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WATER.... Do you feel scared???

It's not about pain. It's about a virus that can remain in hybernation for years and then when it activates gives a very very painful death.
I have a fear associated with water. I was once swimming in a lake in my village in teenage and almost drowned. I was alone and i went to swim, got short breath and tired. I cant forget that feeling that i couldn't hold on and my lungs sucked in water. Thankfully i had reached ashore just in time. I still swim everywhere i like but that feeling n fear is always there. Sometimes i dream of it and its one of my worst dreams.
What happened after 30 sir ji, jo aap serious hogye itna ?

I have a solution, loha lohe ko Kaat ta hai .
Go to Bihar, and then to kosi river during monsoon .
Dont swim in it , dosemt matter how expert swimmer you are , you will get sucked in a whirlpool of river.
Just look at the river , fast flowing with humongous water flow

You will certainly overcome this fear of yours.
Sea water dosent look that dangerous, river water in peak rainy season when nepalis open up their own Dam gates , the otherwise small river becomes altogether different.
Hona parta hai jab zimadari a jaay life main
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From a young age I was told by my mother that I wake up talking jibberish, then try to run away downstairs or feel scared and shout etc. Family wake me up to tell me to go back to sleep but I never remember anything the day after, they even say I am fully awake and talk back. I don't like going hotels or new places just incase I go for a jog in my sleep or start to scream :)

Also since a young age had this repeated dream of a fly, all I do is just see it and I get scared in the dream and wake up feeling shocked. It doesn't move or anything, but for some reason scares me.

Lastly at times I be dreaming, but in my dream I will be talking to myself and saying look your dreaming, might aswell enjoy it, so I fly around in my dream etc, then at times i be flying in my room but I can see myself and family asleep, I even fly close to see if I am actually dreaming this or actually seeing this, then I get bored and say wake up wake up and I wake up. So in my dream I know I am dreaming.
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I have a fear associated with water. I was once swimming in a lake in my village in teenage and almost drowned. I was alone and i went to swim, got short breath and tired. I cant forget that feeling that i couldn't hold on and my lungs sucked in water. Thankfully i had reached ashore just in time. I still swim everywhere i like but that feeling n fear is always there. Sometimes i dream of it and its one of my worst dreams.

My experience almost similar in kolhapur Maharashtra... I will share after office
Hi guys if similar thread has been discussed then request mods to delete this thread..... Like my previous thread about a fear on sleeping alone in hotel room this is another week point in my life.... Unknown water.....
I'm myself a great swimmer and can dive even at the height of around 20 feet but don't understand why I'm afraid of swimming alone in unknown waters..... Whenever I see slow flowing unknown river water I just loose my conference to get into it even if I'm on the picnic...... Worst fear I experienced was last month when I went to swimming pool on weekends and after swimming I went to common big bathroom to take a bath...... Bathroom is so big that at least 50 plus showers with approx height of 15 feet height are there...... In these three 3 showers were running with full force and big sounds with not even a single swimmer taking bath inside and it's really embarrassing to accept I couldn't dare to enter bathroom alone to take a bath.....

I was inspite of being a swimmer was scared of those simple showers on full force and the size of that bathroom...... After 15 minutes when other group started showing up only then I could go inside...... My question is do you guys have such wired type of fear......
Hydrophobia might be a symptom of rabbies, hopefully it isn't, might be just a mental problem, take care.
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there was no fear of fire water air height anything till was 30 after that i started taking things seriously and now i fear everything .

Yes, now I'm hesitant to drive on highways..damn for the good ole days of not watching youtube car crash videos.
I learned to swim from an early age and used to go to swimming classes for a while even. However one of the scariest things that I can imagine is to fall overboard from a ship in the middle of the ocean.

I also read about the phenomenon of freak waves at sea which have the capacity to sink container ships within minutes.

Great documentary about it:

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For some reason I find big dams very intimidating when I stand close to them. I feel as if there is death behind those walls

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