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Wasim Akram to marry aussie girl

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It amazes me that an ex Pakistan cricketer, who at one time was accused of engineering Pak defeat to India, marrying girl of his choice is so important to Pakistan Defence that there are 19 pages of posts in this thread!

Everyone is entitled to happiness and if Wasim thinks he will be happy living with this women for the rest of his life; it is his business. Let us leave it at that.
Well Wasim married a non muslim and for love. He says very dubiously she has converted as if converting to Islam is like buying a beer from my local.

He proposed to her in a Christian manner so what more can I say. It must hurt your ego but he chose love over his religion and you are blinkered enough not to see that. Hurrah for Wasim & Sherrie.
man first she is not non Muslim any more she is a Muslim now secondly he proposed her and that proposal had nothing to do with Christianity and he chose first Islam than girl and we wish them happy you are free too real jealous from Islam the greatest way off life and another person. converted to Islam keep on living in denial but fact is she is a Muslim now
A man has 'needs'. Whats all the fuss about? :pop:
The woman hasn't converted though. Don't know if this is halal.
Muslim Marriage Advice – How to Propose for Marriage

You shouldn’t approach the girl yourself. The best thing is to let a female mahram third party like your sister approach her and ask if she was interested in marriage. If you think she’ll accept, then engage your parents. Getting your parents involved from the begining would be the right thing to do.
If he was not worried about a reaction in Pakistan why would he bluster she converted to Islam as if it as simple as buying a beer at a pub?

Well its was the lady's choice and unless you have evidences of some foul play or religion being forced on her- come out with it instead of assuming assuming assuming-

Check up with your local mullah how to convert to Islam and how to propose to gals family in Islam. Kneeling down in front of a women comes from the times of the Knights and Christianity.

I have enough knowledge of Islam to rebuff your idea of a Islamic way of proposing to a women-
In simple terms there is none- i know my religion you dont- so stop pretending-

Kneeling down is a romantic and efficient way to propose a women- and it has nothing to do with religion- so stop trying to make it one-
man first she is not non Muslim any more she is a Muslim now secondly he proposed her and that proposal had nothing to do with Christianity and he chose first Islam than girl and we wish them happy you are free too real jealous from Islam the greatest way off life and another person. converted to Islam keep on living in denial but fact is she is a Muslim now
The woman hasn't converted to Islam and isn't planning to. So its haram however you look at it.
Muslim Marriage Advice – How to Propose for Marriage

You shouldn’t approach the girl yourself. The best thing is to let a female mahram third party like your sister approach her and ask if she was interested in marriage. If you think she’ll accept, then engage your parents. Getting your parents involved from the begining would be the right thing to do.

Dont exempt one line- "Allah knows Best"- it is written at the end-
Since you pretend you know about Islam you should know this line is written in case where one is not sure about the advice he is giving according to Islam- :lol:-

and since you have quoted the answer- Do you even know which scholar is he?- Do you even know his gender?- :lol:-
stop making fool out of yourself-

If there is a declared authentic Islamic way of proposing to a girl in Islam- then by not following it should be a Sin- there must be some sort of punishment if a Muslim does not follow it-
Use your google skills if you can find any- :lol:-

The woman hasn't converted to Islam and isn't planning to. So its haram however you look at it.

Another internet hindu--
tell me how is it Haram?-
Do you think a Muslim man cannot marry a christian- jew or any other women from the Book?-

wtf is wrong with this place- the indians- and their stupid general knowledge- Stupid people-
Before you accept her has a muslim you may want to check if she is of Ahmedia or shia belief so that you don't loose sleep over who is a true muslim. Also ask your mullah how do you convert to Islam.

man first wasim is a sunni secondly you only have say Allah is the god and he should be worshipped alone and that hazrat Muhammad saw is the last messenger and that you believe in angels books likq Quran and which came before Quran all the prophets which came before hazrat Muhammad saw too and on day off judgement sir and she would also say this during her nikah to tell the world that she is a Muslim but until than you are free to real jealous and if want to live in pain your choice

The woman hasn't converted though. Don't know if this is halal.

she has converted to Islam
Dont exempt one line- "Allah knows Best"-

and since you have quoted the answer- Do you even know which scholar is he?- Do you even know his gender?- :lol:-
stop making fool out of yourself-

If there is a declared authentic Islamic way of proposing to a girl in Islam- the not following it will be a Sin- there must be some sort of punishment if a Muslim does not follow it-
Use your google skills if you can find any- :lol:-

Another internet hindu--
tell me how is it Haram?-
Do you think a Muslim man cannot marry a christian- jew or any other women from the Book?-

wtf is wrong with this place- the indians- and their stupid general knowledge- Stupid people-

only person who is making a fool of himself here is you. Wasim married for love and religion unfortunately in this case Islam & Christianity came second but you can try to put spiel on it. If he was not worried why would he say she has converted to Islam yet he is unable to give her Islamic name to the press.

man first wasim is a sunni secondly you only have say Allah is the god and he should be worshipped alone and that hazrat Muhammad saw is the last messenger and that you believe in angels books likq Quran and which came before Quran all the prophets which came before hazrat Muhammad saw too and on day off judgement sir and she would also say this during her nikah to tell the world that she is a Muslim but until than you are free to real jealous and if want to live in pain your choice

she has converted to Islam

Sure you were present there Mullah Z to convert her. What muslim name did you give her? Did you confirm her beliefs were sunni, Shia or Ahmedia?
only person who is making a fool of himself here is you. Wasim married for love and religion unfortunately in this case Islam & Christianity came second but you can try to put spiel on it. If he was not worried why would he say she has converted to Islam yet he is unable to give her Islamic name to the press.

the answer is simple-

Let me break it down to you-

He found a gori love- good for him- nothing to do with religion-
She became a Muslim- Great for him- Bonus- nothing to do with religion- because the Marriage is still allowed-

Just to let you know- Him making her a Muslim as you so want to prove only adds to the fact that he has put his religion over Love-
who knows if she has not accepted to become a Muslim- he would have dumped her like Sushmita for not agreeing to convert- :whistle:--
only person who is making a fool of himself here is you. Wasim married for love and religion unfortunately in this case Islam & Christianity came second but you can try to put spiel on it. If he was not worried why would he say she has converted to Islam yet he is unable to give her Islamic name to the press.

Sure you were present there Mullah Z to convert her. What muslim name did you give her? Did you confirm her beliefs were sunni, Shia or Ahmedia?

first name change is not required. secondly let her come in front she will tell you why she converted to Islam and how so by than please feel jealous
Just to let you know- Him making her a Muslim as you so want to proof only adds to the fact that he has put religion over Love-
who knows if she has not accepted to become a Muslim- he would have dumped her like Sushmita for not agreeing to convert- :whistle:--



Yes he is probably forced to lie because he has family in Pakistan and there enough nut jobs who may take offense. So love took priority over religion since the only truth we know is

He took her Fathers permission.
He went on bent knee a proposed to her.

Whether she can quote verses from the quran we will never know.
first name change is not required. secondly let her come in front she will tell you why she converted to Islam and how so by than please feel jealous

She already came on record and said how he proposed to her what was the truth and she never said anything about Islam so till then you need to hold your high horses too. If she had converted to Islam before meeting Wasim or even before he proposed to her then there would be some merit in your claim.

No speculations will only shut you and your foolish arguments down- you want to know why- SEE BELOW-


A Speculation- :hitwall:-

Yes he is probably forced to lie because he has family in Pakistan and there enough nut jobs who may take offense. So love took priority over religion since the only truth we know is

Another speculation- :hitwall: :hitwall:-

He took her Fathers permission.
He went on bent knee a proposed to her.

that proves only this-
that He is a good Muslim- a gentleman- He made it official- He did not want to marry a woman without her family being involved or their consent- Purely Islamicaly done- and well done- RESPECT !!!

Whether she can quote verses from the quran we will never know.

another speculation but that need answer-
sure once she learns Quran she will be able to quote-:azn:-

So Mr @Always Neutral any more useless speculations?-
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