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Watch "Gen. (Rtd) Kishan Pal accept that India lost Kargil War" on YouTube

Your own generals are humiliated by kargil operation to this day. If mujahideen were armed with Anza's, you guys would have truly been shit out of luck. You were scrambling to the Israelis for help. Kargil was one of the most audacious military operations to ever be carried out.

Your poor wounded jawans were abandoned screaming for help as lmg fire was carving them up and boulders were being thrown on them. Even Indian arty strikes were ineffective. The mujahideen were at a better position and they completely dominated the situation.
If that gives you some satisfaction and feel good after suffering that kind of Humiliation in international front. I'll let you have it.

But when asked what was the war for? Did you gain anything? The answer is zero gains. Like your Lt Gen said
"Kargil, like every other meaningless war that we have fought, brings home lessons we continue to refuse to learn. Instead, we proudly call it our history written in the blood of our children ."

If that gives you some satisfaction and feel good after suffering that kind of Humiliation in international front. I'll let you have it.

But when asked what was the war for? Did you gain anything? The answer is zero gains. Like your Lt Gen said
"Kargil, like every other meaningless war that we have fought, brings home lessons we continue to refuse to learn. Instead, we proudly call it our history written in the blood of our children ."


Your military was outsmarted and outgunned by a significantly smaller force. A small force of Pakistani irregulars had the mighty Indian military war machine on it's knees crying for help. How much more humiliating could that be?
Your military was outsmarted and outgunned by a significantly smaller force. A small force of Pakistani irregulars had the Indian military war machine on it's knees crying for help. How much more humiliating could that be?
Yawn.... Still doesn't change the fact that you lost, humiliated and went back to your own place. Now feel good posts don't cover that. Again, your own generals claimed it to be a blunder in all ways. Defending with verbal diarrhea is for you keyboard warriors.
Yawn.... Still doesn't change the fact that you lost, humiliated and went back to your own place. Now feel good posts don't cover that. Again, your own generals claimed it to be a blunder in all ways. Defending with verbal diarrhea is for you keyboard warriors.

You should be happy that people on the international front sided with India, because militarily your forces were outmatched and shown for the paper tigers you are.


Gen. Musharraf and Nawaz Sharif with troops raising slogans of Allah u Akbar in the forward areas during the Kargil conflict.
The Kargil conflict between Pakistan and India took place in Kashmir between May and July 1999, the objective of the whole conflict was to cut off the link between Kashmir and Ladakh by hitting National Highway No.1 (NH 1) and cause Indian forces to withdraw from the Siachen Glacier, forcing India to negotiate and resolve the decade old Kashmir dispute.
The Pakistani positions on the mountains across Drass river enjoy certain advantage. India captured these positions in 1965, but returned them as per agreement. It managed to recapture them in 1971, and has retained them since. According to Indian sources, while this has removed the threat of small arms fire on the town, posts, in the more distant mountains still overlook the town which exposes the area to Pakistani fire. India has never been happy about the situation and always desired to seize advantageous positions in the Kargil sector.
Because of the extreme winter weather conditions in Kashmir, it was a common practice of the Indians and Pakistan Army to vacate high altitude forward posts and reoccupy them in the spring. In the winter of early 1999, Pakistan Army along with the Mujahideen reoccupied the forward positions and strategic peaks of Kargil, Drass and Batalik before the Indians. This came as a shock to the Indian Army when they realized the gravity of the situation. "Operation Al-Badar" was the name given to Pakistan's infiltration.
Indian Army reacted and deployed four divisions to take back the strategic peaks for securing its main supply line in Kashmir. India's operation to recapture their territory was named "Operation Vijay". The battle escalated with continuous Indian assaults on the peaks while Pakistan Army was able to bring down effective artillery fire on Indian positions through much of the conflict as they commanded all strategic heights. From the observation posts, Pakistan Army had a clear view to target the Indian main supply route National Highway No.1 (NH 1) inflicting heavy casualties.






A Mujahid takes position on a ridge in a battle with the Indian Army during the Kargil conflict.


The Indians initially launched counter attacks to dislodge Pakistani troops from the heights and watershed area where it meets the Tololing ridge. Their focus was on controlling the peaks overlooking NH 1 and its stretches near the town of Kargil were of high importance for them. When these attacks were repulsed, the Indians in reaction raised their level of military force and inducted Bofor guns. As a result of their panic, they started massing up offensive and defensive forces in the Kargil-Drass area. Their panic was not only reflected in their military mass-up but also in their haste to give military awards. This was visible when they gave their highest military award posthumously to a soldier whose wife claimed that he was still alive and admitted in hospital.
After suffering casualties in the early phase of conflict, Indian Army changed their technique of attack and started containing the front while attacking from the flanks. They attacked limited objectives in every sub-sector at any one time by using utmost concentration of infantry and artillery. In addition, the difficult terrain of the area was not giving much benefit to the Indian Army.
"We are facing an enemy which does not differentiate between civil and army"
"The Indian soldiers jumped over their dead soldiers while retreating hastily"
"Ammunition dump of the Indian Army was destroyed which suffered Rs 2 mn loss"

In the third week of May 1999, Indian Army launched a reinforced attack on Tiger Hill and Tololing in Drass sector and later inducted IAF into the conflict. "Operation Safed Sagar" was the code-name assigned to IAF. At the same time, India was extremely active on the diplomatic front and its Ministry of External Affairs tried the best to show Pakistan as an aggressor.

"Hundreds of Indian Army dead bodies were lying inside Pak territory"
"Indians Army did not collect the bodies for days which started rotting"
"Hundreds of Indian Army dead bodies were lying inside Pak territory"
"Indians Army did not collect the bodies for days which started rotting"
Indian Air Force openly entered into the conflict on 26 May 1999 and launched air strikes 10 kms across LoC inside Pakistani territory. Pakistan warned that if India would continue to violate its airspace than it would target them in retaliation. On 27 May 1999, IAF MiG-27ML (Serial No. 1135) flown by Flt Lt K. Nachiketa of No. 9 Squadron intruded into Pakistan airspace at 11:15 a.m. (PST) near Hunzi Ghund. It intruded twice and first marked a Pakistani position on the LoC with smoke bombs and then came in for a rocketing and strafing attack on the same post. Gunner Shafaqat Ali commanded by Capt. Faheem Tipu of Air Defence using an ANZA-II SAM tracked and shot down the MiG as it exited. The pilot ejected and was taken POW. He resisted with his pistol after landing and was involved in a fire fight with Pakistani troops to evade capture.

Shortly later, two more Indian MiG-21 jets intruded into Pakistan airspace at 11:35 a.m. (PST) and dived in for a rocketing attack on the same Pakistani position. Naik Talib Hussain Basharat again commanded by Capt. Faheem Tipu started tracking and one of the MiG-21 (Serial No. C1539) was shot down again with ANZA-II SAM at a height of 1,500 metres. The wreckage fell 10-12 kilometres inside Pakistan territory. The pilot, Sqn Ldr Ajay Ahuja of No. 17 Squadron was killed and the body was handed over to India on 29 May 1999.

Pak Army soldiers with the tail of Indian MiG-21 fighter jet in Hunzi Ghund in Pakistan territory.
After the Indian jets were shot down, Indian media started a propaganda that Pakistan Army could not shoot any Indian aircrafts and the IAF is continuing their activities. The Pakistani defence spokesman Brig. Rashid Qureshi refuted it and cleared that after the Indian planes had been shot down they did not violate the Pakistani airspace and continued to patrol inside Indian territory at a very high altitude.
"Both IAF jets were shot inside Pak territory which were involved in hostile attack""A living prisoner is more useful than a dead one, Pak Army did not kill Ahuja"
"No one, not even the Defence Attache turned up to receive their own pilot"

When FIt Lt. Nachiketa was released on 4 June 1999 as a unilateral gesture of goodwill by Pakistan, on the order of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, no one, not even the Defence Attache turned up to receive their own pilot. The reason they did not want to be publicly seen receiving their prisoner pilot back. The Foreign Office had taken precautions to associate the ICRC with the wellbeing of the Indian pilot. They examined him and found him medically fit in the condition they took his custody and transported him to the border. Squadron Leader Ahuja's body was returned with full military honours by the Pakistan Army, that has always stuck by the traditions of the battlefield. As Ahuja's body was handed over to India, even before any post-mortem examination it raised alarm that Ahuja may have shot dead after he had parachuted safely to the ground. India had maintained that the Ahuja had "ejected after his MiG-21 was hit by a surface to air missile fired upon from across the LoC."Later India maintained that according to the post-mortem report Ahuja was shot twice-once through the ear and again in the chest. India launched strong protest with Pakistan over the 'brutal shooting' of Sqn Ldr. Ahuja by his Pakistani captors. This was another attempt to malign Pakistan in the eyes of the world. Knowing fully well that Ahuja fighter plane was shot down when it was engaged in rocketing, artillery firing and automatic firing. In such a combat situation some bullets hitting Ahuja can not be ruled out.
IAF changed their operational technique after their jets were shot down and used Jaguars and Mirage 2000 fighter jets. They also began using laser-guided bombs from high-altitude. As a result, their bombing was ineffective and they failed to clear the targets.


On 6 June 1999, Indian Army launched major offensive backed by air strikes in Kargil and Drass, reported by CNN. This attempt of India to move forward was successfully repulsed by Pak Army troops and Mujahideen. By 10 June 1999, when India was unable to take the peaks despite the expansion of conflict, they brought additional forces of infantry, artillery, Para/Commando battalions and PMF/BSF battalions into Kargil area.
After weeks of intense fighting and desperate Indian efforts to gain success, Indian Army made its first gain in Drass sector on 13 June 1999 by taking Tololing peak. This was the day when Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee also visited Kargil and along with his entourage merely escaped Pakistani shelling.
International pressure was also mounting on Pakistan and on 15 June 1999, US President President on telephone urged Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to pull back. On 29 June 1999, Indian Army managed to capture Point 5060 and 5100 near Tiger Hill.
A report released in Washington on 29 June 1999 said that India had suffered so badly in Kargil at the hands of Pakistani forces that the only way out for it is to attack Pakistan on a large scale. In an alarming letter to President Clinton as reported in the Washington Post, Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee wrote that New Delhi will be compelled to attack Pakistan if Islamabad failed to withdraw its forces from the Indian side of the Line of Control. The spectacle of hundreds of body bags of Indian soldiers coming down from the mountains in Kargil was creating an intense public pressure on the Indian Government to react.
Due to the difficult conditions in which the Indians were fighting, their victories were less glorious than their spokesman portrayed. By early July, Indian Army gained some ground in Mushkoh and Drass but was unable to make progress in Kaksar and Batalik despite putting constant pressure on the Pakistani troops and Mujahideen.
The Indian government banned Pakistan Television broadcasts in India and restricted foreign journalists from going to Kargil. Eleven former Indian generals and bureaucrats demanded 'suspension' of independent analyses of Kargil. They include, the hawk K Subrahmanyam, and two former foreign secretaries. They say Kargil 'is a test of the national will'. Hence any 'postmortem' by analysts should be suspended'. We must not talk about 'any inadequacies and failures that have led to the crisis'. At stake is our 'credibility as a nation'.
"India has given us the certificate of truth by banning PTV, Mushahid Hussain"
"Indian Army faced shortage of coffins during the conflict"

The blanket ban on foreign media and Pakistani broadcasts only shows the weakness of the Indian position on the Kargil situation. Indian Minister for External Affairs refused to appear on the CNN, while Pakistani foreign minister briefed the foreign media. Pakistan had also welcomed foreign media to go to LoC and see the situation themselves.

Gen Musharraf with other service chiefs and PM Nawaz Sharif present at a meeting in HQ 10 Corps. 22 June 1999END OF CONFLICT - THE WITHDRAWAL
A DCC (Defence Comittee of the Cabinet) meeting was held on 2 July 1999 in which the ongoing conflict was discussed. The military commanders including Gen Musharraf briefed the cabinet that Pakistan Army was militarily in a strong position. Prime Minister Sharif suggested for withdrawing from the strategic peaks, however it was cleared by Gen Musharraf that there was absolutely no need for withdrawal as Pak Army was in a dominating position. The Indian Army was practically gripped by their throat. The DCC meeting concluded without any decision for withdrawal and it was decided that another meeting would be held on 5 July 1999.

On the same night of 2 July 1999, Sharif called Musharraf on phone and told him to come over at Chaklala Airport as he was going to US. Musharraf along with Lt Gen Zia ud Din Butt came from Murree to meet the PM where again he was asked about withdrawing the forces. Musharraf again cleared that withdrawal is a political decision whereas Pakistan is militarily in a strong and dominating position. Whether PM Nawaz Sharif was able to sustain international pressure but he unilaterally went on his own to the United States.
When Nawaz Sharif left for US, the battle at Tiger Hills was underway which was surrounded with controversy as the Mujahideen had abandoned shelling and US President had agreed to meet Nawaz Sharif only on the pre-condition of withdrawal from Kargil.

After the withdrawal agreement was signed in Washington on 4 July 1999, Pak Army started withdrawing from Indian territory on 11 July 1999 and India reclaimed key peaks in Batalik. 16 July was set as deadline for complete withdrawal and Indian territory was reportedly fully vacated. On 26 July 1999, the conflict finally came to an end.
We have fought a great war in the mountains of Kashmir, but unfortunately, our then coward prime minister betrayed the nation and we had to retreat, and then, India has used its full propaganda machine to try to come out victorious after such a humiliation at the hands of few hundred Mujahideen.
Some facts are:
1.Total number of Mujahideen, at any stage did not exceed approx: 1000.
2. They captured one of the most difficult terrain and in intense cold environment.
3. They completely evaded the Indian intelligence machine and the (made in India) satellites pictures.
4. It was a total surprise to Indians when shepherds brought the news of invasion to Indian military machine, which took some days to realize its importance.
5. Indian chief of staff did not even cancelled his foreign visit.
6. The first search party of 60 Indian soldiers was completely annihilated and none of them returned.
7. The second search party of 259 Indian soldiers was either annihilated or injured.
8. The first Canberra reconnaissance mission ended up in a damaged Canberra plane, which did land in Srinagar and brought to Indians the actual scale of invasion.
9. Two Indian fighter jets - MiG-27 and MiG-21 were shot down.
10. An Indian Air Force Mi-17 helicopter was shot down killing its crew of four.
11. Indian Air force totally stopped all its operations and so did the military helicopters.
12. It took long time for the Indian Air Force to come back again, but only with Mirage 2000 planes dropping bombs from high altitude...and also using laser guided bombs.
13. A barrage of artillery pounding continued for the next 6 weeks, and in the end, even Bofor guns were employed, in order to score, as there did not seem to be any change in Mujahideen positions.
14. There was a huge loss to Indian military. There was a shortage of coffins. About 1700 Indian soldiers died and more than the same number injured.
15. About 50 Bofors bombs were used per Mujahideen amounting to US$50000 per person, apart from the various other ammunition used extensively including artillery shells, rockets from ground launchers and air and infantry attacks.
16. After all this efforts for nearly 2 months, it took Clinton to come to India´s rescue, and Pakistan had to retreat with 370 losses in life.
Pak Army and Mujahideen Withdraw From The Captured Peaks In Mid July 1999
Every conflict or war that starts eventually comes to an end and so did this conflict. Despite the forced withdrawal after PM Sharif rushed to US, Pakistan achieved success till the extent of meeting its strategic and tactical objectives while India's weaknesses were also exposed.
* Kashmir dispute was brought into world focus. It was internationally realized that the dispute needs urgent settlement as it has the potential to spark a major conflict and war between the two countries.
* Pak Army proved that it can give mightier Indian Army a militarily tough time in a low-intensity conflict. This is evident because India was time and again asking US to put pressure on Pakistan to pull back across the LoC.
* Pak Army was able to successfully counter Indian Army's assaults without any backup of PAF while IAF was fully deployed in assault role along LoC.
* At the time of Pakistan's withdrawal, India had managed to retake only 10-11% of the area. This was stated by Pakistani military sources as well as Indian sources who make reference to Col. Brian Cloughley's book called 'A History Of The Pakistan Army'.
* At the time of withdrawal, Indian Army formations had begun to fatigue which was assumed from Indian military transmissions. This was revealed in a briefing by FCNA on 12 January 2003.
* Pakistan's cost of war was very low as compared to India's cost of war.
* Kargil conflict has been a cause of great anguish to India which led to a commission to investigate their failures.


Fighters from Hizb-ul-Mujahideen offer Zuhar prayers in Kargil sector as conflict continued and Indian Army made desparate attempts to recapture the strategic peaks. 30 June 1999


Guerilla fighters from Hizb-ul-Mujahideen marching forward to join the battle in Kargil sector.


Captured and abandoned weapons of Indian Army at display.


Indian soldiers carry the body of Lt Col R Vishwanathan of 18 Grenadiers who was killed in an attack on Point 4590 on 2 June 1999.


Guerilla fighters belonging to Al-Badar Mujahideen at their snow covered bunker in Kargil sector. 30 June 1999
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I think you should first decide if it was army or Muj fighters or both. Either way, you came, you fought, you died. Wasted time and effort for nothing. Further messed up any peaceful resolution of Kashmir and brought up more suffering to Kashmiri.

Politicians saved the a$$ of the military by coming to deal. If things escalated into a full-fledged war. There will be more losses to you. I guess the politicians knew that better than the army. Did you know you had absolutely no diplomatic support for your actions? And even the EU and G8 had issued strong statements condemning the violation of LOC.

Stop posting like a rturd. It was Kashmiri people who initially went into Kargil(infiltrated), and India started her rr i.e rona in front of the world that Pakistan send them. Later on Pakistan went in and took hold of many indian posts because of indian blames and indian intrusion when indian troops tried to enter Azad Kashmir and even send 2 fighter planes . All the rivers were flooded with indian occupier terrorists blood. Your air india was acting like an air ambulance. You were literally slaughtered and thrashed, but you guys were lucky that NS saved your @ zz.
Stop posting like a rturd. It was Kashmiri people who initially went into Kargil(infiltrated), and India started her rr i.e rona in front of the world that Pakistan send them. Later on Pakistan went in and took hold of many indian posts because of indian blames and indian intrusion when indian troops tried to enter Azad Kashmir and even send 2 fighter planes . All the rivers were flooded with indian occupier terrorists blood. Your air india was acting like an air ambulance. You were literally slaughtered and thrashed, but you guys were lucky that NS saved your @ zz.

Nawaz should be hung for treason. This wasn't the last time he displayed his treachery.
Stop posting like a rturd. It was Kashmiri people who initially went into Kargil(infiltrated), and India started her rr i.e rona in front of the world that Pakistan send them. Later on Pakistan went in and took hold of many indian posts because of indian blames and indian intrusion when indian troops tried to enter Azad Kashmir and even send 2 fighter planes . All the rivers were flooded with indian occupier terrorists blood. Your air india was acting like an air ambulance. You were literally slaughtered and thrashed, but you guys were lucky that NS saved your @ zz.

You guys are the gullible bunch. You thought the Kashmiri would support your army and starts revolt. Instead, they 'betrayed' those fake mujahideen scumbags out. :lol: Twice I must say, back in 65 the same thing happened and you never learned your lesson. Kashmiri people don't have any weapons to infiltrate from the inside. You tried your ways but got yourselves killed in the process.
The only ones posting like a turd is you guys who are still in denial mode after a huge humiliation.
You should be happy that people on the international front sided with India, because militarily your forces were outmatched and shown for the paper tigers you are.
How long can you cling on to a politician who wants to take the victory for themselves? While during the congress they are probably proud that they inflicted maximum damage to Pakistan. While during BJP it was with US, so it's less of a victory.

Rest is all the briefings. And nothing I said is contested that, you didn't gain anything by infiltrating. Read your own generals accounts. Not some damn politicians.

Kargil, like every other meaningless war that we have fought, brings home lessons we continue to refuse to learn. Instead, we proudly call it our history written in the blood of our children . Indeed, our children penning down our misdeeds with their blood! Medals for some, few songs, a cross road renamed, and of course annual remembrance day and a memorial for those who sacrificed their tomorrow for our today; thus preparing more war fodder for our continuing misadventures. Since nothing went wrong, so there is nothing to learn. We shall do it again. We decide. You die. We sing.
Cut off from the reality of pain and affliction that would be brought upon the nation, the decision maker takes the course most suited to his whimsical ambitions. Possible hurdles are sidetracked, on the basis of ‘need to know’, or merely bulldozed. Never has there been an institutional decision for the bloodshed. And at the end of each fiasco, original objectives are redefined to cry, “Hurrah! We have won”.
Our leaders seek personal glory, and desire honour in the eyes of other nations. Sadly, that has become our definition of national honour; but how can we be respected when we have little self respect? So concerned have we become about how they perceive us that we openly deride our religion and all the social values that we once stood for.
The whole truth about Kargil is yet to be known. We await the stories of forgotten starved soldiers hiding behind cold desolate rocks, with empty guns still held in their hands. What stood them there could only be a love higher than that of life. Some refused to withdraw even when ordered, and stayed to fight the proverbial last man last round. Such precious blood spilled without cause!
Whatever little I know, took a while to emerge, since General Musharraf had put a tight lid on Kargil. Three years later, a study commenced by GHQ to identify issues of concern at the lowest levels of command, was forcefully stopped by him. “What is your intent?” he asked. His cover-up was revealed many years later, on publication of his book.
An unsound military plan based on invalid assumptions, launched with little preparations and in total disregard to the regional and international environment, was bound to fail. That may well have been the reason for its secrecy. It was a total disaster. The question then arises why was it undertaken? Were there motives other than those proclaimed, or was it only a blunder, as I had assumed for many years?
It certainly wasn’t a defensive manoeuvre. There were no indications of an Indian attack. We didn’t pre-empt anything; nothing was on the cards. I was then heading the Analysis Wing of Inter Services Intelligence and it was my job to know. Our clearly expressed intent was to cut the supply line to Siachen and force the Indians to pull out. This was not a small result we sought and cannot be classified as a tactical manoeuvre, where no one other than the local commander needed to be aware. General Musharraf himself writes, “800 sq kms of area was captured.... and it created strategic effects”. To say that occupying empty spaces along the Line of Control was not a violation of any agreement and came under the purview of the local commander is astounding. This area was with the Indians as a result of Simla Agreement, and there had been no major violation of the Line of Control since 1971.
The entire planning and execution was done in a cavalier manner, in total disregard of military convention. In justification, to say that our assessment was not wrong, but there was, “unreasonably escalated Indian response” is a sorry excuse for not being able to assess Indian reaction. Assumptions were made that they would not be able to dislodge us and the world would sit back idly.
There were no mujahideen, only taped wireless messages, which fooled no one. Our soldiers were made to occupy barren ridges, with hand held weapons and ammunition. There was no way to dig in, so they were told to make parapets with lose stones and sit behind them, with no overhead protection. The boys were comforted by their commander’s assessment that no serious response would come. But it did — wave after wave, supported by massive air bursting artillery and repeated air attacks. The enemy still couldn’t manage to capture the peaks, and instead filled in the valleys. Cut off and forsaken, our posts started collapsing one after the other, though the general publicly denied it.
The gung-ho mannerism, when there were no pressures, was cowed when lines started shrinking and the international setting became frightening. There was no will to stay the course. Media was hushed to silence, so that pulling out does not become a political issue. We will sing when our songs don’t tie us down.
The operation, in any case, didn’t have the capacity to choke Siachen. When this truth surfaced, the initial aim was quickly modified. Now the book reads, “I would like to state emphatically that whatever movement has taken place so far in the direction of finding a solution to Kashmir is due considerably to the Kargil conflict.” Glory be to the victors.
We continue to indulge in bloody enterprises, under the hoax of safeguarding national interest. How many more medals will we put on coffins? How many more songs are we to sing? And how many more martyrs will our silences hide? If there is purpose to war then yes, we shall all go to the battle front, but a war where truth has to be hidden, makes one wonder whose interest is it serving?
It must be Allah’s country, for who else is holding it afloat?!
You guys are the gullible bunch. You thought the Kashmiri would support your army and starts revolt. Instead, they 'betrayed' those fake mujahideen scumbags out. :lol: Twice I must say, back in 65 the same thing happened and you never learned your lesson. Kashmiri people don't have any weapons to infiltrate from the inside. You tried your ways but got yourselves killed in the process.
The only ones posting like a turd is you guys who are still in denial mode after a huge humiliation.

How long can you cling on to a politician who wants to take the victory for themselves? While during the congress they are probably proud that they inflicted maximum damage to Pakistan. While during BJP it was with US, so it's less of a victory.

Rest is all the briefings. And nothing I said is contested that, you didn't gain anything by infiltrating. Read your own generals accounts. Not some damn politicians.

Kargil, like every other meaningless war that we have fought, brings home lessons we continue to refuse to learn. Instead, we proudly call it our history written in the blood of our children . Indeed, our children penning down our misdeeds with their blood! Medals for some, few songs, a cross road renamed, and of course annual remembrance day and a memorial for those who sacrificed their tomorrow for our today; thus preparing more war fodder for our continuing misadventures. Since nothing went wrong, so there is nothing to learn. We shall do it again. We decide. You die. We sing.
Cut off from the reality of pain and affliction that would be brought upon the nation, the decision maker takes the course most suited to his whimsical ambitions. Possible hurdles are sidetracked, on the basis of ‘need to know’, or merely bulldozed. Never has there been an institutional decision for the bloodshed. And at the end of each fiasco, original objectives are redefined to cry, “Hurrah! We have won”.
Our leaders seek personal glory, and desire honour in the eyes of other nations. Sadly, that has become our definition of national honour; but how can we be respected when we have little self respect? So concerned have we become about how they perceive us that we openly deride our religion and all the social values that we once stood for.
The whole truth about Kargil is yet to be known. We await the stories of forgotten starved soldiers hiding behind cold desolate rocks, with empty guns still held in their hands. What stood them there could only be a love higher than that of life. Some refused to withdraw even when ordered, and stayed to fight the proverbial last man last round. Such precious blood spilled without cause!
Whatever little I know, took a while to emerge, since General Musharraf had put a tight lid on Kargil. Three years later, a study commenced by GHQ to identify issues of concern at the lowest levels of command, was forcefully stopped by him. “What is your intent?” he asked. His cover-up was revealed many years later, on publication of his book.
An unsound military plan based on invalid assumptions, launched with little preparations and in total disregard to the regional and international environment, was bound to fail. That may well have been the reason for its secrecy. It was a total disaster. The question then arises why was it undertaken? Were there motives other than those proclaimed, or was it only a blunder, as I had assumed for many years?
It certainly wasn’t a defensive manoeuvre. There were no indications of an Indian attack. We didn’t pre-empt anything; nothing was on the cards. I was then heading the Analysis Wing of Inter Services Intelligence and it was my job to know. Our clearly expressed intent was to cut the supply line to Siachen and force the Indians to pull out. This was not a small result we sought and cannot be classified as a tactical manoeuvre, where no one other than the local commander needed to be aware. General Musharraf himself writes, “800 sq kms of area was captured.... and it created strategic effects”. To say that occupying empty spaces along the Line of Control was not a violation of any agreement and came under the purview of the local commander is astounding. This area was with the Indians as a result of Simla Agreement, and there had been no major violation of the Line of Control since 1971.
The entire planning and execution was done in a cavalier manner, in total disregard of military convention. In justification, to say that our assessment was not wrong, but there was, “unreasonably escalated Indian response” is a sorry excuse for not being able to assess Indian reaction. Assumptions were made that they would not be able to dislodge us and the world would sit back idly.
There were no mujahideen, only taped wireless messages, which fooled no one. Our soldiers were made to occupy barren ridges, with hand held weapons and ammunition. There was no way to dig in, so they were told to make parapets with lose stones and sit behind them, with no overhead protection. The boys were comforted by their commander’s assessment that no serious response would come. But it did — wave after wave, supported by massive air bursting artillery and repeated air attacks. The enemy still couldn’t manage to capture the peaks, and instead filled in the valleys. Cut off and forsaken, our posts started collapsing one after the other, though the general publicly denied it.
The gung-ho mannerism, when there were no pressures, was cowed when lines started shrinking and the international setting became frightening. There was no will to stay the course. Media was hushed to silence, so that pulling out does not become a political issue. We will sing when our songs don’t tie us down.
The operation, in any case, didn’t have the capacity to choke Siachen. When this truth surfaced, the initial aim was quickly modified. Now the book reads, “I would like to state emphatically that whatever movement has taken place so far in the direction of finding a solution to Kashmir is due considerably to the Kargil conflict.” Glory be to the victors.
We continue to indulge in bloody enterprises, under the hoax of safeguarding national interest. How many more medals will we put on coffins? How many more songs are we to sing? And how many more martyrs will our silences hide? If there is purpose to war then yes, we shall all go to the battle front, but a war where truth has to be hidden, makes one wonder whose interest is it serving?
It must be Allah’s country, for who else is holding it afloat?!

Your jawans were being massacred and rolling down cliffs while being dismembered by machine gun rounds and this is what you have to say?

You guys are the gullible bunch. You thought the Kashmiri would support your army and starts revolt. Instead, they 'betrayed' those fake mujahideen scumbags out. :lol: Twice I must say, back in 65 the same thing happened and you never learned your lesson. Kashmiri people don't have any weapons to infiltrate from the inside. You tried your ways but got yourselves killed in the process.
The only ones posting like a turd is you guys who are still in denial mode after a huge humiliation.

How long can you cling on to a politician who wants to take the victory for themselves? While during the congress they are probably proud that they inflicted maximum damage to Pakistan. While during BJP it was with US, so it's less of a victory.

Rest is all the briefings. And nothing I said is contested that, you didn't gain anything by infiltrating. Read your own generals accounts. Not some damn politicians.

Kargil, like every other meaningless war that we have fought, brings home lessons we continue to refuse to learn. Instead, we proudly call it our history written in the blood of our children . Indeed, our children penning down our misdeeds with their blood! Medals for some, few songs, a cross road renamed, and of course annual remembrance day and a memorial for those who sacrificed their tomorrow for our today; thus preparing more war fodder for our continuing misadventures. Since nothing went wrong, so there is nothing to learn. We shall do it again. We decide. You die. We sing.
Cut off from the reality of pain and affliction that would be brought upon the nation, the decision maker takes the course most suited to his whimsical ambitions. Possible hurdles are sidetracked, on the basis of ‘need to know’, or merely bulldozed. Never has there been an institutional decision for the bloodshed. And at the end of each fiasco, original objectives are redefined to cry, “Hurrah! We have won”.
Our leaders seek personal glory, and desire honour in the eyes of other nations. Sadly, that has become our definition of national honour; but how can we be respected when we have little self respect? So concerned have we become about how they perceive us that we openly deride our religion and all the social values that we once stood for.
The whole truth about Kargil is yet to be known. We await the stories of forgotten starved soldiers hiding behind cold desolate rocks, with empty guns still held in their hands. What stood them there could only be a love higher than that of life. Some refused to withdraw even when ordered, and stayed to fight the proverbial last man last round. Such precious blood spilled without cause!
Whatever little I know, took a while to emerge, since General Musharraf had put a tight lid on Kargil. Three years later, a study commenced by GHQ to identify issues of concern at the lowest levels of command, was forcefully stopped by him. “What is your intent?” he asked. His cover-up was revealed many years later, on publication of his book.
An unsound military plan based on invalid assumptions, launched with little preparations and in total disregard to the regional and international environment, was bound to fail. That may well have been the reason for its secrecy. It was a total disaster. The question then arises why was it undertaken? Were there motives other than those proclaimed, or was it only a blunder, as I had assumed for many years?
It certainly wasn’t a defensive manoeuvre. There were no indications of an Indian attack. We didn’t pre-empt anything; nothing was on the cards. I was then heading the Analysis Wing of Inter Services Intelligence and it was my job to know. Our clearly expressed intent was to cut the supply line to Siachen and force the Indians to pull out. This was not a small result we sought and cannot be classified as a tactical manoeuvre, where no one other than the local commander needed to be aware. General Musharraf himself writes, “800 sq kms of area was captured.... and it created strategic effects”. To say that occupying empty spaces along the Line of Control was not a violation of any agreement and came under the purview of the local commander is astounding. This area was with the Indians as a result of Simla Agreement, and there had been no major violation of the Line of Control since 1971.
The entire planning and execution was done in a cavalier manner, in total disregard of military convention. In justification, to say that our assessment was not wrong, but there was, “unreasonably escalated Indian response” is a sorry excuse for not being able to assess Indian reaction. Assumptions were made that they would not be able to dislodge us and the world would sit back idly.
There were no mujahideen, only taped wireless messages, which fooled no one. Our soldiers were made to occupy barren ridges, with hand held weapons and ammunition. There was no way to dig in, so they were told to make parapets with lose stones and sit behind them, with no overhead protection. The boys were comforted by their commander’s assessment that no serious response would come. But it did — wave after wave, supported by massive air bursting artillery and repeated air attacks. The enemy still couldn’t manage to capture the peaks, and instead filled in the valleys. Cut off and forsaken, our posts started collapsing one after the other, though the general publicly denied it.
The gung-ho mannerism, when there were no pressures, was cowed when lines started shrinking and the international setting became frightening. There was no will to stay the course. Media was hushed to silence, so that pulling out does not become a political issue. We will sing when our songs don’t tie us down.
The operation, in any case, didn’t have the capacity to choke Siachen. When this truth surfaced, the initial aim was quickly modified. Now the book reads, “I would like to state emphatically that whatever movement has taken place so far in the direction of finding a solution to Kashmir is due considerably to the Kargil conflict.” Glory be to the victors.
We continue to indulge in bloody enterprises, under the hoax of safeguarding national interest. How many more medals will we put on coffins? How many more songs are we to sing? And how many more martyrs will our silences hide? If there is purpose to war then yes, we shall all go to the battle front, but a war where truth has to be hidden, makes one wonder whose interest is it serving?
It must be Allah’s country, for who else is holding it afloat?!

Your jawans were being massacred and rolling down cliffs while being dismembered by machine gun rounds and this is what you have to say?
Your jawans were being massacred and rolling down cliffs while being dismembered by machine gun rounds and this is what you have to say?
You should know what I should say because last time I check, Pak soldiers were not immune to bullets and avalanches.
You guys are the gullible bunch. You thought the Kashmiri would support your army and starts revolt. Instead, they 'betrayed' those fake mujahideen scumbags out. :lol: Twice I must say, back in 65 the same thing happened and you never learned your lesson. Kashmiri people don't have any weapons to infiltrate from the inside. You tried your ways but got yourselves killed in the process.
The only ones posting like a turd is you guys who are still in denial mode after a huge humiliation.

That is your indian army nonsense version. They were being slapped by your public and media because they could'nt save the occupied IOK. After all they have to come up with a face saving after thousands of bharti occupier terrorists were eliminated by Pakistanis and Kashmiris.

Remember you even claim this same nonsense about Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan, but the fact is that these areas are more peaceful than your Mumbai and overwhelming majority want to be part of Pakistan already without waiting for IOK status.
Well we are holding more arable land that the Chinese are crying and claiming for decades now than the barren winter dry land that they had grabbed from us, if they are happy we are more than happy with the status-quo. :)

Regarding Siachen, did you ever thought why their is no ceasefire violations since the last one ??? It's simply because Pakistan army had gloriously lost against Indian army multiple times in Siachen front, why ??? Simply because we occupy dominating heights, nothing else. If you are not aware the following article will be a true eye opener for you I guess. :p:


LOL, scared are those who withdrew unilaterally, not the one who mount an assault. If you were so confident and in a dominating position, why did Pakistan army withdrew unilaterally in the first place ???? LOL :p:
All proves are conspiracies nd lies against Pakistan, hence hv zero credibility. The real truth nd history are taught in Pakistani Madasras formed by there Mard E Momin Gen. Zia.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
You should be happy that people on the international front sided with India, because militarily your forces were outmatched and shown for the paper tigers you are.


Gen. Musharraf and Nawaz Sharif with troops raising slogans of Allah u Akbar in the forward areas during the Kargil conflict.
The Kargil conflict between Pakistan and India took place in Kashmir between May and July 1999, the objective of the whole conflict was to cut off the link between Kashmir and Ladakh by hitting National Highway No.1 (NH 1) and cause Indian forces to withdraw from the Siachen Glacier, forcing India to negotiate and resolve the decade old Kashmir dispute.
The Pakistani positions on the mountains across Drass river enjoy certain advantage. India captured these positions in 1965, but returned them as per agreement. It managed to recapture them in 1971, and has retained them since. According to Indian sources, while this has removed the threat of small arms fire on the town, posts, in the more distant mountains still overlook the town which exposes the area to Pakistani fire. India has never been happy about the situation and always desired to seize advantageous positions in the Kargil sector.
Because of the extreme winter weather conditions in Kashmir, it was a common practice of the Indians and Pakistan Army to vacate high altitude forward posts and reoccupy them in the spring. In the winter of early 1999, Pakistan Army along with the Mujahideen reoccupied the forward positions and strategic peaks of Kargil, Drass and Batalik before the Indians. This came as a shock to the Indian Army when they realized the gravity of the situation. "Operation Al-Badar" was the name given to Pakistan's infiltration.
Indian Army reacted and deployed four divisions to take back the strategic peaks for securing its main supply line in Kashmir. India's operation to recapture their territory was named "Operation Vijay". The battle escalated with continuous Indian assaults on the peaks while Pakistan Army was able to bring down effective artillery fire on Indian positions through much of the conflict as they commanded all strategic heights. From the observation posts, Pakistan Army had a clear view to target the Indian main supply route National Highway No.1 (NH 1) inflicting heavy casualties.






A Mujahid takes position on a ridge in a battle with the Indian Army during the Kargil conflict.

The Indians initially launched counter attacks to dislodge Pakistani troops from the heights and watershed area where it meets the Tololing ridge. Their focus was on controlling the peaks overlooking NH 1 and its stretches near the town of Kargil were of high importance for them. When these attacks were repulsed, the Indians in reaction raised their level of military force and inducted Bofor guns. As a result of their panic, they started massing up offensive and defensive forces in the Kargil-Drass area. Their panic was not only reflected in their military mass-up but also in their haste to give military awards. This was visible when they gave their highest military award posthumously to a soldier whose wife claimed that he was still alive and admitted in hospital.
After suffering casualties in the early phase of conflict, Indian Army changed their technique of attack and started containing the front while attacking from the flanks. They attacked limited objectives in every sub-sector at any one time by using utmost concentration of infantry and artillery. In addition, the difficult terrain of the area was not giving much benefit to the Indian Army.
"We are facing an enemy which does not differentiate between civil and army"
"The Indian soldiers jumped over their dead soldiers while retreating hastily"
"Ammunition dump of the Indian Army was destroyed which suffered Rs 2 mn loss"

In the third week of May 1999, Indian Army launched a reinforced attack on Tiger Hill and Tololing in Drass sector and later inducted IAF into the conflict. "Operation Safed Sagar" was the code-name assigned to IAF. At the same time, India was extremely active on the diplomatic front and its Ministry of External Affairs tried the best to show Pakistan as an aggressor.

"Hundreds of Indian Army dead bodies were lying inside Pak territory"
"Indians Army did not collect the bodies for days which started rotting"
"Hundreds of Indian Army dead bodies were lying inside Pak territory"
"Indians Army did not collect the bodies for days which started rotting"
Indian Air Force openly entered into the conflict on 26 May 1999 and launched air strikes 10 kms across LoC inside Pakistani territory. Pakistan warned that if India would continue to violate its airspace than it would target them in retaliation. On 27 May 1999, IAF MiG-27ML (Serial No. 1135) flown by Flt Lt K. Nachiketa of No. 9 Squadron intruded into Pakistan airspace at 11:15 a.m. (PST) near Hunzi Ghund. It intruded twice and first marked a Pakistani position on the LoC with smoke bombs and then came in for a rocketing and strafing attack on the same post. Gunner Shafaqat Ali commanded by Capt. Faheem Tipu of Air Defence using an ANZA-II SAM tracked and shot down the MiG as it exited. The pilot ejected and was taken POW. He resisted with his pistol after landing and was involved in a fire fight with Pakistani troops to evade capture.

Shortly later, two more Indian MiG-21 jets intruded into Pakistan airspace at 11:35 a.m. (PST) and dived in for a rocketing attack on the same Pakistani position. Naik Talib Hussain Basharat again commanded by Capt. Faheem Tipu started tracking and one of the MiG-21 (Serial No. C1539) was shot down again with ANZA-II SAM at a height of 1,500 metres. The wreckage fell 10-12 kilometres inside Pakistan territory. The pilot, Sqn Ldr Ajay Ahuja of No. 17 Squadron was killed and the body was handed over to India on 29 May 1999.

Pak Army soldiers with the tail of Indian MiG-21 fighter jet in Hunzi Ghund in Pakistan territory.
After the Indian jets were shot down, Indian media started a propaganda that Pakistan Army could not shoot any Indian aircrafts and the IAF is continuing their activities. The Pakistani defence spokesman Brig. Rashid Qureshi refuted it and cleared that after the Indian planes had been shot down they did not violate the Pakistani airspace and continued to patrol inside Indian territory at a very high altitude.
"Both IAF jets were shot inside Pak territory which were involved in hostile attack""A living prisoner is more useful than a dead one, Pak Army did not kill Ahuja"
"No one, not even the Defence Attache turned up to receive their own pilot"

When FIt Lt. Nachiketa was released on 4 June 1999 as a unilateral gesture of goodwill by Pakistan, on the order of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, no one, not even the Defence Attache turned up to receive their own pilot. The reason they did not want to be publicly seen receiving their prisoner pilot back. The Foreign Office had taken precautions to associate the ICRC with the wellbeing of the Indian pilot. They examined him and found him medically fit in the condition they took his custody and transported him to the border. Squadron Leader Ahuja's body was returned with full military honours by the Pakistan Army, that has always stuck by the traditions of the battlefield. As Ahuja's body was handed over to India, even before any post-mortem examination it raised alarm that Ahuja may have shot dead after he had parachuted safely to the ground. India had maintained that the Ahuja had "ejected after his MiG-21 was hit by a surface to air missile fired upon from across the LoC."Later India maintained that according to the post-mortem report Ahuja was shot twice-once through the ear and again in the chest. India launched strong protest with Pakistan over the 'brutal shooting' of Sqn Ldr. Ahuja by his Pakistani captors. This was another attempt to malign Pakistan in the eyes of the world. Knowing fully well that Ahuja fighter plane was shot down when it was engaged in rocketing, artillery firing and automatic firing. In such a combat situation some bullets hitting Ahuja can not be ruled out.
IAF changed their operational technique after their jets were shot down and used Jaguars and Mirage 2000 fighter jets. They also began using laser-guided bombs from high-altitude. As a result, their bombing was ineffective and they failed to clear the targets.


On 6 June 1999, Indian Army launched major offensive backed by air strikes in Kargil and Drass, reported by CNN. This attempt of India to move forward was successfully repulsed by Pak Army troops and Mujahideen. By 10 June 1999, when India was unable to take the peaks despite the expansion of conflict, they brought additional forces of infantry, artillery, Para/Commando battalions and PMF/BSF battalions into Kargil area.
After weeks of intense fighting and desperate Indian efforts to gain success, Indian Army made its first gain in Drass sector on 13 June 1999 by taking Tololing peak. This was the day when Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee also visited Kargil and along with his entourage merely escaped Pakistani shelling.
International pressure was also mounting on Pakistan and on 15 June 1999, US President President on telephone urged Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to pull back. On 29 June 1999, Indian Army managed to capture Point 5060 and 5100 near Tiger Hill.
A report released in Washington on 29 June 1999 said that India had suffered so badly in Kargil at the hands of Pakistani forces that the only way out for it is to attack Pakistan on a large scale. In an alarming letter to President Clinton as reported in the Washington Post, Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee wrote that New Delhi will be compelled to attack Pakistan if Islamabad failed to withdraw its forces from the Indian side of the Line of Control. The spectacle of hundreds of body bags of Indian soldiers coming down from the mountains in Kargil was creating an intense public pressure on the Indian Government to react.
Due to the difficult conditions in which the Indians were fighting, their victories were less glorious than their spokesman portrayed. By early July, Indian Army gained some ground in Mushkoh and Drass but was unable to make progress in Kaksar and Batalik despite putting constant pressure on the Pakistani troops and Mujahideen.
The Indian government banned Pakistan Television broadcasts in India and restricted foreign journalists from going to Kargil. Eleven former Indian generals and bureaucrats demanded 'suspension' of independent analyses of Kargil. They include, the hawk K Subrahmanyam, and two former foreign secretaries. They say Kargil 'is a test of the national will'. Hence any 'postmortem' by analysts should be suspended'. We must not talk about 'any inadequacies and failures that have led to the crisis'. At stake is our 'credibility as a nation'.
"India has given us the certificate of truth by banning PTV, Mushahid Hussain"
"Indian Army faced shortage of coffins during the conflict"

The blanket ban on foreign media and Pakistani broadcasts only shows the weakness of the Indian position on the Kargil situation. Indian Minister for External Affairs refused to appear on the CNN, while Pakistani foreign minister briefed the foreign media. Pakistan had also welcomed foreign media to go to LoC and see the situation themselves.

Gen Musharraf with other service chiefs and PM Nawaz Sharif present at a meeting in HQ 10 Corps. 22 June 1999END OF CONFLICT - THE WITHDRAWAL
A DCC (Defence Comittee of the Cabinet) meeting was held on 2 July 1999 in which the ongoing conflict was discussed. The military commanders including Gen Musharraf briefed the cabinet that Pakistan Army was militarily in a strong position. Prime Minister Sharif suggested for withdrawing from the strategic peaks, however it was cleared by Gen Musharraf that there was absolutely no need for withdrawal as Pak Army was in a dominating position. The Indian Army was practically gripped by their throat. The DCC meeting concluded without any decision for withdrawal and it was decided that another meeting would be held on 5 July 1999.

On the same night of 2 July 1999, Sharif called Musharraf on phone and told him to come over at Chaklala Airport as he was going to US. Musharraf along with Lt Gen Zia ud Din Butt came from Murree to meet the PM where again he was asked about withdrawing the forces. Musharraf again cleared that withdrawal is a political decision whereas Pakistan is militarily in a strong and dominating position. Whether PM Nawaz Sharif was able to sustain international pressure but he unilaterally went on his own to the United States.
When Nawaz Sharif left for US, the battle at Tiger Hills was underway which was surrounded with controversy as the Mujahideen had abandoned shelling and US President had agreed to meet Nawaz Sharif only on the pre-condition of withdrawal from Kargil.

After the withdrawal agreement was signed in Washington on 4 July 1999, Pak Army started withdrawing from Indian territory on 11 July 1999 and India reclaimed key peaks in Batalik. 16 July was set as deadline for complete withdrawal and Indian territory was reportedly fully vacated. On 26 July 1999, the conflict finally came to an end.
We have fought a great war in the mountains of Kashmir, but unfortunately, our then coward prime minister betrayed the nation and we had to retreat, and then, India has used its full propaganda machine to try to come out victorious after such a humiliation at the hands of few hundred Mujahideen.
Some facts are:
1.Total number of Mujahideen, at any stage did not exceed approx: 1000.
2. They captured one of the most difficult terrain and in intense cold environment.
3. They completely evaded the Indian intelligence machine and the (made in India) satellites pictures.
4. It was a total surprise to Indians when shepherds brought the news of invasion to Indian military machine, which took some days to realize its importance.
5. Indian chief of staff did not even cancelled his foreign visit.
6. The first search party of 60 Indian soldiers was completely annihilated and none of them returned.
7. The second search party of 259 Indian soldiers was either annihilated or injured.
8. The first Canberra reconnaissance mission ended up in a damaged Canberra plane, which did land in Srinagar and brought to Indians the actual scale of invasion.
9. Two Indian fighter jets - MiG-27 and MiG-21 were shot down.
10. An Indian Air Force Mi-17 helicopter was shot down killing its crew of four.
11. Indian Air force totally stopped all its operations and so did the military helicopters.
12. It took long time for the Indian Air Force to come back again, but only with Mirage 2000 planes dropping bombs from high altitude...and also using laser guided bombs.
13. A barrage of artillery pounding continued for the next 6 weeks, and in the end, even Bofor guns were employed, in order to score, as there did not seem to be any change in Mujahideen positions.
14. There was a huge loss to Indian military. There was a shortage of coffins. About 1700 Indian soldiers died and more than the same number injured.
15. About 50 Bofors bombs were used per Mujahideen amounting to US$50000 per person, apart from the various other ammunition used extensively including artillery shells, rockets from ground launchers and air and infantry attacks.
16. After all this efforts for nearly 2 months, it took Clinton to come to India´s rescue, and Pakistan had to retreat with 370 losses in life.
Pak Army and Mujahideen Withdraw From The Captured Peaks In Mid July 1999
Every conflict or war that starts eventually comes to an end and so did this conflict. Despite the forced withdrawal after PM Sharif rushed to US, Pakistan achieved success till the extent of meeting its strategic and tactical objectives while India's weaknesses were also exposed.
* Kashmir dispute was brought into world focus. It was internationally realized that the dispute needs urgent settlement as it has the potential to spark a major conflict and war between the two countries.
* Pak Army proved that it can give mightier Indian Army a militarily tough time in a low-intensity conflict. This is evident because India was time and again asking US to put pressure on Pakistan to pull back across the LoC.
* Pak Army was able to successfully counter Indian Army's assaults without any backup of PAF while IAF was fully deployed in assault role along LoC.
* At the time of Pakistan's withdrawal, India had managed to retake only 10-11% of the area. This was stated by Pakistani military sources as well as Indian sources who make reference to Col. Brian Cloughley's book called 'A History Of The Pakistan Army'.
* At the time of withdrawal, Indian Army formations had begun to fatigue which was assumed from Indian military transmissions. This was revealed in a briefing by FCNA on 12 January 2003.
* Pakistan's cost of war was very low as compared to India's cost of war.
* Kargil conflict has been a cause of great anguish to India which led to a commission to investigate their failures.


Fighters from Hizb-ul-Mujahideen offer Zuhar prayers in Kargil sector as conflict continued and Indian Army made desparate attempts to recapture the strategic peaks. 30 June 1999


Guerilla fighters from Hizb-ul-Mujahideen marching forward to join the battle in Kargil sector.


Captured and abandoned weapons of Indian Army at display.


Indian soldiers carry the body of Lt Col R Vishwanathan of 18 Grenadiers who was killed in an attack on Point 4590 on 2 June 1999.


Guerilla fighters belonging to Al-Badar Mujahideen at their snow covered bunker in Kargil sector. 30 June 1999
Their shupa
All proves are conspiracies nd lies against Pakistan, hence hv zero credibility. The real truth nd history are taught in Pakistani Madasras formed by there Mard E Momin Gen. Zia.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
And your extremists terrorist Hindu political parties to trying harass the Muslims of India including Kashmir:lol::lol::lol::enjoy:
That is your indian army nonsense version. They were being slapped by your public and media because they could'nt save the occupied IOK. After all they have to come up with a face saving after thousands of bharti occupier terrorists were eliminated by Pakistanis and Kashmiris.

Remember you even claim this same nonsense about Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan, but the fact is that these areas are more peaceful than your Mumbai and overwhelming majority want to be part of Pakistan already without waiting for IOK status.

Whatever dude, I'm asking you to substantiate your claim that Pak won. But there was no land gain, whatever be the reason. You lost and were humiliated. All you are doing was jumping up and down for the death of soldiers. Well, that still doesn't change the fact you lost. EU and US asked you to back off, including the G8 countries asked you to scram.

Keep spinning some stories like that.
Whatever dude, I'm asking you to substantiate your claim that Pak won. But there was no land gain, whatever be the reason. You lost and were humiliated. All you are doing was jumping up and down for the death of soldiers. Well, that still doesn't change the fact you lost. EU and US asked you to back off, including the G8 countries asked you to scram.

Keep spinning some stories like that.

Cuckoo talk
True... they are harassing. These Bigots hv banned 3ple talak. Withdrawn Haj Subsidy. Promoting and incentivizing Muslim girls higher Education (Damn these Hindu Terrorists). Soon they r planning to abolish "Halala"(O Ghosh... Gross injustice to Maulanas). Planning to implement Uniform Civil code (after that no more 4 wives:angry::angry:). Targeting Pakistan Sponsored Kashmiri Jihadis. Smoking them out of there Rat hole nd Brutally killing them. etc.etc.etc
Show me the evidence that Pakistan Sponsored Kashmir jihadists who killed in IOK those so called your jihadist is a divided family members of IOK living across LOC but your TERRORISTS army genocide the Kashmiris, may be you can change your religion as much as you want but we can't change our religion:enjoy:
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