1) Now go look at the volume of both those things. *hint* if the medical visa process consisted of having to ask some random person on twitter for approval then its likely miniscule.
2) No a simple google search proves that you havent for more than a decade.
3) Wow if all it takes is to simply be a member, then Pakistan is responsible for putting Iceland, Panama, and Ghana on the exact same list then. Such a shame though, for people who boast of thinking themeselves so powerful you couldnt even manage to beg america to put poor "bankrupt pakistan" on the blacklist.
4) Considering you people spend around 5 times what Pakistan spends on defence, I fail to see any achievements or successes. If anything 5-10k losses, mass incompetence in the last skirmish, and much higher rates of suicide, raise the question of what exactly have Indians actually done to Pakistan other than endlessly brag about their nonexistent relevance online.
1. https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...ndian-drugs/articleshow/75704208.cms?from=mdr
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_...e_Islamic_Republic_of_Pakistan_(2008-present)
3. https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...eting-in-us/articleshow/69906388.cms?from=mdr
4. https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/pakistan-economy-sinking-190628174320798.html