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Wasim Akram to marry aussie girl

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So like guys, do girls too categorize and segregate mentally guys into "have fun with" versus "potential mate" categories. I am asking because I want to pre-arm myself so that I automatically always fall into the former group.

lol well looking at subcontinental society, mostly girls in the region look for potential mate in such relations. However, there are some a certain type one who consider minting every bughead :P and also there are some who just exploit these bugheads aka men and kick them hard in the end. :P i feel every girl should use her boot for kicking their @$$
lol well looking at subcontinental society, mostly girls in the region look for potential mate in such relations. However, there are some a certain type one who consider minting every bughead :P and also there are some who just exploit these bugheads aka men and kick them hard in the end. :P i feel every girl should use her boot for kicking their @$$

It is very difficult to understand how girls think. I have given up trying. Now I base everything on how or what I would do, and have stopped worrying if it is diametrically opposite for girls. If it turns out that way, I have also perfected art of looking genuinely surprised and contrite.
Can I get a Pakistani bride... ??

Is Inter-country marriage is allowed? I will not force her to follow my religion, she can follow her religion and faith..

Kyon ji..?? Why to prefer Pakistani over Indian? There are lot of Indian Chicks studying with me at NIT Srinagar. They might suit you extra-ordinary.
وسيم اکرم کا آسٹريليا کی خاتون سے شادی کرنےکا فيصلہ؛ منگنی ھو گئ ھے۔ اسلام قبول کر چکی ھيں۔
مسلم ليگ-ن اورفضل الرحمان کا يہودی قرار دينے کا مشترکہ اصولی فيصله

But I don't see anything like that. Is there no related news? Rather it says, she died because of negligence of doctors.

Of course you don't see that...media can do anything it wants!

And in the end, every aggrieved party tries to absolve themselves of their negligence by saying 'negligence of doctors'.

Truth is, she was a drug addict. A big one at that.

Depression? I heard she was unwell with some incurable condition?

No, not the depression drugs or medicines, but the bad type.
Truth is, she was a drug addict. A big one at that.

No, not the depression drugs or medicines, but the bad type.

Oh that is really surprising. I read she was a doctor and how she use to take care of Wasim bhai's diabetes so he was always fit to play. Depressing man .....
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