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We feel this is a war against our whole tribe,elderly Mehsud tribesman


May 21, 2006
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Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan - Antimilitary feelings are running high among refugees in this town just outside South Waziristan, where more than 100,000 Pakistanis have fled from an Army offensive aimed at destroying the Pakistani Taliban network.

Many bring with them tales of indiscriminate bombings and high civilian casualties. And frustration is rising as the government fails to provide aid to those displaced by the fighting since it began Saturday.

The delay feeds concerns that, unlike during the Army's relatively successful offensive in Swat during the spring, neutral or pro-Taliban leanings among residents of South Waziristan could make it harder to hold onto any gains there. A growing refugee crisis could also undermine the government's battle for hearts and minds.

"We feel this is a war against our whole tribe," says Aslam Khan, an elderly Mehsud tribesman who arrived from the town of Sararogha two weeks ago and is attempting to register himself and nine members of his family to ensure they are eligible for aid.

Long lines, no aid

Hundreds of men like him show up every morning at the city's five refugee registration points on behalf of their extended families (one man appeared to register 33 relatives). But many are turned away after hours of waiting and told to return the next day by inundated authorities. On Wednesday, fresh registrations were halted due to a shortage of forms.

Not that registration guarantees help: An aid official admits that because of delays in verifying ID cards, none of the 30,000 refugees who registered after the conflict began on Saturday have yet received food, items such as blankets or mosquito nets, or the $60 in monthly benefits promised to them by federal information minister Qamar Zaman Kaira last week.

Despite the influx of refugees, which began as early as August, the government has not prepared any camps in which to house them. North West Frontier Province governor Owais Ghani reiterated his position on Tuesday that all of the refugees can be absorbed into relatives' homes in Dera Ismail Khan, which serves as a winter home for many South Waziristan residents.

Not so, says the aid official: "Not everyone has relatives here. So now what are we supposed to do? Some people are already out on open tents, in grounds. People are being housed in single houses with one bathroom and up to five families."

Angry at the Army

Mr. Khan, the elderly tribesman, says his bitterness is compounded by the carnage he witnessed just before fleeing his hometown. He says he saw a family of four dive for cover as a jet targeting a militant hideout flew over the town's main street; the hideout was destroyed, but the family died.

Other refugees echo Khan's hostility toward the government. Several of them voice the theory that the United States is aiding both the Pakistani Army and the Taliban, possibly to weaken Pakistan and steal its nuclear arsenal.

Such cynicism may help explain Mehsud tribal elders' rejection Tuesday of a government request to form a lashkar, or tribal militia, to take on the Taliban, a decision reported by McClatchy Newspapers.

"I don't know anything about the Taliban, but the operation is killing people," says Shakeel Ahmed, a student from Ladha, in South Waziristan. Of the dozen or so refugees interviewed, none expressed resentment toward the Taliban.

Also on Tuesday the Taliban engaged in fierce fighting with the Army in the key town of Kotkai, home of Qari Hussain, known as the master of suicide bombers. A day earlier the Army had claimed it was on the cusp of conquering the town.

As of Wednesday, nine soldiers and 91 militants had been killed, according to military spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas.

Militants hiding among refugees?

Meanwhile, concern among local officials that militants may have snuck into Dera Ismail Khan, which has a history of violence by Sunni militants against Shiites, has put the town on knife's edge.

Army convoys racing through require all cars in their vicinity to halt or risk being shot. Mobile phone signals are being blocked by the military, while military police, pickets, and barricades guard the town's housing compound for military officers and their families.

"We're very concerned about the entry of miscreants into the city," says Commissioner Humayun Khan, the region's top administrator. He adds that the authorities are monitoring visitors to the town and host families have been told they will be held responsible for those in their care.

All of this contributes to a tense atmosphere. "Talibanization has been occurring here for some years now, and most people are afraid to go out in the evenings," says Usman Elahi, a local engineer. All four local cinemas were boarded up two years ago for fear of targeting by extremists groups, he adds.

The tension permeates other parts of the country as well. Schools and colleges throughout Pakistan remained shut on Wednesday following two suicide bombings that hit the Islamic University of Islamabad and killed eight people, including the two bombers.
Pakistan offensive against Taliban creates angry refugees | csmonitor.com

When corrupt govt is not serious about how to do damage control, pocketing US aid for these refugee program. US govt should personally take position about the distribution of aid among refugee due to this war.
Yes, same reports were emerging during rah e raast, too. That IDP aren't happy with the operation, PA is bombing indiscriminatly, operation should've been planned better to occomodate displaced people etc etc, and look how it worked out, three million people got to go back home with respect and full hospitality of the entire nation and PA. So, I'd say keep up with the negativety, critcism, your bithing and moaning because it'll just make us perform better and exterminating TTP vermins in a more efficient way.
Dual face of western journalism.

They say you should do something about waziristan. when we try to control anti-Pakistan elements in Waziristan the whole world media specialy BBC says that the Government is commiting genocide.

We know what is right for Pakistan.

It is fair for these tribesmen to engage in smuggeling operations and shelter all kinds of criminals in there houses while they come and blow up our innocent children men and women.

Enough is enough. These tribes have been given too much freedom and they have abused it for so long. It is about time Pakistan imposes its writ on these areas.

If you sympathize with taliban go to afganistan and leave Pakistan.
What do people expect them to say? With disguised Talibs nearby and lawlessness the rule, wouldn't doing anything other than condemning the Taliban's enemies be a death sentence for the refugee, and maybe for the reporter, too?
Logic and iPhone

“” Enough is enough. These tribes have been given too much freedom and they have abused it for so long. It is about time Pakistan imposes its writ on these areas.
If you sympathize with taliban go to afganistan and leave Pakistan.””

Such apathy and callous attitude towards honorable Pakistani citizens is truly disgraceful.

Another friend is making virtue of the plight of IDP’s; forcibly displaced from their home due to a US sponsored Army operation.

The “too much freedom” was conferred upon FATA by founder of the Nation, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah.

Should the tribesmen actually begin migrating towards Afghanistan, like a few thousands from Bajaur did, the long term consequences will be unimaginable.
Logic and iPhone
The “too much freedom” was conferred upon FATA by founder of the Nation, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah.

Should the tribesmen actually begin migrating towards Afghanistan, like a few thousands from Bajaur did, the long term consequences will be unimaginable.

Believing in conspiracy theories and blaming the US and the Jews will not work.
No Jewish force came to blow our people but instead it was taliban psychotic fascists that are killing innocent people.

Instead of living in foreign countries why dont you live under these psychotic taliban punks.

FATA is a part of Pakistan and no bloody punk can take it.

We are in Pakistan and we will not be intimidated by these lizards because of there psychotic acts of terrorism.

:pakistan:Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:
:pakistan:PAK FAUJ Zindabad:pakistan:
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the mehsuds and other assorted rabble must be given a choice - give up their bloody tribal ways, or face similar situations. there is no point in clearing the current miscreants, and then facing the same scenario in another year or two. we need to fix the real social problem of FATA that is so easily exploited by our enemy.
“”No Jewish force came to blow our people but instead it was taliban psychotic fascists that are killing innocent people.””

They are as much Pakistani citizens as you are. They actually have a stronger writ on patriotism; they liberated what we have of Azad Kashmir in 1947 on one call of Quid-e-Azam; at a time when Pak Army chief Gen. Gracey had refused the father of the nation point blank to get involved in Kashmir.

Tension, fear and bloodshed in mainstream Pakistan is absolutely wrong horrible; and so is the carnage being waged in FATA through repeated misuse of Pakistan Army. People of Waziristan have been ravaged by three (3) warlike operations and more than 200 drone strikes orchestrated by our government.

I strongly sympathize with our valiant soldiers who have been pressed into war on their own soil, that too to serve the interests of the USA.
“”No Jewish force came to blow our people but instead it was taliban psychotic fascists that are killing innocent people.””

They are as much Pakistani citizens as you are. They actually have a stronger writ on patriotism; they liberated what we have of Azad Kashmir in 1947 on one call of Quid-e-Azam; at a time when Pak Army chief Gen. Gracey had refused the father of the nation point blank to get involved in Kashmir.

Tension, fear and bloodshed in mainstream Pakistan is absolutely wrong horrible; and so is the carnage being waged in FATA through repeated misuse of Pakistan Army. People of Waziristan have been ravaged by three (3) warlike operations and more than 200 drone strikes orchestrated by our government.

I strongly sympathize with our valiant soldiers who have been pressed into war on their own soil, that too to serve the interests of the USA.

When you hold a loved one bleeding to death as a result of these psychotic killers i will see how much your heart will blead for the love of Taliban.

When you attack someone and come hide behind 170 million Pakistani people then you deserve to be shot down.

They want to support taliban they can go to Afganistan and leave Pakistan. STOP HIDING IN BURKAS.

Death to Taliban there supporters and sympathizers
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Believing in conspiracy theories and blaming the US and the Jews will not work.
No Jewish force came to blow our people but instead it was taliban psychotic fascists that are killing innocent people.
You say that now, but what will your children learn when they go to school if the Taliban take over? You might tell them otherwise but within two generations this story could become the norm. The Taliban will have successfully altered the past.
You say that now, but what will your children learn when they go to school if the Taliban take over? You might tell them otherwise but within two generations this story could become the norm. The Taliban will have successfully altered the past.

Dear we are here to stay. Taliban will be the ones that our childern will learn stories about how these monsters perverted the religion.

We can defend ourselves.
“”No Jewish force came to blow our people but instead it was taliban psychotic fascists that are killing innocent people.””

They are as much Pakistani citizens as you are. They actually have a stronger writ on patriotism; they liberated what we have of Azad Kashmir in 1947 on one call of Quid-e-Azam; at a time when Pak Army chief Gen. Gracey had refused the father of the nation point blank to get involved in Kashmir.

Tension, fear and bloodshed in mainstream Pakistan is absolutely wrong horrible; and so is the carnage being waged in FATA through repeated misuse of Pakistan Army. People of Waziristan have been ravaged by three (3) warlike operations and more than 200 drone strikes orchestrated by our government.

I strongly sympathize with our valiant soldiers who have been pressed into war on their own soil, that too to serve the interests of the USA.

I can't believe you still sympathize with these mofos how man f uckin peace deals have we tried with them ??? how many times did we say we'll leave them alone if they give up their arms and be peaceful ? this was a last resort look how many tribal elders they assassinated and suicide bombings they did ?how many people they kidnapped ? how many women did they threaten to kill if they went to school ? what do u have to say about that those acts ? these people have attacked schools mosques,schools and even aid relief agencies how low can they get that they attack a place where innocent children are ? u want to give these sickos a free pass ? previously many people had sympathy now after all these attacks we are seeing their true face now whole country except a few people like you have lost sympathy with these f uckers.
Death to the taliban I hope every single one of these scum and their supporters is blown away.:pakistan:
“”No Jewish force came to blow our people but instead it was taliban psychotic fascists that are killing innocent people.””

They are as much Pakistani citizens as you are. They actually have a stronger writ on patriotism; they liberated what we have of Azad Kashmir in 1947 on one call of Quid-e-Azam; at a time when Pak Army chief Gen. Gracey had refused the father of the nation point blank to get involved in Kashmir.

Tension, fear and bloodshed in mainstream Pakistan is absolutely wrong horrible; and so is the carnage being waged in FATA through repeated misuse of Pakistan Army. People of Waziristan have been ravaged by three (3) warlike operations and more than 200 drone strikes orchestrated by our government.

I strongly sympathize with our valiant soldiers who have been pressed into war on their own soil, that too to serve the interests of the USA.

what is wrong with you, man? how can you justify taliban's bloodthirsty terrorist campaign with army operation and drone attacks.
Ok, let's put this into perspective, there is this theory which you and other terrorist sympathizers subscribe to, a suicide bomber is born when his family is ravaged by a military operation or a drone attack, so now to take revenge, he puts on a suicide vest, goes in the middle of a civilian crowd in the city and blows himself up taking with him hundreds of others who had nothing to do with the murder of his family, right, follow me so far? so now terrorist sympathizers come out and say that if it wasn't for drones attack this bombing wouldn't occur, that's how it happens, right? so now my question to you, is why don't the families of victims of suicide bombing go and avenge the deaths of their loves ones, why aren't they putting suicide vests on and going to waziristan and taking some with them? We've had numerous occasions where a single family lost multiple family members in a single suicide bombing and occasions where a family of multiple members have lost their only breadwinning loved one. Tell me, and you must tell me, why aren't those families avenging the martyrdom of their family just like the suicide bombers, if that is what they are doing according to you.
Truth is there are terrorist organizations in Waziristaan, the likes of TTP, which is exploiting people, brainwashing them in the name of religion and using these brainwashed dummies to carry out their terrorist agenda. But sadly, you and many others like you will never accept so go and defend them all you want..... defend them until you loose someone you love in their barbaric act and then I wanna see you defend them.
When you hold a loved one bleeding to death as a result of these psychotic killers i will see how much your heart will blead for the love of Taliban.

When you attack someone and come hide behind 170 million Pakistani people then you deserve to be shot down.

They want to support taliban they can go to Afganistan and leave Pakistan. STOP HIDING IN BURKAS.

Death to Taliban there supporters and sympathizers
and I've thought so much about what I'm about to say but I just feel like I have to say it to get it off my chest, and I feel so shitty about it.
I hope every terrorist sympathiser and supporter, those who are mostly in PML-N and Jamat-e-Islami and Tehreek-e-Insaaf and those who are in the media and in public, loose at least one family member in a suicide bombing. God, I feel like a total jerk saying this but these people are just insane to defend terrorist taliban TTP MOFOs. I wanna see them defending taliban's actions after loosing their family.
Javed3, you seem to have a lot of 'love' for Talibans. Let me give you a suggestion, why don't you move from UK to Waziristan? At least you will be able to share your 'love' with them personally and will also get a chance to die with your 'beloved brothers' because within few weeks each & every scum will be wiped out.

All these Scums will be wiped out of Waziristan, InshAllah.Those (inc Javed) who have sympathy for these Scums, i suggest such people to move to Waziristan asap so our army can finish this off once & for all.

There should be same Law for everyone in Pakistan, everyone in Pakistan should call him/her self Pakistani ( not punjabi, balochi, tribes, pathan etc). Everyone should saulte ONE flag and ANYONE who fails to follow this or challenge PAKISTAN should be shot in the head, regardless of who he/she is. Simple:)
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