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We stand with Pakistan: Hillary Clinton

US is not welcomed to be in Pakistan get out of Pakistan close down your embassy, and I qoute - Salh uddin Gabbar
yes!actually there is one verse i dunno who is the poet ....... howay tum jin k dost ................
Phewwww as long as she stands with you guys and not with us ....I am sure relieved. Just keep her standing on that side of the fence
Seriously are you?
You are standing AGAINST us, causing the troubles.

This is so INSANE!
Do we not realize that the same threat of terrorism which lingers over the international community has a hold on Pakistan as well? We need to realize that the international community is at war with a plague of violent extremism which is witnessed on a daily basis through terrorist activities, both in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Do we not have a common goal and a mutually beneficial interest when it comes to putting an end to terrorism. Pakistan’s government and military are not only helping US/NATO but the entire international community and vice versa.

As we have said before, the extremist Taliban movement saw its rise to power in Afghanistan at a time when the US, after the withdrawal of the Soviets, turned its attention away from the region. What remains unexplained, and frankly does not logically follow, is how so many seem to believe that the Taliban – in either Afghanistan or Pakistan – can be viewed as a problem created by America, which would magically evaporate if we were to, as you say, kindly leave you.

Time after time we see the TTP insurgency make bold claims that it can take over Pakistan. In an attempt to avoid unnecessary misery and bloodshed the Pakistani government did grant the TTP ruling power over Swat Valley. You do remember how they assumed what can only be described as tyrannical rule over Swat Valley and the consequences of their actions? Do you really want to see a return to that, or worse, see even larger parts of your country dominated by these killers? Therefore, in the WoT, Pakistan has a bigger stake because of the geographic proximity to Afghanistan and the safe havens that exist within Pakistan. So, is it not beneficial for Pakistan to have the US as an ally that would help defeat a common enemy? Is it not the nature of alliances to be mutually dependent? The US military’s goal is and always has been to target terrorists while doing our best to leave unharmed the innocent civilians amongst whom they hide. The TTP, instead of fighting on a battle ground with a real army, prefers to use civilians as human shields or to blow up innocents conducting daily chores in marketplaces and other local institutions.

The latest United Nations Assistance Mission Afghanistan (UNAMA) report shows the majority of civilian deaths are caused by the left hands of insurgent IEDs. Last year, according to the UNAMA report, was the highest civilian death toll in Afghanistan with 2770 killed, 75% by the Taliban. Over the past four years 8,832 civilians have been killed. The same UNAMA report states in no uncertain terms that the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) has, with great purpose and effort, reduced civilian casualties while Taliban’s indiscriminate murder of innocents and righteous has increased civilian casualties; See link below:

http://unama.unmissions.org/Portals/UNAMA/human rights/March PoC Annual Report Final.pdf

Four hundred and sixty two civilians were assassinated by Taliban in 2010; an increase of 105% over 2009. Half of all civilian assassinations occurred in southern Afghanistan. Helmand province saw a 588% increase and Kandahar province experienced a 248% increase in the number of civilians assassinated by what UNAMA calls “Anti-Government Elements.”

http://unama.unmissions.org/Portals/UNAMA/human rights/March PoC Annual Report Final.pdf

Once again, we would like to reaffirm Secretary Of State, Hillary Clinton’s warm wishes of good will and continued alliance between Pakistan and the US. We also understand that great sacrifices must be made in order to ensure that the future of our children is safe from the extremist ideology of terrorists who do not respect the laws of warfare and the international standard of human rights.

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command
The TTP, instead of fighting on a battle ground with a real army, prefers to use civilians as human shields or to blow up innocents conducting daily chores in marketplaces and other local institutions.

TTP is not limited to north, they have access to Pakistani generals activities in Europe.
murder of Mushtaq Ahmad Baig and circumferential evidence also show TTP has helped Zardari to become President and his appointed home minister is trying to confuse the people over the id of TTP.

TTP out reach is also extended to Afghanistan, where they murder only Pakistani technical staff but do not hurt engineers from india who had been in Afghanistan since last 10 years and in far more number.

Afghanistan is like slaughter house of Pakistani technical staff and paradise for indian contractors.
Hmmm stand with Pakistan???? I think US only came to Pakistan when they need, US never consider Pakistan as an ally. If they think Aid they are giving that means they stand with Pakistan so it is their foolishness because 99% Pakistanis hate this aid to the core, they need trade not aids.

On the other hand Pakistan stand with US whenever they need help, Soviet was neighbour country of Pakistan but Pakistan still fought them just for US, & it was because of Pakistan that US alone is World Super Power today.
TTP is not limited to north, they have access to Pakistani generals activities in Europe.
murder of Mushtaq Ahmad Baig and circumferential evidence also show TTP has helped Zardari to become President and his appointed home minister is trying to confuse the people over the id of TTP.

TTP out reach is also extended to Afghanistan, where they murder only Pakistani technical staff but do not hurt engineers from india who had been in Afghanistan since last 10 years and in far more number.

Afghanistan is like slaughter house of Pakistani technical staff and paradise for indian contractors.

Everybody knows in broad daylight that TTP is created and funded by the enemies of Islam and Pakistan ...no question about it....:woot::cheesy:

your with us?
hmm... ok

i hope that means that no more drone attacks, Xe trouble and raymond davis'

but then again what do you expect from two faced US
Do we not realize that the same threat of terrorism which lingers over the international community has a hold on Pakistan as well? We need to realize that the international community is at war with a plague of violent extremism which is witnessed on a daily basis through terrorist activities, both in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Do we not have a common goal and a mutually beneficial interest when it comes to putting an end to terrorism. Pakistan’s government and military are not only helping US/NATO but the entire international community and vice versa.

As we have said before, the extremist Taliban movement saw its rise to power in Afghanistan at a time when the US, after the withdrawal of the Soviets, turned its attention away from the region. What remains unexplained, and frankly does not logically follow, is how so many seem to believe that the Taliban – in either Afghanistan or Pakistan – can be viewed as a problem created by America, which would magically evaporate if we were to, as you say, kindly leave you.

Time after time we see the TTP insurgency make bold claims that it can take over Pakistan. In an attempt to avoid unnecessary misery and bloodshed the Pakistani government did grant the TTP ruling power over Swat Valley. You do remember how they assumed what can only be described as tyrannical rule over Swat Valley and the consequences of their actions? Do you really want to see a return to that, or worse, see even larger parts of your country dominated by these killers? Therefore, in the WoT, Pakistan has a bigger stake because of the geographic proximity to Afghanistan and the safe havens that exist within Pakistan. So, is it not beneficial for Pakistan to have the US as an ally that would help defeat a common enemy? Is it not the nature of alliances to be mutually dependent? The US military’s goal is and always has been to target terrorists while doing our best to leave unharmed the innocent civilians amongst whom they hide. The TTP, instead of fighting on a battle ground with a real army, prefers to use civilians as human shields or to blow up innocents conducting daily chores in marketplaces and other local institutions.

The latest United Nations Assistance Mission Afghanistan (UNAMA) report shows the majority of civilian deaths are caused by the left hands of insurgent IEDs. Last year, according to the UNAMA report, was the highest civilian death toll in Afghanistan with 2770 killed, 75% by the Taliban. Over the past four years 8,832 civilians have been killed. The same UNAMA report states in no uncertain terms that the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) has, with great purpose and effort, reduced civilian casualties while Taliban’s indiscriminate murder of innocents and righteous has increased civilian casualties; See link below:

http://unama.unmissions.org/Portals/UNAMA/human rights/March PoC Annual Report Final.pdf

Four hundred and sixty two civilians were assassinated by Taliban in 2010; an increase of 105% over 2009. Half of all civilian assassinations occurred in southern Afghanistan. Helmand province saw a 588% increase and Kandahar province experienced a 248% increase in the number of civilians assassinated by what UNAMA calls “Anti-Government Elements.”

http://unama.unmissions.org/Portals/UNAMA/human rights/March PoC Annual Report Final.pdf

Once again, we would like to reaffirm Secretary Of State, Hillary Clinton’s warm wishes of good will and continued alliance between Pakistan and the US. We also understand that great sacrifices must be made in order to ensure that the future of our children is safe from the extremist ideology of terrorists who do not respect the laws of warfare and the international standard of human rights.

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command

No thnx.........We dont need her here.... go to some other country in Africa to help there poor pplz.....or eat somethng and help herself...:woot::cheesy:
We r Alhamdolillah fine....:coffee:

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