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Water or War

When should Pakistan launch surgical strikes on Indian Dams

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Why waste billions of dollars worth of weapons,when the same could be done with in 10 or 20 mil and by ppl who we can later disclaim to be ours,what motives will be of l-e-t well they can simply say b4 attacks that free our l-e-t prisoners or we will disable indias economy this time,and u’ll be expecting attacks on stock exchange and a business hub lets say mumbai or banglore or watever,and when they will have carried out the attacks and released a video and will confirm it bcuz morally they will not have killed any innocent just stabbed india where it hurts most,plus it will give a boost to their organistaion so definitely they will take all responsibility later when india shouts aloud we can point to the previous mumbai attacks and will internationally say that india act wisely pak has neither the resources nor intel for such attack,as we are claimed to be broke and backward nation thanks to ur indian media,and later we will even clamp down l-e-t to show international community or better call in fbi to witness it.

This path might be preety close to war but it just might evade war and it won’t be as publicised in westren media as a attack in which innocents die,simply a attack by indian inland sepratists to gain a leverage.

note:no where in my post have i said that we support or supported l-e-t but for this mission we will have to use them and they are quite expandable for us.:angel:

desprate times call for desperate measures

It looks like your propensity for terrorism is matched only by your imperviousness to facts.
well brother

i asked same question with lots of Pakistani but they don't have word

china should provide more security to there dam as many Pakistani brother talking about LET BOYS can attack on dam

Son did u skip ur geographic class go read a map where is tibet and where is pakistan,pakistan borders westren CHINA’S, XINJIANG province ,,son tibet borders nepal ,bhutan and india pakistan is no where close to that thus irrelevant for pak whatever dam is there,and in the huge region of xinjiang there is only one major river TARIM river which has a east ward flow thus irrelevant to pak any ways by the way there is no dam on this river as well.so we have nothing to fear from our great friend china.:china:
It looks like your propensity for terrorism is matched only by your imperviousness to facts.

cia sponsors such activities every where i.e nicurugua,haiti,iran,moreover we learned a lot from cia our mentor during 80s thus we prove to be good students

if india wants war it will get it

our nuclear assets are not for display ,yes we might be behind in conventional weapons but in nuclear weapons we are right there,and their delivery systems we are way more potent than india,our rocket forces can destroy india in no time no interceptor can calculte interception in 5 to 10 minits,moreover if american interceptors have failed i would'nt bet on indian ones and these interceptors are useless aginst mirv which our latest missiles have with multiple pultonium warheads.

but yes i would term it as americans did in cold war

MAD:mutual assured destruction
Indians will taste their own medicine when Chinese dams on Yaluzangbu river are ready.

Pakistani Brothers will take Notice that their Taller and Higher than the Himalayas, Deeper than the Pacific Ocean and Sweeter than Honey Friends have just handed India the modality of taking as much water that India wants from the Rivers meant for Pakistan.

With Friends like the Chinese, Pakistanis don't need Enemies!

Muchos Gracias Don Sanchez De Chin E Dinamarca!
What evidence World Bank need? Pakistan has forwarded the statistics of the Water flow from India in Channab river which clearly shows that upto 54% of the flow is down. Now World Bank has to investigate fairly, otherwise the only solution left is what many Pakistani mentioned.
So now even World Bank is favoring the Indians and being unfair to Pakistanis!? Man, get real. You see, this is the problem; whatever is not in your favor is considered biased by many members here. This is a wrong mindset that doesn't really pave way for positive developments in your continent. There are many decisions that will be in your favor and there are many decisions that might not be in your favor. After all, that is the whole point for a neutral mediator isn't it? Otherwise, why not appoint a bribed judge and get things done in one's own way?

According to you, all the statistics have been forwarded to World Bank by the Pakistani government, and since there is no reaction from them despite any possible inspection, it perhaps means that New Delhi is compliant of international laws. Or are you suggesting that the Indian government managed to buy off the entire World Bank? Give it a thought.

Now as in many posts in other threads, I have already mentioned that war is not the solution for such matters. However, if all are so interested, then who is the world community to stop you? Go ahead by all means and reap its bearings.

Most members here think that war is a joke and that soldiers go on a picnic stroll when engaging a conflict or perhaps that the adversary would be sleeping or day dreaming when attacked.
During 1999-2004 India and Pakistan held several rounds of talks on the design of projects, but could not reach an agreement. After failure of talks on January 18, 2005, Pakistan raised six objections to the World Bank, a broker and signatory of Indus Water Treaty. In April 2005 the World Bank determined the Pakistani claim as a ‘Difference’, a classification between the less serious ‘Question’ and more serious ‘Dispute’, and in May 2005 appointed Professor Raymond Lafitte, a Swiss civil engineer, to adjudicate the difference.

Lafitte declared his final verdict on February 12, 2007, in which he upheld some minor objections of Pakistan, declaring that poundage capacity be reduced by 13.5%, height of dam structure be reduced by 1.5 meter and power intake tunnels be raised by 3 meters, thereby limiting some flow control capabilities of the earlier design. However he rejected Pakistani objections on height and gated control of spillway declaring these conformed to engineering norms of the day. India had already offered Pakistan similar minor adjustments for it to drop its objection. The Indus Waters Treaty of 1960 divided the Indus river — into which the Chenab flows — between the two countries and bars India from interfering with the flow into Pakistan while allowing it to generate electricity. However the key issue that any dam constructed by India should be strictly run of the mill was rejected. Pakistan government expressed its disappointment at the final outcome. Both parties (India and Pakistan) have already agreed that they will abide by the final verdict.

The verdict acknowledged India's right to construct 'gated spillways' under Indus water treaty 1960.The report allowed pondage of 32.58 MCM as against India's demand for 37.5 MCM. The report also recommended to reduce the height of freeboard from 4.5 m to 3.0 m.
so basically what i think and beleive our isi should go on work and find the weak spot in each and every one of india's dam that is concerning us,and devise plans what explosives should be used if not available on shelve then make them light easy to carry,then train about a 300 let guys with our special forces and give them funds and weapons and the necessary know how,then on proper time and date carry out the attack on these dams ,as india won't be expecting any such attacks by let on dams,simply when the task is done we can blame l-e-t and then clamp them down it will be hard to convince india and international community but this path might just save us our nukes which we don't wanna waste on a cheap enemy like india

:rofl:All the best for the grand ceremony of your new training center.. Or is it the old one getting rennovated?? Anyway, dont forget what happened when you trained some terrorists last time around (referring to the time period of Soviet occupation of Afg). If you dont get it, go ask people in Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi and other cities that are feeling the heat now after 3 decades...
Son did u skip ur geographic class go read a map where is tibet and where is pakistan,pakistan borders westren CHINA’S, XINJIANG province ,,son tibet borders nepal ,bhutan and india pakistan is no where close to that thus irrelevant for pak whatever dam is there,and in the huge region of xinjiang there is only one major river TARIM river which has a east ward flow thus irrelevant to pak any ways by the way there is no dam on this river as well.so we have nothing to fear from our great friend china.:china:

Son.. the dam is on the same rivers that originate from Tibet and flow to pakistan via india. Indus and Satluj both originate in China..
If apartheid era South Africa which was at odds with the rest of Black ruled Southern Africa could resolve its water crises by building and managing dams jointly with their neighbours to ensure adequate supply of water to all bordering nations [Mombasa Bohara projects etc] I really cannot understand why bordering India , Pakistan , Bangladesh, China etc cannot sit down at a table and negotiate the joint construction and joint management of water projects which will be mutually beneficial and acceptable to all nations.
If we HAVE to Blow those Dams up then we do not need Air strikes.

Enough said.

If the war in the west wasn't going on, this would've been exercised long ago. India will never come attacking us, we're justified in blowing up these dams and India chickened out of many attacks.

The water issue is strong enough to test Indian resolve.
Enough said.

If the war in the west wasn't going on, this would've been exercised long ago. India will never come attacking us, we're justified in blowing up these dams and India chickened out of many attacks.

The water issue is strong enough to test Indian resolve.

Here's comes the dreaded threat again..

Another surgical strike?

Indians should be s*** scared now.. And this is definitely gonna solve the water issue under discussion as well as so many other issues too. Bravo!! This definitely is also very much tune with the thread title "Water or War"!!

However, I would humbly request to the people who actually have the authority (not them cyber warriors), please do not excersize this option. It will only bring on misery to both the nations.
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Consider the circumstances under which the Indus Water Treaty was signed. In 1948 India stopped flow in Ravi and Sutlej forcing Pakistan to pay for water to irrigate the lands previously under the command area of these rivers. All negotiations with India, initially by the government of Liaquat Ali Khan up to 1951, and then by the later governments failed. The issue was taken to the World Bank where two years of negotiations from 1955 to 1957 resulted in the Indus Water Treaty. The Pakistan delegation did not accept the Treaty because it did not concede Pakistan’s demand for a share in the eastern rivers. East Pakistan and Sindh also rejected the Bank proposal of funding Mangla dam to compensate Pakistan for the waters lost to India. Finally Ayub Khan realised that the stalemate could not continue for ever, with Pakistan buying water for its ever increasing irrigation needs, and saw the situation as hopeless due to the collusion between the Bank and India. Remember that POSSESSION IS NINE TENTH OF LAW (the same situation prevails today in Kashmir and some day some one will have to reach a settlement with India, perhaps not entirely to our satisfaction, as was the case with IWT).

In 1960 Ayub Khan signed the Treaty which gave us Mangla and Tarbela dams, bringing about an industrial and green revolution in Pakistan, which would have continued till today if we had not stopped building dams. Please consider that without the Treaty India would have been free to build mega dams on our rivers to divert their water at will, and we would not have been in a position even to go to the World Bank for arbitration.
We've been through this at this board. I have yet to see evidence that India is currently actively sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. I doubt that India currently has the motivation to see Pakistan afflicted with terrorism, and I'm not even sure that India has the means and opportunity to do so.

That doesn't mean they're not doing it, of course, but Agnostic Muslim confessed it didn't matter to him; if it was more politically advantageous to blame India rather than Pakistanis, so be it.

Does that mean Pakistan should sponsor terrorism as "payback" for something that never existed? Or has that already happened and both India and Pakistan are suffering the consequences?

Regardless of the answers to these questions, I consider your proposed strategy flawed, or at least outdated; it might have been workable in 1980, but India has grown so much in its economy, know-how, and capital reserves that imo it can now thrive and grow even if Western investment ceased. Nothing less than a full-scale war would change that.

Well Solomon, we are still to see the evidence from 9/11, as promised by Bush and Blair before going to war and after.

Their flimsy account of planes hitting buildings by AQ especially the Pentagon as belows:


This sort of evidence more then sums it up.

I believe Emo_girl has a signature on her profile by Hitler saying:

The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one - Adolf Hitler

As for India, MMS was confronted with some evidence during his meeting in Sharm El Sheikh where he acknowledged the need to discuss Pakistan,....why........becuase Pakistan used official channels and diplomatically approached India with its evidence, not held a trial by media like our counterparts...........so your point about YOU being shown evidence doesn;t mean didly squat
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