De Gaulle knew that, therefore, vetoed twice the membership applications and kept the Brits out of the EU. The Brits have taken the euroscepticism to another level, their sensational tabloids like Daily Mail are also successfully inciting anti EU feelings among the Brits. The biggest proponent of the expansion and accession of Eastern European countries to EU was UK, and now UK itself is in a quandary about its own EU membership. Funnily the same country is still adamant on its position to support Turkey's bid to join the EU, while Germany and France are mostly against it but ready to offer a privileged partnership. An economic and political union of Northern and Western countries would be more viable and such an union would be more powerful and stable, both politically and economically. Countries like Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands or Denmark have far more in common than the countries like Germany and Greece. But anyway, as we know, these kinds of decisions are mostly taken on the basis of political expediency.