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Water car: Engineer sues doctor for ‘trying to undermine’ his invention

Very respectfully, I think AQ Khan has lost the plot now. His statements every other day are really absurd to the core. Fame has gotten ti his head in this old age.

He should just rest peacefully now and not come in the limelight.

And the Chairman of PCSIR?
And the Chairman of PCSIR?

Thats what political interference in educational/scientific matters does.

P.S: I am not in anyway supporting the behavior of any of these folks, or finding an excuse for their actions. Just a general comment!:angel:
Thats what political interference in educational/scientific matters does.

P.S: I am not in anyway supporting the behavior of any of these folks, or finding an excuse for their actions. Just a general comment!:angel:

Yes, as if more proof was needed that intellectual rot is deeply and widely pervasive in Pakistan.
What mocking? The Chairman of PCSIR (Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) agreed with him, as did the Baba-e-Atum-Bumb AQ Khan. Surely if there are any "traitors" in this saga, they go far higher and deeper than just this idiot.

Very respectfully, I think AQ Khan has lost the plot now. His statements every other day are really absurd to the core. Fame has gotten ti his head in this old age.

He should just rest peacefully now and not come in the limelight.

To be fair on AQ Khan there have been long standing whispers about him slowly going senile. He is overly driven by how his legacy would be looked at, than by science. He stopped being a man of science many decades ago and it sucks to say it he was our point man on the smuggling front for precious technologies. The only one credit to him - the Enrichment tech was also not really fully done by him through R&D - but by espionage.

He was good - the best at it, and served Pakistan well by what he did and kudos to him for that. But lets make him a be-all-end-all on science because of his contributions to the nuclear program and him having a PhD.

What mocking? The Chairman of PCSIR (Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) agreed with him, as did the Baba-e-Atum-Bumb AQ Khan. Surely if there are any "traitors" in this saga, they go far higher and deeper than just this idiot.

Very respectfully, I think AQ Khan has lost the plot now. His statements every other day are really absurd to the core. Fame has gotten ti his head in this old age.

He should just rest peacefully now and not come in the limelight.

Yes, as if more proof was needed that intellectual rot is deeply and widely pervasive in Pakistan.

People get scammed everywhere. Happens in religion all the time. Remember the beatles' time with Maharishi? I'm not so disappointed as there were plenty of naysayers to Afgha Waqar at all times.
People get scammed everywhere. Happens in religion all the time. Remember the beatles' time with Maharishi? I'm not so disappointed as there were plenty of naysayers to Afgha Waqar at all times.

It is not just that Agha Waqar is a fraud. It is more that the episode is clear evidence of how political, military and personal fiefdoms continue to scam the whole nation of its present and future with impunity.
It is not just that Agha Waqar is a fraud. It is more that the episode is clear evidence of how political, military and personal fiefdoms continue to scam the whole nation of its present and future with impunity.

"It is not just that Agha Waqar is a fraud". It is more about the fact that so many people (at least some of whom should have known better) got taken in by him. And became part of the "shouting and trumpeting brigade".
This water car works better than the one claimed by Agha Waqar:

It is not just that Agha Waqar is a fraud. It is more that the episode is clear evidence of how political, military and personal fiefdoms continue to scam the whole nation of its present and future with impunity.

While there was an element of the religious affairs minister being involved (who got other political people involved), this wasn't still a case of Pakistani state being involved. If anything the media ran with it.

We found out later that the suspect had ties in Sindh with People's party, had robbed banks and was fraudulent payrolls. Someone from the government was involved with him but its not that it was state agenda to defraud people. They all got duped.
While there was an element of the religious affairs minister being involved (who got other political people involved), this wasn't still a case of Pakistani state being involved. If anything the media ran with it.

We found out later that the suspect had ties in Sindh with People's party, had robbed banks and was fraudulent payrolls. Someone from the government was involved with him but its not that it was state agenda to defraud people. They all got duped.

ALL of them? That only further proves the death of logic and common sense society wide!

Ministers did not know his background? The person to whom he was assigned as an assistant did not even know that. The less said of the media and the "mashhoor sainsdaan" the better.
now fraudster can take hit against world renowned scientists. I will not be surprised if the Dr Atta get fed up and decides to pack his bags for an offer of green card. What are the academic qualifications of these stupid protesters? Do they even know the first law of thermodynamics? or something as basic as V=IR?

Sir! I guess you don't have real concept about the basic laws of chemistry and Ohms laws. Mr. Agha Waqar is right in his invention. It is correct according to the laws of physics and chemistry. It is already been proven in US and Europe and pplz are running cars on water through electrolysis of water.......thanks.......:smokin:
Sir! I guess you don't have real concept about the basic laws of chemistry and Ohms laws. Mr. Agha Waqar is right in his invention. It is correct according to the laws of physics and chemistry. It is already been proven in US and Europe and pplz are running cars on water through electrolysis of water.......thanks.......:smokin:

Of course, right you are!

I am personally aware that some very good scientists exist in Pakistan. Why all them kept quiet and it was left to Dr Ata urn Rahman & Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy to come out and discredit the fraudster.

IMO this is really sad because intellectual honesty demands that you speak up whenever someone is trying to dupe the nation. It shows that Pakistani Scientists in general lack the moral fibre to stand up and be counted.
I am personally aware that some very good scientists exist in Pakistan. Why all them kept quiet and it was left to Dr Ata urn Rahman & Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy to come out and discredit the fraudster.

IMO this is really sad because intellectual honesty demands that you speak up whenever someone is trying to dupe the nation. It shows that Pakistani Scientists in general lack the moral fibre to stand up and be counted.

That principle must also be followed here on DefPk too.
^^ You summed up our concern perfectly. Its up to scientific community of Pakistan to make sure no other person gets this far duping the masses by using Science.
ALL of them? That only further proves the death of logic and common sense society wide!

Ministers did not know his background? The person to whom he was assigned as an assistant did not even know that. The less said of the media and the "mashhoor sainsdaan" the better.

Yeah all 2 of them? How many government supporters did he have?
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