & posters here seem not to be aware that surgical strikes are already happening, every strike need not be the military kind.

Pakistan has always prepared itself for the wrong war, it keeps making nukes which are ineffective against TTP & suicide bombers.

It keeps waiting for its borders to be crossed while the fight has already begun within.

The SAARC summit could not have been scheduled at a worse time, regionally Pak has been embarrassed showing how little weight it carries in the region it exists.
So he doesn't have any trust in pakistans armed forces!!!!???? Its really getting funny
Its like the Chinese ministry of warning, issuing a warning every day to some one or the other.

Do you mean those "surgical strikes" that India has been constantly boasting about since 2008? :lol:
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