Lets look at it this way..
HOW much.. are effected.. in case Kashmir goes either way?
Some cheers.. laughs.. glee .. ego boost.
But thats it.. You dont make a billion overnight.. neither do I.
No free electricity.. no free petrol.. no free food.
Kashmir this side of the LOC or the other looks the same.. valleys.. mountains.. smelly people in the winters(really.. its cold to take a frequent bath).. there isnt going to be some unobtanium discovered in either parts of the valley..nor are we going to discover salvation.
The glaciers are changing their paths frequently now.. so water is as unpredictable as before.
Pakistan is still going to keep screwing itself over daily thanks to its leaders...
Sachin will still be unable to make his dream century..
What the HELL are we on over the internet about it everyday for anyway?