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Washington covertly contacts anti-Pakistan Taliban

Which incident was this? Not even the Chinese communist party has brought this up. :lol:
Check googlebooks and you'll fine your reference.

If Marshall had not been so anxious to get a cease-fire between the
Communists and Nationalists, the US might have made more of the Anping Ambush
of July 1946. (Are three US Marines killed and one later dying of his wounds
"significant fighting"? It depends in part on the attitude the US takes
toward it.) Making urban revolution in China ... - Joseph K. S. Yick - Google Books

"Yenan initially believed the reports of its East Hibei Militaty District
that US forces had been supporting Nationalist troops in an attack on An
Ping. They interpreted the incident as an indication that the United States
was prepared to intervene militarily on the side of Chiang in the civil war.
Chou En-lai speculated that perahps the Marines had provoked an incident so
as to justify their continued presence in China. It was not until two weeks
later that the East Hibei Military District admitted that its troops had
first opened fire on the Americans. The Central Committee considered
axknowledging the mistake but decided instead to stonewall, noting that many
Chinese accepted the Communists' propaganda and blamed the incident on the

"Marshall angrily told Chou that he knew what had actually happened, but he
chose not to make an issue of the incident. He was convinced that a public
statement would only play 'directly into the hands of the small group in the
Kuomintang who are blocking me in my efforts to terminate the fighting.'..."
In the Ruins of Empire: The Japanese ... - Ronald H. Spector - Google Books
Maybe I should edit my post. Bombing is not correct, replace it with 'US military invention'.
Excellent post Mercenary. I do believe that most Pakistanis will agree with you here. So far US has failed to win our hearts as she's dealt with our (military) leaders only. There is no sign of any development in non-military sectors but destruction is everywhere.
Let USA get involved in public sector, this is the only way to win popular support.

Sofar $500+ billion is wasted in Afghanistan. Imagine what we could have done if only $50 billion was invested in infrastructure, industry, trade, education, health sector in Pakistan.

Al Qaeda and the Taliban don't care about such things and they would just destroy it all, just like blowing up schools for women. They respect strength and death. Gaddafi was killed by death not by investing in infrastructures.
Excellent post Mercenary. I do believe that most Pakistanis will agree with you here. So far US has failed to win our hearts as she's dealt with our (military) leaders only. There is no sign of any development in non-military sectors but destruction is everywhere.
Let USA get involved in public sector, this is the only way to win popular support.

Sofar $500+ billion is wasted in Afghanistan. Imagine what we could have done if only $50 billion was invested in infrastructure, industry, trade, education, health sector in Pakistan.

US has dealt with Pakistan in a very myopic view. They use Pakistan for short term interests and discard once the use has been done.

There needs to be a committed investment in Pakistan or no investment at all.

Pakistan cannot be strung out to dry any more.

USA needs to emulate their policy towards Pakistan the way China does.

Invest in long term projects, free trade between countries, and upgrade our armed forces
Al Qaeda and the Taliban don't care about such things and they would just destroy it all, just like blowing up schools for women. They respect strength and death. Gaddafi was killed by death not by investing in infrastructures.

Huh? You missed my point, I am talking about devenlopment in Pakistan, not Afghanistan.
Excellent post Mercenary. I do believe that most Pakistanis will agree with you here. So far US has failed to win our hearts as she's dealt with our (military) leaders only. There is no sign of any development in non-military sectors but destruction is everywhere.
Let USA get involved in public sector, this is the only way to win popular support.

Sofar $500+ billion is wasted in Afghanistan. Imagine what we could have done if only $50 billion was invested in infrastructure, industry, trade, education, health sector in Pakistan.

What is return of investment for US, are you handing over haqqani?
The UK has been America's friend for centuries now and still UK is a very prosperous country.

Why then is the US' friendship dangerous only for Pakistan?

Your logic seems to fail once again.


Bad assessment---the british were the masters of the americans at one time---now they are the first cousins---different relationship between pak and u s----plus the british have no character of their own---when the americans say jump---they say how high---but that is also at fighting battles on foreign lands---if this battle was raging on british land---they would have made peace at all costs-----remeber IRA----those guys were bombing 10 Downing street but the peace talks were still going on.
Maj Nevers,

Please tell your CENTCOM that the death of our soldiers is as hard for us to accept as 9/11 was for you. Its no use to delay the outcome of your in-depth investigation, things have never been as crystal clear for us as they are now. Either you are with us or you are against us. Killing those soldier doesn't really look like you are with us anymore...I wonder if you ever were.

It is time for our nations to part ways, it will not be easy but we will survive sans US support of any kind. Most Pakistani's are convinced that we are fighting YOUR war against a very high price and no appreciation at all.

Dear “Alpha Omega”

The frustration is clearly evident and certainly understandable at the moment. While we have enjoyed the highs of our relationship after capturing some of the top terrorist leaders through our combined efforts, there is no question that last weekend’s tragedy has brought us low. And still, our common interest in defeating terrorism leaves us with a hope of repairing the damage caused by this latest incident. The anger is prompting most to immediately draw a conclusion, but we humbly ask everyone to await the outcome of the ongoing investigation. The results will allow us to better analyze the situation. Meanwhile, those who forced us to join hands are still at it full throttle. Al-Qaeda just kidnapped a 70 year old aid worker, and Taliban have already claimed responsibility for the killings of 70 near the NATO base in the Logar province. The conspiracy theorists are once again busy spreading their fantasies, and ultimately, the responsibility of clearing the region of terrorism still rests with our governments. It has been said that these are the times that try men’s souls. But we must not, in this time of crisis, shrink from our common purpose. We again send our deepest condolences to those affected by this tragedy.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
During this investigation why different versions of the stories are coming from the American side right now?

We all know that the details of the investigation should meant to be not known by any body as the the US commander told few days back.

Will it not create confusion in the American people minds?

Bad assessment---the british were the masters of the americans at one time---now they are the first cousins---different relationship between pak and u s----plus the british have no character of their own---when the americans say jump---they say how high---but that is also at fighting battles on foreign lands---if this battle was raging on british land---they would have made peace at all costs-----remeber IRA----those guys were bombing 10 Downing street but the peace talks were still going on.

Man look at Canada, England, Germany, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Taiwan, etc.

How many more examples should I give?
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