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Watch How Sheikh Rasheed Reached Committee Chowk on Bike "THE ENTRY"

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What a great entry , just like movies ,

@WAJsal , @Zibago , @Moonlight , @The Sandman , @shah1398 , @django

Tiger !

thing to note is that the motorcycle was slow, anyone could have taken a shot at Shaikh,
anyone could have thrown a stone or abused him.


NO ONE did, people were happy to see him.
This is a great sign

Lol True

But he stole the show hands down. Make some noise for the Pindi Boy

Hear Hear !

Wait till we get into islamabad. we will return these favors !
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ڈیڑھ کروڑ ووٹ، دوتہائی اکثریت، مرکز اور دو صوبوں میں حکومت والی کرپشن لیگ کو
ایک سیٹ والے شیخ رشید نے راولپنڈی میں بندر کی طرح نچایاہوا ہے۔۔

ایک شیخ رشید ' سارے سالے لیگیوں کو ہیجڑا بنا دیتا ہے

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/breaking...youth-convention.458160/page-27#ixzz4ONc4QWHQ
I am ashamed that 'Madaris' (clowns) like Sh Rasheed have occupied some of the highest offices in Pakistani political system. It's not that S.R is corrupt. He's just a lose cannon and will turn against anyone on a dime. And he's quite stupid. I would say he's even more of a lose cannon than Trump!

Just watch S.R mouthing off whatever on TV shows! Just watch! The guy starts running his mouth and, when questioned, raises his head a bit: 'aaaayeee, ...' to try to explain whatever his stupid mouth just tried to utter.
Lol True

But he stole the show hands down. Make some noise for the Pindi Boy

Actually most people would laugh for such a pity thing when you compare with our politicians.

He has served as Minister for Railways and still the details of his assets and his background is quite evident. He is not married so he is not as hungry for money as some other politicians which is a good thing.
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