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"We really slaughtered them!" - Turkish diplomat on reading Armenian files

Look one thing is very clear !! Israel doesnt act like a friend .. You were hekping pkk militants, training them. You have killed 9 Turkish people in international waters and wont apologize. You are treating us dealing with pkk toward us. Now you are playing genocide card against us. You know very well there is no genocide but you have to support these lies against us. This is politic a genocide as you see historians(real historians) are not believe that !!

What kind of friendship is this? Did Turks kill your people or saved your grandfathers life twice than other genocides?

Bear my ignorance. But why does Turkey get involved in Palestine dispute and make enemy of Israel? You guys talk as if you are responsible for Palestine.
There was Turkish genocide against Bulgarians too. So what? History is history.

And I wonder why Indian guys are so eager to be Zionists.
This has nothing to do with Pakistan.
It is about an Indian (typical Israeli apologists) starting another anti-Turkey thread just when Israel-Turkey relations are souring.

Do try to keep up...

Why the hell would we go anti-Turkey? Listen, Turkey has no enmity with us. It never had and that is simply because it is located too far. In fact, Turkey is one of the few sane, sensible and progressive countries in that part of the world extending from West Asia to Middle East, who don't bring religion everywhere and think that their existence is the sole reason the world is running.

The reason why Israel's opinion is considered by us is because they're almost always in a situation that we are also likely to be or have been at some point or the other and share similar threats to what we have. Also Israel has significantly helped us in our time of need, strengthening our relationship.

No one is interested in being anti-Turkey for no reason. We did get irritated at the gaff they did last time in Afghanistan talks but they compensated it with rational political moves. SO stop desperately isolating Turkey as your personal property. Despite in all these years, you're still to learn that relationships are not a zero sum game.
Our islamic faith and Turkish traditions teached me to consider all peoples as friendly, no lies here.. the creation or existance is just 1 and it isnt something to fight, or hated it has to be loved.. So no secret agenda's my friend. What you see is what you get:woot:

I really hope that Turkey and China strengthen their bilateral relations to the strategic level InshaAllah, this will be beneficial to both countries and the region as a whole. Just imagine a strong Turkey+China+Pakistan alliance, a powerful and influential force that can easily counterbalance our rivals.
Why the hell would we go anti-Turkey? Listen, Turkey has no enmity with us. It never had and that is simply because it is located too far. In fact, Turkey is one of the few sane, sensible and progressive countries in that part of the world extending from West Asia to Middle East, who don't bring religion everywhere and think that their existence is the sole reason the world is running.

The reason why Israel's opinion is considered by us is because they're almost always in a situation that we are also likely to be or have been at some point or the other and share similar threats to what we have. Also Israel has significantly helped us in our time of need, strengthening our relationship.

No one is interested in being anti-Turkey for no reason. We did get irritated at the gaff they did last time in Afghanistan talks but they compensated it with rational political moves. SO stop desperately isolating Turkey as your personal property. Despite in all these years, you're still to learn that relationships are not a zero sum game.

For them , the naive, the world is divided into Muslim and non-Muslim and anyone supporting the non-Muslims even if the Muslims are at fault automatically becomes apologists,puppets and what not.

This is the lowest common denominator. How they spread their propaganda divides them into liberals and extremists. If he spreads this propaganda by words he is a liberal. If he spreads through guns and bombs he is an extremist. Infact both are just the two sides of the same coin. The person you replied to comes in the former "liberal" category. They have all the Islamo-supremacist attitudes of the extremist. But just their mode of expression of the same is cunning,suave,urbane as compared to the rough,uncouth actions of the latter. Its something like the "good cop - bad cop" routine. Both have the same intent - just their methodologies vary.
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